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  1. The title says it all. It’s a little bit of a bummer than the blue glowing willow trees in the bioluminescent zone can’t be dug up and put in plant pots.
  2. The title says it all the Tek Binoculars and or the Gene Scanner should have an icon on the tooltip telling the player if the creature is a parent or not.
  3. I understand this is not necessary for the dino. However it kinda doesn't seem right when a dino like gigantoraptor still hits harder for less melee percentage especially considering the process and preparations of even collecting your first rockdrake. Rockdrake At 722.1% melee with rider imprint buff (no traits) the rockdrake will do 563 damage per bite. Gigantoraptor At 699.7% melee the kick attack can hit for 578 damage at around the same attack speed of the rockdrake. The buff I would be suggesting again isn't necessary but would put the rockdrake more in line of being an end game dino without moving it out of its utility role. Simply to allow it to fight back a bit better but not too good. The buff would be a 15-20% damage output buff.
  4. Lately Ive seen a lot of people talking about some of the older creatures needing TLCs, so I just wanted to suggest some of the thing I'd like to see. They're meant to bring them kind of up to standard with a lot of the very strong and more ability-saturated new creatures. 1) Plesiosaurus I'm pretty sure everyone will agree that Plesios right now are not it at all; their attack hit box is basically not useable, and in every other aspect they're just a bad Mosa (which you can feel the age of too) attack hitbox change; the attack hitbox of the Plesio should be HUGE, simply because with its neck it can reach basically anywhere except straight behind it maneuverability change; the Plesiosaur with its 4 fins should be able to steer 3 dimensionally, like a Tapejara can in the air, swimming forward, backwards, up, down and turning on the spot new ability: detecting weakspots; the Plesio's small and agile head allows it to attack the unprotected areas of the opponent; once activated buffs the Plesiosaur to ignore the target's armor (and also natural resistances, like on Dunky) for 30 seconds Plesisos are now amphibious, they move extremely slowly on land, similar to sea turtles, but they can leave the water without instantly dying 3D model change (let's admit it, its really old) 2) Allosaurus Allos are just generally a bit underwhelming, which is a shame because they're quite a beloved apex predator bleed works independent from being in a pack (a solo Allo can use the right click attack), bleed damage reduced to 1.5% from 5% of the targets max health, but bleed can be applied 3 times to one target new ability: coordinated attack; the pack leader's roar encourages all other Allos in the area to attack its target. Allo pack leader already has a roar, this roar now applies a buff to every Allo in the area, this buff increases the damage of the bleed applied by the Allos by 50% new passive: big game hunter; the Allos' base attack damage increases gradually when attacking targets with a higher drag weight, up to +100% damage when attacking a target with a drag weight that is 3x greater than the Allos own weight as far as 3D model goes, I honestly think Allo held up well, but the animations look very stiff and should probably get reworked 3) Diplodocus Don't think this one really needs an explanation new attack: right click now does a whip-like attack with the tail, working the same as the whip weapon, staggering opponents, and harvesting resources, while dealing a low amount of damage (like 25 base damage would be ok for this) new passive: pacifist aura; due to the Diplodocus friendly nature, all carnivores around the Diplodocus deal 15% less damage 3D model rework 4) Araneo Not sure what to say, I like spiders, and the in-game areneos are not only bad but also some of the worst representation of spiders I can imagine added the ability to climb added the ability to use zip lines (like Ravager and Ape) right click web spray gets replaced with the ability to shoot silken zip-lines, that work like the Aberation zip-lines primary attack (bite) torpor removed, primary attack base damage reduced from 10 to 1 primary attack now envenoms the target with Araneomorph venom, dealing 10 damage per second, over 5 seconds, damage scaling with the Araneo's melee, and slowing the target down (like the web spray did previously); consecutive attacks apply additional envenomations, up to 5 envenomations per target new passive: vibration sensing; the spider senses of the Araneo pick up every moving creature around the araneo (every creature that moves in a set radius around the Araneo gets marked like the Parasaur detection, creatures that don't move don't get marked) new 3D model (holy moly this is SO needed) 5) Mosasaur It's a strong creature, but it does feel quite outdated compared to newer ocean additions base movement speed (not sprinting) reduced from 1100 to 600 sprint movement speed increased from 3520 to 4050 (tamed) and from 1540 to 2000 (wild) jellyfish still stun the Mosa, but don't dismount the rider new passive: ambush hunter; the Mosasaur's first attack against a target deals 3x as much damage and slows the target down by 35%; getting hit by the Mosa grants immunity to this for 120 seconds to avoid this applying to the same target over and over new ability: apex predator; the Mosa marks a rival creature, making that creature deal 10% less damage to the Mosa, and increasing the Mosa's damage to that creature by 10% These are just 5 creatures I like to see TLC'ed and I found I did a decent job at making them unique and interesting without making them too insane. Let me know what you think! Obviously I'm aware that the likelyhood of a developer seeign this is slim to none, but one can hope lol.
