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Known Issues: Primitive Plus


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I wont lie, I havent read through the whole thread, but anytime you demolish anything near a lumber dining gateway/lumber dino gateway door, or demolish either of them, me and my gf bluescreen. Also, glass??? Idk if that's been said....hmm...the whole opening options from the pause screen makes me bluescreen.... other than that I feel like most other stuff is common? I play like everyday as well so this is stuff I notice a lot. But again, I dont know what can be fixed, or what is unfixable...etc.

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On 4/9/2019 at 2:18 PM, Beaverted said:


Here are some Problems Prim+ has , since long time and short time:


- Dino Transfer


Many Dino's are not possible to transfer to Center/Island...

Aberation Dinos deal many problems.. because atm you are able to transfer Reaper's but no Light Pets -> make them kind of op in prim+ ...


- Bee Hives

atm Bee Hives dont produce Bee Wax, only Bee Honey. Bee Wax is an important Ressource for prim+


- Hazard Suits:

Actual you only can craft them in a Fabricator + The crafting mats are ressetted to original crafting recipe with gas balls and  polymer -> was  prim+ leather and prim+ glas before


- Grinding Stone

The Grinding Stone has 16 slots but  high end Blueprints  need much more Ressource- maybe you can increase the Item Slots on these ?


- Plant Z

It is not possible to place Z Seeds into the Large Crop Plot


-Tepee's (Not on PS4)

Teppes dont work on Ragnarok, on other maps they work but are mega buggy - you want to respawn at the tepee but it teleports you to a random spawn area on the map


- Primitive Plus Structures

Many Structures are not Paintable.... Brick Ceilings Brick Pillar.. Brick gates, Lumber gates ..................................


-Primitive Plus Structures missing ?

-> Brick Behemoth Gate ?

-> Brick Behmoth  Hatchframe ?


- S+ Primitive Plus Structures (triangle)



- X plants 100 Turrent Cap

In Prim+ are X plants the only Tower defense (Rock Golems and Dimo Towers also possible) but  atm its  nearly impossible to build a base in an open field, because a breed Giga can easy tank and destroy all xplants in senconds.

Maybe  you increase the Xplant cap to 150-200 ? or Increase Xplant HP /DMG ?


- Beacons

Atm Beacons are  dropping Fabricator super rarely .... I suggest thats not intended- plz remove

- Rock Drake Blueprints missing ob aberation (from drops)


-Primitive plus Vegtables

Since the new kibble rework- all prim+ vegtable doenst work for dinos anymore


-Prim plus Meat

- Cooked Poultry and Cooked Rips doenst work anymore for Dino Food

* The Teepees and Hammocks works fine on PS4.

* Primitive+ Ramps do not have Stair Option.

* Water Well and Bucket doesn't work. (I have no idea how it's suppose to?)

* Yurt is instant Pickup. This is a problem because it breaks everything inside if the player hits 'The Wrong Button'.

Also it would be great if we have the Option to Attach a Door to it.

* There's unused Resources and Structures:

- Fabric, and the Spinning Mule

It would be really Awesome if we could have special textures crafted from the Spinning Mule like: Carpet (scaling from 1 foundation to 10x10 foundation floor, Bed Cover Skins (place on Bed before placing), Clothing Skins (so we can enjoy looking good in the game) also it helps for RP servers.

Sleep On Bed Option is Disabled..

- Sink does not work.

It would be nice if there were a 'Stopper/Plug Option' for the Water Taps.

* The WinterWonderland Event was Disabled on Primitive+.

* Wooden Table is disabled in Primitive.

* It also would be great to have a skin to switch between:

(Standard) Large Storage Box and Primitive.

(Standard) Bed and Primitive.

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The decay timers on Prim+ work stations appears to be unilaterally 4 days. This is a real issue with things like smokehouses which can contain valuable resources and require brick to make. Should really be classed as brick for damage/decay purposes.

No prim+ weapon BPs from any air drop on any map.

Industrial grill burns coal at a rate significantly higher than either the forge or cooker.

By far the biggest issue is the loading time. My tribemate simply cannot log in to our official Ragnarok server anymore because she times out every attempt to log in (after 45 minutes I might add). Logging into Aberration still takes 45 minutes but she can get in with 1 timeout only. We have been diligently doing this for 2 years.

