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  • Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers & More!


    Saddle up Survivors, as we’ve got a couple of important updates we’d like to inform you all of.

    First of all, before we get into the nitty gritty of all the details of the upcoming changes, allow us to say this. Over the past few days, there have been a lot of hot-topics of discussion around the community. Some of these topics have not had an immediate response from the development team, this is not because we are choosing to ignore, but because we want to have time to deliberate and consider our options before responding, or taking action. We try to read all the feedback you provide, whether it’s positive, negative, or indifferent and take action where we deem it viable. ARK was launched into Early Access with the idea of creating a game together, and we are still sticking to that plan, every single day. Sometimes decisions are needed to be made that require a bit of thinking time, but we’ll make those choices. Other times, we’re going to do things you don’t quite agree with, or you’re going to suggest things that we don’t quite see as a viable option for the game - but we will take into consideration what you’re saying, and make compromises or reevaluate our plans where necessary. Today’s announcement will help shed some light on our thoughts, as well as the route we plan to take going forward.

    Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers!


    As of Friday the 18th of November at 12PM ET we are going to be activating the following evolution event:

    2x Harvesting Rates
    2x Taming Rates
    2x EXP Rates

    This will run until Monday the 21st of November 12PM ET.

    We’ll also be introducing a new permanent change will be coming to your CrossARK Clusters: 

    Complete transfer of Items, Tames and Survivors through all MAPS on the Official ARK Network (separated by game mode).

    Please note that this will not affect Player Dedicated Servers. This is just an Official Server change

    Previously, you were only able to transfer Survivors TO Scorched Earth servers, and everything FROM a Scorched Earth server. Now, you’ll be able to have absolute rights when transferring and can go from Island to Island, Center to Center, Scorched Earth to Scorched Earth, Island to Scorched Earth, Center to Scorched Earth, and Island to Center without any limitations, and the reverse of course. Please remember that these transfers are still based on the cluster (mode) you play on; PvE can only go to PvE, Hardcore can only go to Hardcore, Primitive can only go to Primitive etc.

    When we first announced the ARK Transfer system with the Launch of Scorched Earth, we stated that it was something critical we wanted to experiment with in Early Access and to see how the game would progress once we introduced that new gameplay mechanic. Following what we’ve seen, and based on the feedback we have received, we would rather allow more freedom, where acceptable of course, than impose further limits.

    Alongside this change, we are now going to introduce a new mechanic:

    Once a Tame has been uploaded and downloaded onto an ARK, it will suffer a 12-hour cooldown until it can be transferred again. Transferred tames will also display on the HUD from which server they were last uploaded from (if you’re on a different Tribe, you will only see this indicator when the Tame is dead).

    We want to provide the opportunity for tribes to scout each other across the ARK, as well as limit, -- to an extent -- tribes from storming in and then storming out immediately with their tames. By enabling the complete CrossARK transfers, it should also provide the chance for existing players to scope out new servers of the same type, meet up with friends, and find new opportunities or adventure, with no PvP server being unassailable or off-limits.

    With all big changes, we understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m sure I’ve said that before, though keep in mind these changes may not be final. We want to see how things play out, whether this was the right move, how we can further improve the system. Something we’re considering down the line is introducing more limitations on what can be transferred, such as only Baby Tames or Eggs can be transferred, perhaps we limit Scorched Earth transfers to Scorched Earth base/raw materials only. Your feedback following today’s change will be critical as it enables us to continually develop and expand the game, as well as provide the opportunity to explore further options. 

    Update number two..

    Stance on Exploiting


    Let’s be clear about this, no one likes cheaters. We don’t like cheaters, you don’t like cheaters, your friends don’t like cheaters, cheaters don’t even like each other. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the ARK is a fair place for everyone to play with one another. It is why we worked to get a strong BattlEye system for ARK which is constantly receiving updates and will continue to do so because we want to stomp out cheats.

    However, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to say that we have been lenient when taking action against people who are exploiting game bugs. Previously, we have felt that the bugs are on us and we have to do our best to resolve them and fix them, so we try not to punish survivors in this instance and make changes that will benefit the community as a whole, in the long-term, even if in the moment it seems a bit unfair. We’re going to change that up a little bit. Going forward, we will be taking a stricter approach when it comes to exploiting game bugs. If there is malicious intent, we will take action, be it destroying your tribe, structures, tames, and where necessary straight up removing you from the ARK and adding you to the global ban list and requesting a VAC ban. Consider this your warning to those of who you would rather exploit than report. Cases such as duping, or building under the map for instance, will result in such actions. Of course, it’ll be case by case, accidents happen, sometimes you’re curious - but it is pretty clear when there is indeed malicious intent and that’s where we’ll be taking action.