  5. Hi, everyone. So after being excited to play after purchasing ASA, ready to get building and taming like many other players, I found myself, also like other players no doubt, completely disappointed and frustrated by the amount of unnecessary Pillaring and land grabbing on official PVE servers by these players who have some sort of entitlement issue to fulfil. I understand this is a problem on PVP too but of course more with PVE servers, this issue needs to be addressed and the fact this is still an ongoing issue is ridiculous to say the least, it’s completely game breaking for many players. Let’s just put it this way, the servers I logged onto were so clogged with pillars I couldn’t even build a 1x1 Dino trap in most places let alone a decent base. So, It got me thinking about how this could be dealt with so new PVE players can actually login and enjoy the game and those who want to exploit pillars can’t do that. This is of course just a suggestion in which I’m sure elements of this or maybe even a lot of it has already been suggested before but it needs to be raised again for sure because ASA has so much potential to be a great game but this just ruins it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it and any other suggestions for this issue of course because for me I find the game unplayable like this and that’s without the Dino cap limit right now and optimisation issues. Please read through the whole suggestion before replying. A single (free) dedicated plot area for each player ACCOUNT not character Ok, so I know an area plot idea has been suggested before and others have said how it could be implemented but here’s how I think it could work. Once logging onto a server, you head to the location you’d like to build, if it’s clearly empty, you craft your first foundation to place, some have suggested a flag for this purpose, and as you press to place the first object, the map opens to show you the plot area which once item is placed, now belongs to you, that’s your land. If it overlaps with another player plot then it will not allow you to place the object/flag to claim that land so you’d have to move on or adjust placement. However, the area size is level based, just an example but Lvl 1-50 is small, lvl 51-85 is medium and Lvl 86+ is large this gives a more rewarding feeling if you know you can upgrade and build a larger base the more you level up. Of course before placing a plot flag or foundation the game would need to take into account the largest area size limit not to block an expansion as you level. You cannot build anything outside of that area, that is yours but bare with me as I have thought of some exceptions for this and how they would work which I will explain later in my post but first the issue with those who want additional plots. Possible PAID additional player area plots 2-3, 1 free 2 paid(?) max per ACCOUNT not character Of course there are players who only want one base which is why one free plot is available to all players but Again this next part is just a suggestion, don’t jump down my throat. So, you may be thinking, “why are you suggesting paid content for something I already paid for?”. Well, like mods will be paid for in ASA now, I’m happy and maybe others would be too, to pay a bit extra for additional content/privilages which are beneficial to my enjoyment of the game, and just think, all of that additional revenue can go towards improving ASA for everyone, I think personally that if a player wants to build multiple building plots then you could unlock these by paying either a fair one off fee or a smaller monthly subscription fee in which these paid plots would have double the decay time but if the base does decay or you want to move you can pickup replace your second or third area plot flag somewhere else so there’s no paying over and over for these. So every player gets a free plot but players can then choose if they want additional plots. This of course would be locked to to steam/xbox/nintendo/ps account and not the character so players can spam creating multiple characters just for free plots. This I think would in turn reduce the amount of overall small huts, spawn blockers and pillars because you can only build in those plot areas you own (max 3) and unless you want to pay good money just to place pillars then it’s your wasted money not someone’s enjoyment of the game. This could also stop people pointlessly blocking large areas of land for no reason such as the volcano etc. the block would be coming out of your pocket so joke would be on you and you’d just be trolling yourself financially for no gain. Building outside of your plot area: traps, rafts and platform saddles Ok, so I know some of you are probably wondering how you