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About Jmarr307

  • Birthday May 1

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  • XBOX Gamertag
    Mr J Marroquin

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Naked (1/5)



  1. This is sorta neat as I hate grinding for poly, but it sorta sucks because for the past year we have worked hard to acquire what we have the old fashioned way. I'm aware not everyone has time to do what we had, but that was sorta the allure of it for me. I suppose with the new content coming we will enjoy not having to work as hard as before but once everyone else reaches our level it will sorta cheapen the joy knowing we did not what others couldn't. I sure hope the breeding stays as it is. This game needs to keep a few ultra hard challenges to it..the massive difficulty of some things gives a massive feeling of accomplishment.
  2. Looking forward to cave diving soon on the Xbox! Enjoy the first crack at the new caves PC crowd, they sure look amazing! Good job wildcard! Always something new in the Ark ???
  3. It would be better if this information had been presented anytime sooner than the DAY of the patch. Bad for PR with the xbox crowd, we already have to listen to endless "master race" crap from the pc crowd, now we gotta see the unique skins and decorations we have been preparing to get waved in front of us knowing we will have to wait another year to hope to get it. It would have been nice to not be left out like the unwanted step child again on what was promised to be a very unique event.
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