    ..but wait, there’s more!

    Primitive Servers

    Primitive Servers were something we introduced fairly on to the game at the request of the community, they hadn’t really been part of our game plan but it was clear that a lot of you wanted to experience this. Every now and then we introduce updates to the game which impact Primitive in a not so great way, primarily because that particular game mode isn’t quite set up to deal with the vast changes of the ARK. We’re going to make some adjustments to alleviate some of the current problems that exist and we’ll try and pay better attention going forward. Similarly to all changes, nothing is ever final and a lot of it is experimenting. A big concern that has been brought up is the power of some particular Scorched Earth dinos. Going way back when we introduced the Giga to the game, we made some changes to weaken it’s damage specifically on Primitive servers. We found that worked pretty well, so we’ll be taking a similar approach now.

    Tamed Wyverns will deal 70% less damage and take 70% more damage.
    Tamed Rock Golems will deal 70% less damage and take 20x more damage.
    Alpha Wyverns will deal 67% less damage and take 67% more damage.

    These changes are only going to be made effective on Primitive servers, and again we’ll be seeing how things go. For now, the other dinos (other than the Giga, Ptero and Argent) remain unaffected. For a complete and more filling Primitive experience, we really recommend you guys try out Primitive+ - which has some pretty cool updates on the way, stay tuned for tomorrow’s Crunch. ;)

    So there’s quite a lot to take in, and you may not completely agree with all our changes, be it Primitive, Cross ARK transfers, or even a heavy-handed approach to exploiters, but we’ll see how things go and will make more adjustments if necessary!


    Now for some great news. Very excited to share this! Lately, the team has been working pretty hard on tracking down this darn Dino Spawning in Bases issue that has been plaguing us for such a long time. and we think we’ve cracked it! Here’s a heat map of Dino Spawns that have taken place on an Official Server, indicating new wild spawn distance from bases & tames:


    Blue = Dino Spawns
    Red = Buildings
    Green = Tames

    Pretty nice eh? ;)

    (The Areas where it still appears to overlap are underground Cave spawns!)

    So as always folks, thank you again for your commitment and passion that you show towards the ARK. We really value each of you and are grateful to have such an active community. Your feedback has proven to be an absolute game changer, ARK itself has evolved so much from where it originally was, a lot of plans have changed and the scope of the game has gotten a lot bigger than what we first intended it would be thanks to being able to work with you. Hopefully, this is another step forward towards making the ARK as great as we know it can be!

    All the best,


    Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team


    Edited by Jat

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    one thing you could do for the love of god .... is change how golems shake your base when no where near its damn irritating im in my chem table and  our golem while getting resources other tribe member it drives me insane i cant be the only one? ....

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    3 minutes ago, NykonX said:

    Hi @Jat,

    You stated, "Complete transfer of Items, Tames and Survivors through all MAPS on the Official ARK Network (separated by game mode)."

    Is this only for the cluster servers or could I transfer from standard pve official servers Island to Scorced and Scorched to Island? You made it sound like it was only available on the 3 way cluster servers consisting of all three maps.

    All servers are on a cluster. If you're on a PvE server, you're apart of the PvE cluster, so you'll be able to transfer to any PvE server. If you're on a PvP server, you'll be able to transfer to any PvP server - etc. They just have to be of the same type + gamemode. So Primitive PvE -> Primitive PvE would be fine, but not Primitive PvE to Primitive PvP.

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    Just now, slayerofzombs87 said:

    one thing you could do for the love of god .... is change how golems shake your base when no where near its damn irritating im in my chem table and  our golem while getting resources other tribe member it drives me insane i cant be the only one? ....

    There's an option to reduce how much your camera shakes

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    1 minute ago, Jat said:

    There's an option to reduce how much your camera shakes

    oh thank you i never knew. ah relief no more earthquaking lol

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    Why does this post sound like a warning? The cheating policy was clearly established before this post. People cheated to a level the broke the game for everybody around them. Are you really letting them off with a warning and the massive benefits they already reaped? I mean seriously DILO.

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    This is likely going to cause some problems with the whole cross-server dino transfer thing. Like people have stated there are tribes with no other purpose than to move on to a server and burn it to the ground. Now, that problem is worse. A big tribe can pack a few heavy transport dinos with everything they need to build a massive base right off, throw it up and start wrecking everything around them.


    Well, I think I'll stick with extinction servers. There's no need to worry about a tribe becoming so big they push everyone off the server, covering the map in turrets and the like.

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    11 minutes ago, Freya said:

    Already had to deal with people transferring wyverns and golems from SE trying to wipe servers, now we have to deal with all that + gigas and titans and whatever else they can bring from the island/center servers. At least try to also limit the amount of items people can bring or make a cool-down for item transfer too. That wouldn't even solve the problem if 50 people come on your server out of nowhere with full inventory of explosives.

