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Do berries give more water than they used to?


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  • SarahMonette changed the title to Do berries give more water than they used to?
14 hours ago, sjskdjkfa said:

Less, much less. Berries imhop are not a viable source of quenching thirst anymore. Years ago they were. You are probably having your water go up due to some light rain. Some regions I think it can rain with out visible effect.

Yeah, Extinction has this most noticable. Though when you gain water through rain ,its not going up "slowly" its rather fast, like getting submerged into water i believe... Though he might be on Aberration and eating the berries along with aquatic mushrooms?? 

He/She notices water going up "slowly" hence talks about it going up "faster" than he/she used to think it would?
I somehow feel like this is a trick-question...

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17 hours ago, sjskdjkfa said:

Less, much less. Berries imhop are not a viable source of quenching thirst anymore. Years ago they were. You are probably having your water go up due to some light rain. Some regions I think it can rain with out visible effect.

True!!! Very early game it used to work very well. Not now though.


9 hours ago, Pipinghot said:

What map are you on? Some maps have more rain than others.

Also, according to the wiki the amount of water per berry is that same as it has always been (0.2 units of water per berry).

Yeah I saw the wiki thing- but I just last week was playing a very old (circa 2015) version of Ark, and can state that berries were MUCH better at providing water than they are now. A stack of 100 berries in that version will fill both food and water. In current game, the water gain of berries is no where near that.

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58 minutes ago, DirkInSA said:

True!!! Very early game it used to work very well. Not now though.


Yeah I saw the wiki thing- but I just last week was playing a very old (circa 2015) version of Ark, and can state that berries were MUCH better at providing water than they are now. A stack of 100 berries in that version will fill both food and water. In current game, the water gain of berries is no where near that.

Remembered and seconded.

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10 hours ago, SunsetErosion said:

He/She notices water going up "slowly" hence talks about it going up "faster" than he/she used to think it would?
I somehow feel like this is a trick-question...

Lol yea... perhaps op could comment on whether they in fact ate a stack of berries before noticing a water gain? ...cause they do in fact still give some water. I've used  them to prevent passing out in extreme circumstances, just not as a primary source.

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11 hours ago, DirkInSA said:

Yeah I saw the wiki thing- but I just last week was playing a very old (circa 2015) version of Ark, and can state that berries were MUCH better at providing water than they are now. A stack of 100 berries in that version will fill both food and water. In current game, the water gain of berries is no where near that.

Ahh ok, so I'm remembering the wiki wrong. I thought it always said 0.2 but apparently not.

I guess this means that if someone wanted to look at an old version of the wiki they would find that the number used to be higher than 0.2

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1 hour ago, Pipinghot said:

Ahh ok, so I'm remembering the wiki wrong. I thought it always said 0.2 but apparently not.

I guess this means that if someone wanted to look at an old version of the wiki they would find that the number used to be higher than 0.2

Aah Well - It don't matter, cause it is not extant now. (Right now you can by hand harvest 2398 berries from 2 bushes, instead of them old days when you got like 3 berries from a bush ;) )

An interesting "side issue" to OP's question - do mejeo still give more food (/water?) than other berries? Used to be they were double - but I have not taken note if that still obtains?


On 2/26/2023 at 9:26 PM, SarahMonette said:

I noticed my water going up slowly over time anyone else notice this?

As per the posts above, this has always been a mechanic in Ark. But the rates have varied drastically over time. It is possible (but unlikely) that the game has recently altered water gain from berries. What is more likely is that when you saw it this happening you were in a "safe" environment while digesting the berries (they work over time - not all at once), and so in the absence of an external water drain (heat - whatever) saw your water going up. Whereas if you ate a bunch of berries "out in the open", the water gain from berries would not be enough to reflect as a positive gain on your actual water stat?

Otherwise you ate mejoe's (as opposed to other) berries, and they maybe still have a better gain, and you now notice it?

I dunno - (as above) there are too many questions before a good answer can be given. But from the "release notes" (which I don't really trust) the answer is no - berries do not suddenly have a better water gain than the near past.

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17 minutes ago, Joebl0w13 said:

Found the answer:

  • Since v246 (and the release of the DLC Scorched Earth) Berries only restore 0.2 water (except Narcoberries and Stimberries).

So they must have provided more on the Island in the old days.

Well found!! - Question stands - do Mejoe's still do more than the other lot? I ain't tried it recently, and am damed if I am gonna search through release notes ;)

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Just now, DirkInSA said:

Well found!! - Question stands - do Mejoe's still do more than the other lot? I ain't tried it recently, and am damed if I am gonna search through release notes ;)

Didn't see any evidence of that. They do give more food than other berries, but only to dinos.

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11 hours ago, sjskdjkfa said:

Lol yea... perhaps op could comment on whether they in fact ate a stack of berries before noticing a water gain? ...cause they do in fact still give some water. I've used  them to prevent passing out in extreme circumstances, just not as a primary source.

Same, sometimes Im too lazy to get to water and get water full, when you eat a good stack of berries, you never really run out of water, as long as the foodbar is visible, it means your water is also going up. Though your water will continue to go up even when the foodbar is full. On SE it means your toon is constantly crying for water, but it goes from 0.1 to zero, then back to 0.1 etc So you gain stamina normally and you dont pass out if you arent doing anything else physically... On the long run, you dont have to get to water every 5 minutes, you just eat a few stack of berries and you are good for 15 minutes maybe even 30 minutes...

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4 hours ago, DirkInSA said:

OK, it used to be for peeps as well as dino's .... So that also maybe changed somewhere. Again history probably don't matter, what is extant now matters.

Mejo berries just give food like other berries except narcoberry. nacroberry gives more food.
To herbivores/omnivores, mejoberries give a bit more food like Joe says. Stim decreases food for dinos, also wild dinos. It could be used to faster tame a dino as it decreases food... Nacroberries dont affect food for animals...

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