Edit: Forgot to mention the smallet steel safe box which costs 50 steel and 20 paste has a reocurring bug which gives it 350 storage. I believe it's related to changes being made to the vanilla vault as it first occurred when their storage capacity was increased to 350. 

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On 4/9/2019 at 1:51 PM, Cedric said:

Better confirmation on existing bugs in Primitive + will help prioritize and make sure these bugs are getting addressed.  Please let me know if there's anything I'm missing!  

Gameplay Bugs

  • Loot Drops - Some are reporting loot is not dropping while some seem unaffected [Confirmation Needed]
  • Canteen Crafting - Unable to craft the canteen
  • Kibble Consumption - Some are reporting the new kibble isn't working as intended [Confirmation Needed]
  • Kibble Crafting - Cauldron  is unable to craft the new kibble
  • Coal Harvesting - Some are reporting the inability to harvest coal 
  • Forge Crafting - Unable to craft Primitive+ specific resources in the forge
  • Mailbox - The mailbox isn't working on specific platforms (console)
  • Aberration Hazard Suit - Invalid crafting materials
  • Explorer Notes - Some are reporting the inability to see explorer notes  [Confirmation Needed]
  • Bee Hives - Some are reporting the inability to harvest beeswax and problems with beehive functionality.
  • Aberration Saddles - Some aberration saddles appear to be missing
  • S+ Green House Glass - Unable to be crafted in crafting tables
  • Harpoon / Tanq Spear Bolt - Unable to craft
  • Lumber Glass Ceiling - Placement issues on XBOX

Quality of Life Bugs

  • Snap Points - Revision on the snap points for Primitive+ structures
  • Collision Boxes - Revision on collision for Primitive+ structures
  • Damage Balance (Weapons, Plant X) - To accommodate for a primitive experience
  • Lumber Texture/Mesh Changes - Structure changes mesh/textures after leaving render distance

Species z not able to be planted on Aberation prim + Xbox severs

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the prime fish issue is actualy happening on all of ark not just primitive plus..... tames can't harvest prime fish meat for quiet some time actualy...... inless u use a itchyornis and it kills the fish and makes it shiney then anything that can harvest fish can get some prime fish meat but its only sometimes and not 100% but still its better then say killing a megalodon....... and harvesting it and just getting fish meat when its surpose to give prime fish meat also and i think the eels were surpose to give prime fish to..... atleast at one point like when they first got released.......... thats been bugged for the longest........ 

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I play on a Nitrado P+ server in Ragnarok and testest it on several herbivores, e.g. Doedicurus and Kentrosaurus: The new kibble does not work. Those creatures for example need regular kibble, but it provides only 0.1% taming progress. Giving them superior kibble instead is not working as well. The only chance is to spawn the old specific dino kibble they wanted before the kibble update. It seems like the developers forgot Primitive Plus once again when they published an update.

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@Korkopadraig Merged your thread here. Your issue is listed in the main post on the first page:

On 4/9/2019 at 1:51 PM, Cedric said:

Kibble Consumption - Some are reporting the new kibble isn't working as intended [Confirmation Needed]

If you can provide more details about the issue, please do so as it might help them investigate and get a fix for it. :)

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Playing Primitive Plus on unofficial Ragnarok server on Xbox One. Can not harvest coal (obsidion pickaxe on obsidion vein), can not feed queen bee for passive tame (ghillie, bug repellant, rare flowers), and no loot drops. Which means no industrial crafting, unable to get supplies for longbow or recurve, and well, no loot drops.

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4 hours ago, SuthrnJustice said:

How about adding in a less damaging tranq method, maybe a blowgun or something like that? A lot of creatures are not easy or are unable to be tamed because they take too much damage and have too high torpor

There are items available to help with this problem. Doesn't even require thinking outside the box.

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On 4/11/2019 at 7:46 PM, Ahrvanas said:

The decay timers on Prim+ work stations appears to be unilaterally 4 days. This is a real issue with things like smokehouses which can contain valuable resources and require brick to make. Should really be classed as brick for damage/decay purposes.

No prim+ weapon BPs from any air drop on any map.

Industrial grill burns coal at a rate significantly higher than either the forge or cooker.

