Evolution Event: Permanent Double Rates
- By Jatheish
Hey Survivors,
We’ve got some exciting news we’d like to share with you! As of today, we will be transitioning the ARK’s harvesting, EXP, and taming rates to 2x permanently.
This is a decision we’ve made after experimenting with the game’s rates for quite some time. You may have noticed in the last few weeks the Evolution Events have gotten longer, this has allowed us to get a better feel for how it would play out in a permanent live experience. We have consistently received a lot of feedback from you, and it was very evident that players preferred the increased rates. Thusly, the rates will stay at 2x permanently from now onwards on our Official Servers. Evo Event Weekends will consequently be increased to 3x rates.
Furthermore, in the next major version releases, the 2x rates will be implemented directly in the game build itself. This means that Non-Dedicated Servers, Single Player Sessions and of course Unofficial Servers will also feel the increased rates. Therefore, if you’re currently using customized rates, it’s something you will want to keep in mind before this change is in place -- specifically upon the release of the next Major Version on each of your respective platforms, you may wish to reduce your server/game rates by 50% to have the same effective values as before.
We appreciate all the response you guys have provided to us regarding our Evolution Events and are looking forward to running more exploring new features with you in the upcoming future.
All the best,
Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team
Edited by Jat
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