are meant to build Dino traps or rafts if you can’t build outside of your plot area. Well, here’s what I think could work. I have two ideas. ASA could implement, unlockable via levelling, prebuilt dino traps for small, medium and large Dinos. These can be placed outside of your build area for a maximum time of (insert Dino with highest tame time) which then auto decays after this or depending on which Dino you trap, auto decays when the Dino inside has been successfully tamed. These traps can only be placed one per however many meters and if not used will auto decay in an hour maybe even half that time if no Dino is inside being tamed. That’s my first idea, the second is ASA implementing a small, medium and large Dino trap custom blueprint unlocked via levelling. We all have our favourite ways to build traps so how this works is, you build your custom trap which has a build limit for a small, medium or large Dino and then it can be saved as a blueprint using the unlocked item maybe a scanner sort of device, it then works like the other trap idea where it can be placed but only for a certain amount of time and then decays, or when the Dino is tamed, maybe even allow other players to build traps next to each other because after a certain time they will decay anyway or maybe have traps not abide by plot areas within a certain distance and if a trap is placed near another base it’s timer is halved unless a Dino is being a rocky tamed. I thought maybe The small and medium traps from either the first or second idea can both snap to the raft for easy raft traps. As for those who want to build on rafts and platform saddles, have them work in a way that they have vastly reduced auto decay timers if outside your initial plot areas or if they aren’t being used. This helps stop players leaving raft bases everywhere and also gives them incentive to travel back to their main base with their raft or platform saddled Dino. Same could work for players leaving tamed Dinos everywhere give them vastly reduced decay timers if outside the main base plot area. Again, this is Incentive to not leave your tames lying around or they’ll be gone when you log back in after a set period of time.. but then with tames Dinos left in the wild I don’t think there’s an issue with letting us build near them to begin with. Anyway.. So, those are my suggestions on the Pillering issue, I’m sure there will be players that say “play unofficial” which isn’t a fix and I’m sure there are pros and cons to the suggestions I made but I’d love to hear what you think, what could work what wouldn’t but please, if you think they could work upvote this post so we can get it to the devs, I just want to be able to join a server and play not be blocked at every turn by selfishness or people thinking they have the right to police official servers. ASA has such great potential and a long life ahead of it but this should be available for everyone that wants to play, PVP/PVE Official, or otherwise. Thanks for reading… if you did! 😂
  6. The act of taming Otters/Hesperornis has been unnecessarily tedious since ASE due to the Feed button being the same as Drop for the fish and the fact that you can’t see the prompt if the fish is big enough. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for the ability to tame them with Filled Fish Baskets similar to the Shadowmane. Obviously this is intended for when Aberration releases on ASA.
  7. Please cluster all of the modded servers. I play on svartalfheim pve and I think allowing all the modded maps/ servers to cluster for their own experience would boost the popularity of them and the respective mods, and since they already have modded creatures and maps they should be allowed to have their own cluster and balance. Would be cool to be able to transfer to modded islands and scorched, and also the other new premium mod maps as well.
  8. please give us auto run/fly when you double click the sprint button twice quickly
  9. the wall maps are really nice and i think at later tiers you could get a 3d table map of all the maps and then maybe a tek 3d hologram map table as well. And If possible they could show peoples/dinos locations on them or something.
  10. One of the biggest challenges of the tek cave is the cave itself, particularly when trying to get all of your tames inside before the door closes. Oftentimes, even with the conga line method, things like rexes will get piled up against the wall instead of going through the door, which means you have to go outside from the cave to manually move them...at risk of going too far, causing the cave to unload, and send what tames you have inside plummeting through the floor. If the tek cave remains loaded while the door is open, this problem is avoided.