    Let's not forget that SE map was supposed to be harder than the others, now we can just transfer all the kibble in the world to tame stuff there and make our lives a lot easier oh and structures? So I can farm the volcano on the island and get a bunch of metal, make a bunch of structures and go to SE and boom, already have a base. 

    I really don't know why you guys did this, but I don't like it at all. Hope you made the right decision here. 

    By doing this they have leveled the playing field for everybody, if someone comes to raid you your able to transfer things back to thier original server and raid them back, we should not just be stuck with the same people in one server until one tribe top tribe and everyone else plays by thier rules yeah that cool for the alpha but for the other 80% of the server is completely unfair by doing this you keep servers form going stale and eventually dying because no one but the alpha wants to play on there then they get bored because theres no one else to play with 

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    @Jat Please very carefully read and consider the ticket I've submitted, it details a very severe game critical bug relevant to this patch that you've just announced. This will be another severely exploited abusive bug if you don't fix it asap. 

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    Since this issue has been going on for so long.  The "Master" alpha tribes that have been taking over whole clusters have collected HUGE amounts of resources.  Uninhibited taming and collection of dinos.  Already on 722, the "Master Alpha" of our cluster hit its first server with over 22 gigas, +Quetz, + all the scorched dinos.  You have started a systematic server wipe, 12 hours at a time.  With no items limits, or dino limits in transfers this is the end for a lot of us.


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    @jat any chance of us primitive players getting the primitive cannon or something more useful than a low torpor inducing boulder to knock out titans and elementals? 

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    1 minute ago, Kizro said:

    @Jat Please very carefully read and consider the ticket I've submitted, it details a very severe game critical bug relevant to this patch that you've just announced. This will be another severely exploited abusive bug if you don't fix it asap. 

    If you have an exploit to report, please send a detailed email to info@studiowildcard.com.

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    @Jat does the 12h cooldown affect singleplayer? Because there is no reason it has to.

    I see:
    * Added new server commandline/ini option ?MinimumDinoReuploadInterval=1000 for number of seconds cooldown between allowed Dino re-uploads (defaults to 0, set to 43200 on Official Servers which is 12 hours). Remaining cooldown time is displayed on the Dino Upload UI.

    Sorry for not checking patch notes first.:Jerblove:

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    1 minute ago, OGCookies said:

    By doing this they have leveled the playing field for everybody, if someone comes to raid you your able to transfer things back to thier original server and raid them back, we should not just be stuck with the same people in one server until one tribe top tribe and everyone else plays by thier rules yeah that cool for the alpha but for the other 80% of the server is completely unfair by doing this you keep servers form going stale and eventually dying because no one but the alpha wants to play on there then they get bored because theres no one else to play with 

    Well if the alphas are not complete assholes, other people playing wouldn't be a problem. 

    Also I doubt you will even have the chance to "raid them back" if they bring a bunch of gigas from the island/center, another bunch of wyverns and golems and tons and tons of explosives and gear since there is no limit for those and if it happens that you are hated by multiple tribes from different servers, then you're just done. 

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    Is this going to fix the issues on Xbox where certain player dedicated servers can't transfer anything, onto the server cause nothing shows up in the tower, this issue has only been going on since the release of Scorched Earth

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    wildcard u just destroyed this game 2k playhours of fair farming... facing ASSHOLES of 50 man tribes with duped 100k ingots etc .. HOW IS THIS FAIR? ARE YOU ACTUALLY THINKING BOUT WHAT U DOING?






    holy damn im so raptoring angry i cant even express it... every SE server will be whiped by bigger tribes i guarantee it ... Thank you just raptoring thank you for anouncing this too

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    @jat cant wait for this but for transferring dinos to different servers will we be able to transfer stuff like quetzals gigas etc to scorched earth

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    What community is it that you are listening to? 

    You cant "get back" at a tribe that wipes you. 


    This is nuclear war, but for Ark. 

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    I'm ahead, I'm a man
    I'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeah
    I'm at peace with my lust
    I can kill 'cause in god I trust, yeah
    It's evolution, baby

    I'm at piece, I'm the man
    Buying stocks on the day of the crash
    On the loose, I'm a truck
    All the rolling hills, I'll flatten 'em out, yeah
    It's herd behavior, uh huh
    It's evolution, baby

    Admire me, admire my home
    Admire my son, he's my clone
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    This land is mine, this land is free
    I'll do what I want but irresponsibly
    It's evolution, baby

    I'm a thief, I'm a liar
    There's my church, I sing in the choir:
    (Hallelujah, hallelujah)

    Admire me, admire my home
    Admire my son, admire my clones
    'Cause we know, appetite for a nightly feast
    Those ignorant Indians got nothin' on me
    Nothin', why?
    Because it's evolution, baby!

