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  1. My word, they just said to have a good holiday, stop complaining about everything y'all
  2. What I don't understand is why people complain about unrelated issues on these posts. There's forums, guys. They might listen to you if you go over there instead.
  3. Good to see the steampunk animal mod up there, it deserves it ;3
  4. hisses in Canada I get that you guys are American but
  5. Oh my word, I'll actually be able to catch that stream :3 can't wait!
  6. Eeey go AUS! Good to see that you're showcasing some of that stuff :3
  7. If you fix all the bugs, it'd be lovely to have prim plus in the main game!
  8. Huh, nice to see this all happening. Does anyone know if the S+ versions of things will be still usable? (like the triangular ceilings)
  9. Merry Christmas! Would all you complainers just shut up for a day it's the holidays
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