  11. Please read this Ark devs Give us pve small tribe servers please. Keep the game playable for us solos, duos, and small tribes. Even if its 1-3 per map. This has been a very common desire for a long time in the ark community. Keep the game viable and relevant for us small tribes out there. With server rates going down, SE server populations are already beginning to plummet. There hasnt been an overpopulation issue for at least half a week now, and that lower amount has divided in half again with rates ending. Most the people on now are just cryoing everything with plans of not returning for a long time until next event. Give people like us, who love ark, but cant continue to play as a solo, duo, or small tribe a way to continue playing and keep the game viable for us. I guarantee they would be some of the most popular servers. Individuals always rebuttal with play unofficial or solo player. We want to play official not unofficial. We want to have the longevity of knowing our server will be there and we want to be able to have interactions with other players, couples, and small tribes. Ive restarted 20+ times on servers that claim they supposedly never wipe on unofficial so i have definitely tried that option. Most of us small tribes on PVE have tried this but we have faced this same issue. These unofficial servers are also filled with p2p, p2w, and admin abuse issues. Please look out for your older player base who have been loyal to you for a decade. We generally have far less time now and have significantly less friends who continue to game. We want this and it would be a great way to build your brand and enable older players, smaller tribes, and couples to continue to enjoy this game and build a stronger ark community. Thank you!
  12. An official mod that adds quests to the maps that don't have quests. Meaning every map Except Genesis 1 and 2.
  13. add a structure that extends the range of generators like you can with water tanks
  14. a new tek structure you can only get from the overseerer that you can select a creatures stat in it and any creature within a certain radius of the structure will have a 20% increased chance for a mutation on the stat you selected.
  15. As a long-time player of ARK, I've poured a significant amount of time into both ASE and, now that it has become more stable on my PC, ASA. While my free-time has not changed in terms of how much I have, what has changed is the quality of the time I choose to spend. For example, ASA would CTD within an hour of me starting to play... That did not help as after an hour I'm normally "getting into the groove". I prefer a "vanilla" experience, as in some cases in ASE mods that I found I liked, or sometimes even relied on, either stopped being actively developed, or the modder would change integral parts of their mod I particularly liked and I'd either have to stop using that mod, or couldn't use the mod for the reasons I started using it. But I would use those mods where I saw a need to improve the use of my time in ARK (less time spent on base healing dinos and raising babies and more time exploring, resource gathering, caving for artifacts and higher-end BPs and fighting bosses for Element - the "fun stuff"). To that end, I've found myself wanting particular things, or wishing they'd add things to ASA that weren't/aren't there in ASE (seeing as we have a DLC pack now, perhaps it could be added to that over the base game - to keep the "core experience" as is if people do not wish to buy the DLC to keep their experience 'pure' - or to incentivise buying the DLC): (These are, for the most part, REQUESTS/SUGGESTIONS aimed at QoL improvement) 1. Out-of-Combat healing - A food item that can be used on any dino (carnivore or herbivore - or an item for each type) that heals it for a % of its health, in a manner that is far less button-holding-intensive that force-feeding a Rex, and less resource intensive than Veggie Cakes, but unable to be used in combat. This alone equates to a large amount of time - healing up dinos after a boss fight. You could argue that this would unbalance PvP, however the approach for that is quite simple: make it less effective in PvP compared to PvE/SP to the point where, while it is still viable, it does not impact the general "balance" of PvP (e.g. If it does 10% healing in PvE/SP, it only does 2% in PvP - numbers are for effect only, but they do seem reasonable). This also does not take away from the importance or significance of the Daeodon, as the Daeodon can still heal in combat. The effectiveness could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line. 1a. Out-of-Combat healing (Endgame) - With endgame/Tek, the food item could be replaced with a Tek device that emits a healing pulse over an AoE, fuelled by Element - with the Element drain-rate being tied directly to the amount of damage it is healing per pulse (in essence, out-of-combat Daeodon healing but a Tek device using Element) so if it's healing only 1000HP of damage, it uses 1 Element per pulse (as an example), however if it's healing 1,000,000 (combined) HP it might use an entire Element stack per pulse. The effectiveness could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line. 2. Breeding manipulation (Endgame "Gene Resequencer") - A Tek device and/or improvement to the Incubator (either the Tek device combines the abilities of an incubator, or is used alongside - but for one egg at a time, as an egg-sample... 