By far the biggest issue is the loading time. My tribemate simply cannot log in to our official Ragnarok server anymore because she times out every attempt to log in (after 45 minutes I might add). Logging into Aberration still takes 45 minutes but she can get in with 1 timeout only. We have been diligently doing this for 2 years.

Edit: Forgot to mention the smallet steel safe box which costs 50 steel and 20 paste has a reocurring bug which gives it 350 storage. I believe it's related to changes being made to the vanilla vault as it first occurred when their storage capacity was increased to 350. 

I'd recommend to load the engrams in the singleplayer menu and then go to the server list and try joining the server. This way the game loads the PrimalGameData before trying to connect to the server.

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On 4/9/2019 at 1:51 PM, Cedric said:

Better confirmation on existing bugs in Primitive + will help prioritize and make sure these bugs are getting addressed.  Please let me know if there's anything I'm missing!  

Gameplay Bugs

  • Loot Drops - Some are reporting loot is not dropping while some seem unaffected [Confirmation Needed]
  • Canteen Crafting - Unable to craft the canteen
  • Kibble Consumption - Some are reporting the new kibble isn't working as intended [Confirmation Needed]
  • Kibble Crafting - Cauldron  is unable to craft the new kibble
  • Coal Harvesting - Some are reporting the inability to harvest coal 
  • Forge Crafting - Unable to craft Primitive+ specific resources in the forge
  • Mailbox - The mailbox isn't working on specific platforms (console)
  • Aberration Hazard Suit - Invalid crafting materials
  • Explorer Notes - Some are reporting the inability to see explorer notes  [Confirmation Needed]
  • Bee Hives - Some are reporting the inability to harvest beeswax and problems with beehive functionality.
  • Aberration Saddles - Some aberration saddles appear to be missing
  • S+ Green House Glass - Unable to be crafted in crafting tables
  • Harpoon / Tanq Spear Bolt - Unable to craft
  • Lumber Glass Ceiling - Placement issues on XBOX

Quality of Life Bugs

  • Snap Points - Revision on the snap points for Primitive+ structures
  • Collision Boxes - Revision on collision for Primitive+ structures
  • Damage Balance (Weapons, Plant X) - To accommodate for a primitive experience
  • Lumber Texture/Mesh Changes - Structure changes mesh/textures after leaving render distance

Need to fix tree stands snap to trees in aberration 

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Kibble still doesn’t work for taming except for a handful of creatures. 

Anky def doesn’t prefer regular kibble spino doesn’t want exceptional dire bears and wolves don’t want superior so either show me the list I don’t have access to or fix ffs. Ruined so many perfect tames praying for the kibble to work on a decent Dino and not trash tames like a dodo 

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Well, after the update, I went to engrams to finally unlock the Canteen, but... it was not there

since you need to add again canteen, add traq darts too

also, my clients running mac and linux are still unable to log in, for the official servers do not show on the list.?



Bee Hives are back to 8 slots only, put it back to 45 slots please

greenhouse double door frame and door are still not craftable in the advanced workbench 

stegos and mammoth are still not harvestable by Gigas


and so on


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idk if i should say this here or else where but last update broke the trike's charge attack tamed and wild ones can't charge then the update before this one and today's update one of the past updates broke the sarco's lunge attack for tamed ones not working properly causeing the mounted sarco to leap backwards from what it was faceing and then wild rex's roar doesn't do what its intended to....... stunning low Fortitude boosted players they just roar there lunges out for no reason cause it doesn't do anything anymore meanwhile a tamed rex can stun roar argents out of the sky stunning and immoblizeing them temporary includeing wolves.... these need to be fixed also  LaikaIwanowa ur right that was a bug on consoles but last update before the easter update fixed it so they didn't dissappear anymore : o

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There have been 2 updates in the last month or so... Since the first, there are some issues in Primitive + No Supply Drops, kibble won't cook anywhere but an industrial cooker and the kibble that is coming up won't tame animals.  Last night I noticed a taming issues... Lvl 90 sabertooth hit with about 30-40 tranq arrows, wouldn't go down.

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New player here on this great game (2 weeks) !!!

For now the only bug I have concerning primitive+ is that I can't play it, at launch (without any mods evidently) it loads and works for 10-15mn before returning to the launch screen or the desktop :D

But I don't lost hope because it the version I WANT to play and corresponding the better to my gameplay :)

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