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Known Issues: Primitive Plus


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Better confirmation on existing bugs in Primitive + will help prioritize and make sure these bugs are getting addressed.  Please let me know if there's anything I'm missing!  

Gameplay Bugs

  • Loot Drops - Some are reporting loot is not dropping while some seem unaffected [Confirmation Needed]
  • Canteen Crafting - Unable to craft the canteen
  • Kibble Consumption - Some are reporting the new kibble isn't working as intended [Confirmation Needed]
  • Kibble Crafting - Cauldron  is unable to craft the new kibble
  • Coal Harvesting - Some are reporting the inability to harvest coal 
  • Forge Crafting - Unable to craft Primitive+ specific resources in the forge
  • Mailbox - The mailbox isn't working on specific platforms (console)
  • Aberration Hazard Suit - Invalid crafting materials
  • Explorer Notes - Some are reporting the inability to see explorer notes  [Confirmation Needed]
  • Bee Hives - Some are reporting the inability to harvest beeswax and problems with beehive functionality.
  • Aberration Saddles - Some aberration saddles appear to be missing
  • S+ Green House Glass - Unable to be crafted in crafting tables
  • Harpoon / Tanq Spear Bolt - Unable to craft
  • Lumber Glass Ceiling - Placement issues on XBOX

Quality of Life Bugs

  • Snap Points - Revision on the snap points for Primitive+ structures
  • Collision Boxes - Revision on collision for Primitive+ structures
  • Damage Balance (Weapons, Plant X) - To accommodate for a primitive experience
  • Lumber Texture/Mesh Changes - Structure changes mesh/textures after leaving render distance
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Here are some Problems Prim+ has , since long time and short time:


- Dino Transfer


Many Dino's are not possible to transfer to Center/Island...

Aberation Dinos deal many problems.. because atm you are able to transfer Reaper's but no Light Pets -> make them kind of op in prim+ ...


- Bee Hives

atm Bee Hives dont produce Bee Wax, only Bee Honey. Bee Wax is an important Ressource for prim+


- Hazard Suits:

Actual you only can craft them in a Fabricator + The crafting mats are ressetted to original crafting recipe with gas balls and  polymer -> was  prim+ leather and prim+ glas before


- Grinding Stone

The Grinding Stone has 16 slots but  high end Blueprints  need much more Ressource- maybe you can increase the Item Slots on these ?


- Plant Z

It is not possible to place Z Seeds into the Large Crop Plot



Teppes dont work on Ragnarok, on other maps they work but are mega buggy - you want to respawn at the tepee but it teleports you to a random spawn area on the map


- Primitive Plus Structures

Many Structures are not Paintable.... Brick Ceilings Brick Pillar.. Brick gates, Lumber gates ..................................


-Primitive Plus Structures missing ?

-> Brick Behemoth Gate ?

-> Brick Behmoth  Hatchframe ?


- S+ Primitive Plus Structures (triangle)



- X plants 100 Turrent Cap

In Prim+ are X plants the only Tower defense (Rock Golems and Dimo Towers also possible) but  atm its  nearly impossible to build a base in an open field, because a breed Giga can easy tank and destroy all xplants in senconds.

Maybe  you increase the Xplant cap to 150-200 ? or Increase Xplant HP /DMG ?


- Beacons

Atm Beacoms are  dropping Fabricator super rarely .... I suggest thats not intended- plz remove

- Rock Drake Blueprints missing ob aberation (from drops)


-Primitive plus Vegtables

Since the new kibble rework- all prim+ vegtable doenst work for dinos anymore


-Prim plus Meat

- Cooked Poultry and Cooked Rips doenst work anymore for Dino Food

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Hi, I am the owner of a hugely popular P+ Medieval Roleplay Server Cluster for PS4, hosted by Nitrado. We have collected our own list of issues that need to be addressed.
I spend a lot of time fixing the ini codes to add in fixes to recipes and missing engrams.

Thank you, Ced for creating and editing this list of bugs! Although, I think the bugs need to be sorted by platform.

Primitive Plus for PS4

Remember, this is the list of things that server owners cannot fix directly.


Advanced Workbench

Bug: Sometimes, BPs disappear from Adv workbenches after a server restart.



Bug: The smithy on P+ has been accidentally merged with it's vanilla counterpart, I think, in part due to the fact that P+ "fixes" are never their own update and always applied alongside vanilla updates. No P+ items can be crafted in the smithy. The only way to craft an Adv. Workbench is if you already have an Adv. Workbench.