😛) that allows the player to select stats and colours (based off parents) of a baby prior to hatching/birth. Obviously selecting stats would unbalance PvP, so the device (in PvP) would not have that function. The device would not be able to improve stats in any way but, at the cost of Element Dust (the dust, as a medium, in finer than Shards and allows the dust to be injected into the embryo), in PvE and SP would enable the player to pick the best stats (with cost increasing per positive stat selected) and colour of the offspring - ensuring the baby you're going to raise is as good as you want it to be, or at the very least the actual colours you wanted. This, from a QoL perspective, saves an inordinate amount of "down time" - you're in game, but you're not really playing... At an added Dust cost, you can introduce colours that are not applied to the parents (say both parents are Black and Grey, you can change the colours to Purple and Green for the offspring but it will cost a sizeable amount more Element Dust). The costs could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line. 3. Tek 'Shield Trap' - The Tek Shield Trap is essentially a Tek Bear-Trap that can hold dinos of any size in place, for twice the time of bear traps - however the trap must be 'loaded' with Element first (an Element stack will hold Giga-sized creatures, with the field being less effective/unable to hold larger creatures with less Element supplied). It projects a 'reverse shield' or 'one way force field' - those inside it cannot get out, but those outside can walk, or fire, through. Single-time use but it can be picked up, if the trap is not sprung. Because it's Tek, it has IFF (i.e. it won't trap a friendly, and will allow them to pass through the shield, even from the inside). The enemy/non-aligned units caught inside the Shield Trap receive a 'Tagged' debuff that enables Tek Tranquiliser turrets to target them (they won't fire on anything that does not have the 'Tagged' debuff). Having it function only when loaded with Element ensures it can't be "cheesed" in PvP - however setting a well-coordinated ambush is still very much on the cards. The effectiveness could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line - filtering out anything above or below a particular drag weight, useful for unofficial servers. 3a. Dedicated Tek-Tranquiliser 'Pacifier' turret - Intended for use alongside the Tek Shield Trap, is the Tek Tranquiliser Turret (potentially called 'Tek Pacifier' turret) and the Tek Tranquiliser Rifle (TTR). The turret, using either Element Shards like the Tek Bow, or using Darts/Shock Darts (less preferrable/effective) can shoot at dinos to knock them unconscious, dealing exactly the right amount of torpor without harming the taming progress/efficiency. The turret is limited to only shooting at targets that are specifically marked by a particular debuff tentatively called 'Tagged', which is where the Shield Trap, or the TTR comes in. These could essentially enable 'Automated Taming Facilities' - an endgame Tek upgrade to the veritable 'Taming Traps' used by literally everyone - drop in your tame, tag it (using a Shield Trap in the facility, or your TTR) and watch as the facility drops your tame for you. The effectiveness could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line. 3b. Tek Tranquiliser Rifle (TTR) - A Tek Railgun-type weapon that uses Element and deals huge amounts of torpor at long range, with the ability to use a scope to zoom in on the target as it's primary mode. It also does minimal physical damage to the target. However, in its secondary mode, it applies the 'Tagged' debuff so any Tek Pacifier turrets in range will target the 'tagged' character until they are unconscious. The TTR is less effective on players (to minimise PvP shenanigans) and is only slightly more effective than traditional tranqs on already-tamed creatures (again aimed at minimising PvP hijinks). The effectiveness could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line. 4. REQUEST/SUGGESTION -Expanding the Game Settings for Single Player/non-dedicated servers within the game. Not everyone is competent, confident, or understands the how/why of editing the ini files. For example there are a number of settings I apply (via ini file) that might seem confusing or even intimidating to others, so having these options available via the in-game settings sliders/checkboxes simply makes sense. Things such as (specific to ASA): -Enabling/Disabling requirement to be in range of Cryofridges to use Cryopods -Increasing/Decreasing the range from Cryofridges that Cryopods can be used -Enabling/Disabling the use of fliers on non-flier maps (Aberration and Genesis Pt 1 - when they are released for ASA, and the Svartalfheim mod - as an example) -Enabling/Disabling the use of Tek abilities - including flying (example, Genesis Pt 1, the 'Tek Cave' - Boss fights)* -Increasing/Decreasing the Imprint Quality per imprint (currently only able to be manipulated via the ini) -Event activation/deactivation (which I believe *was* something at least attempted in ASE?) * Regarding the Tek Cave specifically - AI pathing, while improved, is not at the point where (particularly as a single player/small group) bringing large numbers (more than 2 or 3, plus your own mount, per person) is viable. Dinos still run/fall off the edges, and because you can't cryopod/un-cryopod dinos, you either run with minimal numbers to reduce that stress, but at the cost of facing large numbers of powerful, high-level dinos with less combat power. By allowing an option to use Tek in such areas, and in boss fights, doesn't detract from the core gameplay on official servers at all but can positively, and significantly, impact Singe-Player/non-dedicated/unofficial servers. 