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  1. I havent really been playing besides single player bulding and stuff for the most part, but I know that fire trail that it gives off is good as heck for recon and tracking in fights for when your enemy is on foot and the dmg you get that goes directly to the player while ur mounted is busted . Im wondering if the pyromane even should have came to abb but yea it for sure seemed like it needed a buff from what everyone else was saying.... abberation does need some love though because technically its a unique map with no flyers so it already has a disadvantage to other maps especially rn even tho defensively your better off because of the megalos reapers etc. However now the primitive skiff has also changed that a lot.
  2. Also im still and will always be against Gen 2 I think the method of build up is way too easy and has no flavor for gameplay even tho in ase i did use the teksuit for moving resources to make a rep to a ob also used the element method cus the chances of living long enough to get boss dinos or (getting a tame and shotty from a bp which is doable but not fully worth imo because boss dinos are just more efficient) just isnt worth imo and again people just be cheating and offlining heck ive offlined ... its not right fully but its in the game and hard to not do anything a little devious when everyone else does it and the game is really unreasonable at times.
  3. For sure they should keep trying to make it easier for the smaller tribes and they kinda have, but its really rough.... you can get offlined so easily you are outgunned in every situation, the only time you may have an advantage would be if you were on the defense with your base but its really easy to exploit the vulnerablility of a solo. It would still be crazy hard even without cheaters.
  4. ok my center crashes in single but i have been testing it in single player and I know that one of them does not work.... I dont think single player always counts as official when it comes to this stuff which is crap ... but yea maybe ill retest it if my center stops crashing thanks.
  5. Yea that does not exactly help but thanks anyways.
  6. Also in time are they ever getting fixed or should i just abandon the spots if they have problems right now.
  7. Is there a way to know if certain ratholes work or don't work besides going on official and trying them yourself ..... Im starting to get tired of server hopping and getting a pt etc to find that the spot is taken so i cant even check it.... Also even if single player would work mine has been crashing on the map specifically that im checking rn for a while so..
  8. There are no herbivores for underwater plus no way tog et berries underwater so something to keep in mind also knocking out dinos to get blood packs
  9. for me personally these two aren't worth my time .... so im hoping they gonna do better on some of the other maps...
  10. not to mention that people cheat and or offline anyways and you have people teaming and all that other crap.... im hoping it gets better as the other maps come out and better base spots arise but to be honest there is no competition against people who cheat or bigger tribes who offline or any tribe thats bigger than another obviously. or just offlining in general
  11. I know yall are already doing this sort of but things like oasasaur cave are good for the game.... they can be potentially more content and a spot for some solos or smaller tribes to hide out in and take section plus they are generally safe for farming certain resources. i would consider making big caves a habit at least every now and then that arent artifact caves just for that fact. just a suggestion
  12. they should put some sort of offline thing in the game because spots arent strong enough to just be solo .... and thats basically for every spot but yea scorched and the island arent really that good for late game base spots for smaller tribes and or solos....
  13. Yea the title basically explains itself i used to use the wiki in evovled because it gave you a good indication of where and how often certain things spawned and i was wondering if they are the same so i can continue using it because its a big help instead of just searching the whole map, plus there isnt much ark ascended assistance like that other than dodex and other stuff.
  14. dont patch them after a new map comes out .... just do it and be done so u dont piss off people... it would be smart to not do that
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