Bug: Brick, Glass, and Steel cannot be crafted because you cannot put Clay, Silica Pearls, Carbon, or Coal into a Refining Forge or Industrial Forge.


Spinning Mule

Bug: The engram for Fabric can be learned but the item Spinning Mule is not in the game, because WildCard did not finish adding it.



Bug: The Windmill will do the same things as a Handmill, but if you try to combine the stacks of a crafted resource from each, they do not stack together.

NOTE: Created resources from handmill WILL stack with crafted resources from Morter&Pestal and Alchemy Table.


Door Height

Bug: Lumber and Brick walls/doorways snap a tad too low to their Ceiling counterparts and so Humans and Elves must duck through doorways.


Lumber Gateway

Bug: Lumber Dinosaur Gate/Gateway

1. It snaps to the ground half a wall shorter than all other Dino Gates.

2. Demolishing it may cause your game to blue screen.


Can't Paint It

Bug: All P+ furniture (chair, table, shelves, cabinets, barrel, etc, etc) cannot be painted on or color changed.


New Kibbles Not Working

Bug: Dodicurous and Equus cannot currently be tamed using their preferred kibble.


Preferred Veggies

Bug: Very few of the P+ “preferred veggie” for Herbivores actually will work. Only ones proven to work:

-Sorghum works like a charm on Mammoth.

-Fresh Rice is a fast tame for Dodo, but I cannot guarantee maximum effectiveness.


Falling Awake

Bug: Sometimes, when you log in, you will fall from the sky. Even if you logged out inside a building. If you have enough health, you might survive the fall. If not, well, RIP your body, it’s now glitched until you (and anyone else around you) goes out of render distance of your body and then comeback and hope for the best.



Bug: Coal cannot be harvested anymore. Although it can only be put in Industrial Grill right now-- not Industrial Forge nor Industrial Cooker.


Options Menu Blue screen

Bug: Blue screen while trying to access the options menu on both Ragnarok and Center.


        Wooden Table
Bug: Wooden Table can no longer be used in P+? It seems that, instead of the Lumber Table being an additional table option, it now replaces the Wooden Table. Even when added into the ini files.

        Delivery Crate
Bug: The Delivery Crate is an amazing addition to the game for all kinds of reasons. It seems to function in all aspect perfectly as planned… except that it does not land. Visually, it falls through the mesh. Actually, it become invisible, untargetable, and immune to damage-- until after a server restart-- then it shows visually but only provides the "unlock" option and cannot be opened at all.

        Ghillie Boots
Bug: Ghillie Boots are currently requiring Polymer instead of Leather + Feathers.
Bug: Mailbox has been broken for so long, I forgot to add it. It will blue screen your game if you attempt to use it.

And some items I had to edit/add to the engrams list manually:
•Fixed ALL Adobe Structures to be crafted with the correct P+ clay
•Added the new S+ Homestead Wooden Stairs
•Added the new S+ Homestead Adobe Double Doorframe
•Added the new S+ Homestead Greenhouse Double Doors and Doorframe
•Added the new S+ Homestead Large Wooden Walls

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I’m on Xbox and renting Prim+ Nitrado cluster (Ragnarok, Abberration, Scorched Earth) and since the last update my drops are no longer dropping when previously everything was fine. Also, another problem Im having that hasn’t been mentioned yet Is my singular adobe walls are missing from built structures. All other adobe structures I.e. large walls, sloped roofs doors, door ways, etc seem fine. The adobe walls light up green but won’t place. For as long as I could remember adobe stuff was weird in Prim+. You couldn’t place the adobe walls and I believe a few other structures under the adobe folder but had to go under the stone folder to find the few adobe structures that wouldnt work like the walls that could be placed. I was thinking this was a conflict between clay needed from Prim+ versus clay from scorched earth. If I’m not mistaken only a few adobe structures the ones that appear under the stone folder convert to the Prim+ materials while the rest found under the adobe folder requires clay from scorched earth. I’ve always found it strange that all of the other adobe structures under the adobe folder can be built and placed despite not using Prim + clay.

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Please, leave steel boxes the way they are now, 350 slots

Add the 2k hp to greenhouse parts, as it was intended last year (it was rolled back on prim+ patch).


Unable to connect to official prim+ servers, since the patch 3 weeks ago, servers do show in the list anymore, but client do connect to regular official non prim+ ark servers.

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On my prim plus Rag server there are no drops spawning and i have been asked to ask you when will the extinction items (blue prints and saddles mainly) stop despawning in rag when not in use?

I've made a fishing spot to help give people options to getting bps but it'll only keep them at bay for so long as the drops were the only way to getting canteens since they aren't craftable atm.