5. Firearm effectiveness (in PvE/SP) - Guns are not as effective against dinos, even when some of them 'look like' they should be. It has been like that since ASE. Certain mods got around this issue by adding in different ammo types specifically for use against dinos... For unofficial/PvE/SP or non-dedicated servers, having the ability to specifically enhance the effectiveness of ranged weapons would be "simple" to implement (effectively 0/false by default, but 'gun damage' could be multiplied by a specific amount entered). The effectiveness could be editable via a Slider (SP/non-dedicated) and/or ini line. 6. Tek Suit (Protective Values) - The Tek Suit... It enables the player to do 'superhuman' things, survive in the vacuum of space and everyone feels like Iron Man. Right up until you're in a cave full of noxious gas, or in a radiation zone. When wearing a powered, complete Tek Suit, and a player encounters noxious gas (the Redwood cave on the Island, for example) or radiation (such as the depths of Aberration) the suit *should* draw more power (take more Element) to protect the user from these environmental hazards. This functionality could/should be added into the Tek Suit and configurable either via a checkbox (for SP/non-dedicated) or an ini file (for unofficial servers) - this would have no change on PvE/PvP. 7. Flintlocks/Muskets - Please consider adding (either as part of the base game, or as part of Bob's Tall Tales) a Flintlock (pistol) and a Musket (rifle). Short range, high damage (to players), single-shot, long-reload-time weapons that are made with wood, hide and metal ingots at a Smithy while ammo for them ('Primitive Shot') can be made in your inventory (using gunpowder and metal ore), or faster via a Smithy. As powerful as a shotgun up close, but at a point target, and takes as long, if not longer, to load as the Pump-action Shotgun. Why? Mainly for enhancing roleplaying. Providing a type of firearm that, while powerful, is not going to destabilise any kind of balance nor does it take away the usefulness/effectiveness of other, more advanced weapons in game. Thank you for reading. Let me know your thoughts and I, and others I know, would really like to see things like this added to ASA to improve the way we play and, after slogging it out to endgame, a way to reduce the time spent doing "the mundane, back-at-base" stuff and more time out doing what we're all wanting to do - survive, tame, breed, raise and ascend.
  16. Because when both baskets are full, the "jumping off" animation tends to collide with the baby in the basket and leave you stuck on the gigaraptor's back.
  17. add a system that tracks errors between mods so other authors can see them. like when you track errors on server then fix your Gus.ini or game.ini with the error report that would be cool. for example if a mod creator gets told of an incompatibility in a direct msg or on discord and gets given all the ids of their mods their using. they merely need to load up those ids for themself with there mod and it will read the errors so they can see and identify which mod specifically is interacting with their mod incorrectly reading the name of the mod and the log report of errors from them. Allowing modders to respond much faster and maybe helping them stress less over fixes. you know if this isn’t already added for them.
  18. For aberration i whish that basilisks get the love and attention they deserve in form of a tlc to make them breedable. They are so unique and cool creatures and i really dont see why they shouldnt be breedable
  19. 1. Non dedicated server aka single player it always ask for a password to join server it’s been like this since launch, but there’s only an option to set admin password and even if you tell someone it the can’t ever join. It’s like server password was chosen without ever choosing to enable it. This option should be added going forward. 2. It waould be nice to give the server owner the ability to disable all structure snapping for pc unofficial servers, but keep snapping on so only owners can disable it so we can freely build anything that way this doesn’t affect pvp on official or sotf. 3. I’ve heard sotf is important to have pvp fog and a certain density of foliage right. You should definitely make it impossible to activate only grass.enable 0 & r.fog 0 in sotf. I think pve should be able to use all render settings. And official should only be able to use all render settings on pve, but official pvp should have r.fog 0 & grass.enable 0 disabled. Then you can set a acceptable amount of foilaige for sotf and official pvp servers. Giving ample, but fair coverage for your pvp players. Cause volumetriccloud is crucial too keep for fps boost as well as most settings that are render. 4. keep all render settings usable for unofficial servers unless in the future you add a way for server renters to add render settings in Gus.ini to choose that stuff themselves I believe grass.enable 0 & r.fog 0 should be allowed always for unofficial unless you add these 2 in the Gus.ini later for the owner to control for their unofficial pvp servers. clean see through water is like the best I can’t live without out it and keeps my eye strain down plenty for my age. 5. An option in Gus.ini to add r. Settings in for pc unofficial one day so we don’t after re-enter them everytime after restarting the game atleast for rentable servers. I play on series x Xbox incase your wondering what console I’m on.