    I am ahead, I am advanced
    I am the first mammal to make plans, yeah
    I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher
    2010, watch it go to fire
    It's evolution, baby
    Do the evolution
    Come on, come on, come on


    WC might be a bunch of left-wing west-coast hipsters and, but I sure do appreciate their dedication to bringing Darwinism into gaming.  Too many people who 'raptoring love science' don't get the full implications of evolutionary practices..

    With cross-ark transfers, there is no safe spaces left! May those groups with more asabiyah prevail and let the rivers runneth over with the salty tears of noobs. Not sure how good a business model it is, in the long run.. 

    This lunatic heartily applauds though. 

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    i agree it is amazing but giving SE time to actually build up with kibble tames would be nice before unleashing hell on the servers. servers are only about 3 months old and just got 150 dinos. so the ability for island to just invade with hundreds of gigas and on a map that generators break on and dont have species x is kind of unfair from go. 

    12 minutes ago, wolfieArk said:

    If I'm reading that right, transferring to scorched earth is amazing. I quit playing SE because so many dinos could not be kibble tamed, but if I can transfer dinos that problem is solved. I'm sure some will not like that, but I love that decision.


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    9 minutes ago, OGCookies said:

    By doing this they have leveled the playing field for everybody, if someone comes to raid you your able to transfer things back to thier original server and raid them back, we should not just be stuck with the same people in one server until one tribe top tribe and everyone else plays by thier rules yeah that cool for the alpha but for the other 80% of the server is completely unfair by doing this you keep servers form going stale and eventually dying because no one but the alpha wants to play on there then they get bored because theres no one else to play with 

    They didn't even the ground for anyone, they simply served the entire game on a silver plate to all those cancer tribes (50+ members) from foreign countries. There are no way in the world smaller tribe of 5-6 players (which represents the vast majority of tribes now) can stand a remote chance.

    We are back to state of the game we had last year with all those bullying tribes invading with mass grenades via obelisks.... well done on killing the game.

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    Just now, VooDooSamuraiX said:

    i agree it is amazing but giving SE time to actually build up with kibble tames would be nice before unleashing hell on the servers. servers are only about 3 months old and just got 150 dinos. so the ability for island to just invade with hundreds of gigas and on a map that generators break on and dont have species x is kind of unfair from go. 


    I play on PvE, assuming you are on PvP. I see the danger for pvp players, but being on pve I don't have this fear. I don't know the best solution for pvp but hope this functionality stays for pve.

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    i would like to congratulate you on making these decisions as they arent easy to make. I do not agree with all of them but i believe they will increase the overall experience on the ARK alot.

    I understand you dont want to make any rush decisions when problems arise and that you want to think things over and talk about them with the whole team. debating a fix then testing it and implementing it takes time, we know that but please, just please communicate with us, even if it isnt a definitive response, talk to us, let us know you are debating things, maybe even ask us what our stance is on some subjects if you doubt how it will influence the game. you are working on this game practically all day so you dont have alot of time to play it yourself, this is perhaps where our experience can come in handy? if not then that is your decision and we will have to accept that but in that case just tell us you heard our complaints and are working on it internally so we KNOW you have heard us and we can turn down the heat and give you time. 

    We dont feel like we are entitled to have a say in the way the game is being made, but we ARE the testers, thats why its EARLY ALPHA and i think i speak for the majority of the community if i say we all love this game and would love to help you guys out if needed.

    i would like to give you my congratulations in fulfilling one of my biggest childhood dreams and i hope you can turn this early access game in a great success as you all deserve it!!

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    So you guys plays on PVP servers and dont want war? Only to sit on  the safety of your base and being "alpha tribes" and controlling your little world where no one can grow there unless you decide to allow it. Where's the pvp there?  I see a world of opportunity and fun there. Will love to see 2 "alpha tribes" fighting each other , and not knowing so well the terrain and map or even who are its enemies as they do on their own homeland. Lets be honest, when you get to the top the game ends until the next event with dodorex/dodowyvern. To bring cross servers Wars will bring a new level of war and power dispute. Of course some tribes will annihilate others but it is what happends all the times when someone trys to grow on your server.

    The thing Im worried about is only the server player cap. Being locked out while some tribe swarms yours. Thats a real problem.

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    52 minutes ago, Jat said:

    Could you elaborate please, would like to know your thoughts :)

    Jat, please rethink the Center being able to goto the Island. They have way more gigas that spawn, and way more of those that spawn are way above the level of the single giga that spawns every now and then on the Island. It's in no way fair to pin the Island up against the Center. I've worked too hard to lose everything I have just because the odds are against me.

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