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On XBox On Prim Plus Cross Ark 4, There are no loot drops and the crates do not re-spawn either. You can not harvest coal and the new kibble system does not work as intended. You can make the new kibble but it does not work when taming. If the dino is requiring simple kibble to tame, it is only going up .4% each kibble piece. This is the same with the other categories as well. However, with some dinos if you give the dino its old kibble preference it works. Not with all though.  These issues have been going on since the new kibble update and have not been fixed. When the patch came out after Homestead, it made it worse. These issues need addressed as a lot of tribes have quit over these issues and are playing Conan Exiles now. I want to continue playing Ark on Prim Plus. Please allow us the opportunity to. I t would also be nice to have Extinction on Prim Plus as well, I know my whole official server will buy it if it does come to Prim Plus but they will not if it doesn't. Thanks for listening.

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Loot drops are not working at all on Primitive+ CrossArk 4 on Official Xbox

Coal cannot be harvested

Harpoon gums are requiring Polymer

unable to transfer back and forth through servers Dino wise (unknown whether that is supposed to happen) 

if you could also get the kibble fixed that would be great.

also could I also suggest a taming table for what the crops are used for taming wise as it’s hard to work out what crop is best to tame dinos 


thank you hope you manage to fix soon 

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My friends and I play on a Windows 10 hosted Xbox One  Ragnarok server and are currently experiencing the following bugs:

1. All loot drops have stopped appearing since the last update (4/5/2019).

2. Coal cannot be harvested.

3. Beehives produce very little to no beeswax and only have 8 slots (not sure if this is a bug or by design.)

4. Rework kibbles only give 1% taming progression.

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MAJOR problem on Primitive Plus at the moment (experienced on PS4 Official PvE servers):


- It is currently not possible to harvest PRIME Fish Meat.


Tested on Ragnarok and The Center. No PRIME Fish Meat was acquired when harvesting dinos with tames or sickles. This even included after killing an Alpha.

No PRIME Fish Meat was acquired via Leedsichthys when swimming up to them for harvesting.

Only regular Fish Meat is obtained.


This is a major problem due to it now being needed for imprinting on dinos.

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2 hours ago, ScorchedSoul said:

MAJOR problem on Primitive Plus at the moment (experienced on PS4 Official PvE servers):


- It is currently not possible to harvest PRIME Fish Meat.


Tested on Ragnarok and The Center. No PRIME Fish Meat was acquired when harvesting dinos with tames or sickles. This even included after killing an Alpha.

No PRIME Fish Meat was acquired via Leedsichthys when swimming up to them for harvesting.

Only regular Fish Meat is obtained.


This is a major problem due to it now being needed for imprinting on dinos.

For getting prime fish we have had to revert to fishing. I hope this helps until it is fixed.

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3 hours ago, ScorchedSoul said:

MAJOR problem on Primitive Plus at the moment (experienced on PS4 Official PvE servers):


- It is currently not possible to harvest PRIME Fish Meat.


Tested on Ragnarok and The Center. No PRIME Fish Meat was acquired when harvesting dinos with tames or sickles. This even included after killing an Alpha.

No PRIME Fish Meat was acquired via Leedsichthys when swimming up to them for harvesting.

Only regular Fish Meat is obtained.


This is a major problem due to it now being needed for imprinting on dinos.

I've been able to harvest Raw Prime Fish Meat from Sabertooth Salmon using the Metal Machete ( not sure if the Stone Hunting Knife works as well) on my Rag server.

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I got a new problem I have noticed recently on the Xbox version of P+.

Some tames are not responding to whistles/whistle attack target. Ie: I have 15 Vultures in preparation to do an ice cave run. I went out to level them with their group selected and they won't attack. I checked to ensure they are attack target and they were. When targeting an animal for my whistle the red arrow appears above them, but my tames won't attack. Though the command to whistle them to go places kinda seems to work.

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Playing on xbox on rag abb and center no drops no artifacts and kibble doesnt work at all for me only the old kibble works loads of people quit playing on the servers i dont even know what to do on the servers since i cannot tame hunt drops and stuff cant farm coal either brick ramps cannot be placed too they show green but do not let me place it 

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5 hours ago, Aritomo said:

I've been able to harvest Raw Prime Fish Meat from Sabertooth Salmon using the Metal Machete ( not sure if the Stone Hunting Knife works as well) on my Rag server.

Really? I tried Sabertooth Salmon with tames and with a Metal Sickle but neither worked. Perhaps Ill try a machete see if that works, but still a big issue.

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