  20. I would like to suggest if its possible and popular enough that a type of new official server could be set raid hours. What I mean by this is for more casual players who want to play PVP as well as not be offlined every single night on an official server could have a server type that only allows building damage during a set time period each day. This would not only allow for casual PVP players to have a fighting chance of actually building up, but it will also encourage a pvp enviroment of online combat versus simply waiting for your oppenent to go to work or bed and then deleting their base, tames, and items. An example would be say a North American West Coast server that has building damange enabeled from 1700-2359 pacific standard time 7 days a week. Outside of those times enemy tribes and players would not be able to damage building structures but could still damage players and player tames. So essentially the open world pvp continues 24 hours a day on the server but the base raiding is only open during a time block. This time block could be adjusted for weekends to be larger since the most common work week schedule is M-F. Over my many hours of playing Ark Ascended I have run into and chatted with many players. The largest common complaint or change ive ever heard requested is the exact setup I described above that limits building damage to set hours each day. People enjoy defending their base and the combat that comes from that as well as people enjoy defenders being at the base and the combat and fun you get from being on both sides of the event.
  21. I've noticed when I'm out farming solo which takes a lot of time by the way my anky oftentimes swing randomly at metal nodes before I get on it I was thinking why don't they implement a feature called auto harvest I see they try to implement this feature but it's either not working properly or not implemented in a way that Adds quality life to the game so if wild card is looking at this please add a feature called auto harvesting where I don't have to get off my tame and get it on another just to hit a rock my tame should be doing that for me.
  22. I feel it is tedious needing to use the radial wheel on controller to ride a Diplocaulus. Taking Oxygen should be in the radial wheel. I cannot count how many of them I’ve lost or myself died because of the precious seconds it wastes. It also prevents you from cuddling them as well. Also on controller, pressing “Take All” from an inventory (like a supply drop for instance) with LB/L1 should be prioritized over “Transfer All” to said inventory. Needing to go all the way up to the transfer button with the alternative being transferring all of your inventory to the drop before being able to take it is ludicrous in a pinch. Please return it to how it was in ASE where LB/R1 is only “Take All” and return the need to manually press the “Transfer All” button since this functionality isn’t needed as often. Or simply swap the order of Take All and Transfer All with our current set up and putting Take All first. There’s also the (to my knowledge) no way to equip bait on a fishing rod without using the mouse mode. It’s not unplayable, but it’s slightly tedious needing to swap the setting around as someone that prefers playing with the mouse mode disabled. This can be fixed by the ability to click an item with A/X to highlight it and click the second item to equip like it was in ASE. Correct me if there is a way already in ASA. Also please remove or increase the area cap for generators. As someone that prefers playing Official, this restriction is just tedious even for medium sized bases. There are probably more issues/oversights that I am forgetting, but I am treating this as a means to spark more ideas from others.
  23. Dear developers! Once again I would like to ask you to open an official cluster of Offline Raid Protection servers. The thing is that I, as well as many other players, have been playing ARK: Survival Evolved for years on the official PVP-ORP cluster. At some point, the developers closed all the official servers with the words that all the same official servers will soon appear in the remaster of the game - ARK: Survival Ascended. It is for this reason that I and many other fans of this mode bought ARK: ASA, hoping that they will be able to return to their favorite servers and enjoy our favorite game again. But what was my surprise that this mode is simply absent in ASA. From the first day the game appeared in my library, I tried to get in touch with the developers to get the word out. I created discussions in Steam, wrote repeatedly in the official ARK Discord and even participated in discussions here on this forum. But never got any clear answer. I realize that the game is still in development and the developers have a lot of things to do to improve ARK ASA. I'm not asking or in any way demanding to open an official ORP cluster immediately, I just want to know some information about future plans, since again, I and many other players can't find a place in the remaster. Their home and comfort was taken away from ARK: Survival Evolved, but they didn't get it back in ARK: Survival Ascended.
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