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  1. Yea the title basically explains itself i used to use the wiki in evovled because it gave you a good indication of where and how often certain things spawned and i was wondering if they are the same so i can continue using it because its a big help instead of just searching the whole map, plus there isnt much ark ascended assistance like that other than dodex and other stuff.
  2. dont patch them after a new map comes out .... just do it and be done so u dont piss off people... it would be smart to not do that
  3. the title is pretty much self explanatory
  4. never one day we die but idk from what we see idk if ark is gonna live super long id love to see it happen but you know im not gonna say that truthfully it would at the moment honestly i try to play it realize what id have to deal with to play then get off again also i cant as long as there isnt anything else to do ark can really make time pass so and games right now arent that great in my opinion and as i get older im more pickier about what i wanna put my time into (funny enough because im trying to play this)
  5. to be fair tho the island to me is probably my least liked map besides the pearls cave base spots which i refuse to build in because fridges and dunke farming and stuff, but lets hope the changes they made to scorched are good and they actually well back to my first sentence .... it will be interesting to see how the new dinos and stuff work in with the map as well .... because of the oasasaur being what it is i wonder if its gonna be hard to do anything because the alpha could just use it as one big moving fob but i guess thats kind of what the titanosaur is and the fasolosuchus looks sick .
  6. hopefully they dont patch most of the new base spots a while after the map has been out that arent even overpowered to begin with
  7. honestly it dont take much to raid either thats why its meta for even getting resources instead of farming
  8. not to mention the generator range even though its really good and i appreciate them taking away outlets its not big enough to just casually have a dunkelosteus outside of ur pearl you could probably get by with the metal if you were able to conveniently transfer and store some more dinos in ur pearl... i wanted to do water only but cant because id need a thylo im just not jumping around every and working my but off taming all of this crap just to get wiped by a mega or a cheater or some person who has all day long to soak me while im offline or whatever it may be .
  9. the metal could be worse , but it could be better
  10. The way wildcard thinks is super cringe to me and i hope i can find a game worthy enough to waste my time one day other than this piece of trash.... run by bafoons... they lucky i have a sad life and there arent any games worthy to play to me rn other than warhammer and i cant play it right now because my labtop does not enough ram so im gonna have to buy a new one if i want to play it .
  11. yess this bro ..... the underwater metal isnt even worth unless ur gonna build in small to me as a solo and you cant even fit an ichty in the swamp one which is the one i wanted to build in not to mention you cant even safely fit the dunkelosteus or megalodons really in the small pearl so yea the island is kinda poop..... i also just noticed they patched some of the ratholes and they werent even op they had clear weaknesses and problems to them ..... it only viable for people building up first and getting to tek (big tribes) and then moving in because i refuse to mess with have a cryofridge with a gen and all that crap out in the open somewhere.... some maps do have udnerwater metal nodes... i know crystal isles does it has one good patch but all of these udnerwater spots require vaacum compartments....
  12. Some sort of automatic driller that gives you water.... would be like a mid game construction and wouldnt be super cheap but is doable to get in the earlyish game depending on ur priority .... just saying would be nice for something like scorched
  13. regardless its still pathetic this game needs security more than msot games you play because of the hours you can put and how fast you can lose it because of something stupid... i hope it never thrives until they get it fixed and it may sounds scummy to some , but its truthfully fair im tired of the abusing tactics they use .
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