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  3. There are no herbivores for underwater plus no way tog et berries underwater so something to keep in mind also knocking out dinos to get blood packs
  4. Hello, in case you didn't see in the last community crunch of me i had made Funko Pop art concept for the Funko pop character submission i was the one who made them, moving aside i made a Funko Art concept for the upcoming Ceratosaurus! i had fun making this i just want funk to make these figures SO BAD i had added a predator positioning to make it have some predatory display. tell me what you think...
  5. please add the other structures to the clear glass custom cosmetic like: sloped walls, ceilings, roofs, triangle roofs/corners quarter wall/ceiling and maybe even doors? its done with the fronties structures skins so the knowledge is there. please!!
  6. Bang on. Second class citizens here on consoles, as usual. ASA now uninstalled and in the "Have a look again in a few months' time" category.
  7. If you think Wildcards tough try my "Harder than Hardcore" pvpve server. XP-gain ≈ 0.1x, 0x for explorer notes. To me it's easy to reach lvl 100, even on hardcore, cheesing the game mechanics in different ways. That's not how it's meant to be as I see it. You should be more or less forced to play the game at all levels, not jump to the highest lvl in a very short amount of time. It make you value your progress more and make the game content you partake in more varied, both in pvp and pve.
  8. Remove the annoying full torpor thing, people have other things to do that wait more than 5min like a ****** in front of their screen to either throw out another dino or wait for them to wake up for breeding or else. I know it's good for you because it boosts the playtime stats on steam database and makes it look like people are having so much fun that they can't stop playing but still. Cryosickness 2.0 : - creatures get movement speed reduction debuff (like 50%) - they can be ridden - they can't attack, use abilities, sprint, jump or fly - they can be leveled up - they can mate - they still receive increased damage like before - they still can't get cryo'd back - they get some sort of blue aura around them so enemies know when a creature is cryosick - duration still 5min I guess
  9. hey wildcard genuine question but what's with the campaign against levelling? you raise the level cap crazy high, but then wall it behind xp numbers that are measured in billions. that's a number followed by 9 zeroes for you numerical illiterates out there. then you remove every method that's even slightly reasonable to get there. First the baby dino xp farms, now the dynamite skin. it feels like you dont actually want us to be that high level. What's next? extinction drops no longer give xp? at that point i won't even want to play ext and you might as well just disable xp gain altogether
  10. They actually work together with Garuga for a while now...
  11. WC is literally making me not want to touch this stupid pos game anymore. They’re adding horrible dinos for no fkn reason. Nobody even uses he Xiphactinus mod yet they’re adding another stupidly aggressive ocean Dino just to make the ocean even worse. Clowns.
  12. Love how they are going to take someone else's creatures, mods, and tweak them to their liking, which means, they will screw them up and be no where close to what the author intended then to be.
  13. It is no longer a survival game that point, why not just join a boosted server and save your money?!
  14. @cad seeing this since the latest update to Imported a Yuty with a new mutation in HP, the stats extractor correctly shows it has a mutation of 2 for a total of 63, but the library page isn't accounting for it. This has only happened since the latest update.
  15. Hi, I always used this command to destroy the eggs in ASE: cheat destroyall DroppedItemGeneric_FertilizedEgg_NoPhysicsWyvern_C 0 But that doesn't work in ASA scorched Earth. I tried without the "0" at the end, but that doesn't work either. Can someone help me? Thanks a lot cheers
  16. This is almost worth a report for repeatedly posting or copy/paste. Sofar "Your community" is just you and the imaginairy people inside your head, go seek help please.
  17. What kind of storage (HDD, SSD, M2), wich graphcard, etc etc.
  18. When add official arkpocalypse server only console? No PC cheater! Only console official serwer!
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