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About ArianaGaming

  • Birthday 09/03/1998

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  1. Someone said the same for MC and it died on console. But yes WC have a lot to do just on console (other platforms). I am fine with late December as well.not.
  2. Hello, I am worried now. Server updates? Is the summer bash only for official ? Only PC maybe even? Surly not. Nonono. Single player and console (no platform info). Please. Edit: at the end of the vid "summer bash" it says XBOX PS4 STEAM. Sorry. Edit again: Ced answered yes to the question if the summer bash is client side aswell. So the event is for single player aswell. Phu. The simple yes came one hour ago 12ish passific time. So after some edits I am no longer worried. Please include spawn codes for single player. Can not wait. For the pizza now. /Ariana
  3. Wow one thing fixed that all players run into: Ind. Cookers now pulls water from all connected sources. So No More pipes in enemies areas. Wow again. I like the patch notes new format. Thanks. To All that sacrificed Ovis at the obelisks. Maybe next event. threee tiiimes pleeease. Lol
  4. You are right it is working and now finally after two years ish meshing is decreasing . All I see is disconnects and game crashes from patched maps, I do not see the drastic decrease in meshing.
  5. Thank you for the large console attention. It was much needed. The first crunch with distinction since March 2018, almost a year. Only thing I do not like is another monument to a meshing tribe on the Island. Is it a triple ground mesh with a non mine able stone on top sark_questionmark. Can't wait to explore the Island again on a forcetamed corrupted Wyvern without crashing. Sailing along arr Ariana
  6. Hello, I rest assured that continued updates will remove lag (not increase) lag that ended up in bad graphics to finish in disconnect or crashes. Continued game play is not possible since after ARKaeology two update. With continued game play I mean more than one hour. Last good update was the launch of ARKaeology FYI Regards, Ariana
  7. Hello, Wish you the best and thank you for all you have done. I jump on the Jeremy train as it takes off. Left is Ark with fancy titles and impossible tasks. All aboard Regards, Ariana
  8. Hello, This is so possitive! Wow I think i might drop everything and just celebrate. Keep it up and keep smiley faces in parch notes. That was so refreshing and almost a year since Jat gave us smileys. Thank you in advance. Regards, Ariana
  9. Hello, Thank you for talking. I agree it is better to push the dlc out than to have it balanced and working. We just do not understand what made quick changes and updates in the past possible but now small changes over a huge amount of time. No one is more impressed of what you do in short time though. I see the constant work you do. Finish and bottomline is that it, the dlc, looks fastly made starting after the summer break. You guys must have done work not yet released. Well you mixed it up and changes can not be removed. Regards, Ariana
  10. Hmm When did you realise this? Two weeks ago or yesterday. Before the twitter update saying: rel date 6 November PC, Xbox and PS4. I guess spoilers are Incoming. Regards, Ariana
  11. Hi, I waited sooo long. Great. Argentavis and more. Server official arianagaming 771.4 /Ariana
  12. Thanks for the reply,base reappeared later on in the afternoon

  13. Hopeful they can update the server network ASAP
  14. OMG, a must have. " from the Element Crystals " /Ari
  15. @theonetruegodME, If you hate the transfer timers on items. Why do you a second later like it? Your information is incomplete and most likely also wrong, about how to transfer, but since I have not tested it out myself I do not want to correct you. Since the update a lot of things changed. A lot of these trolls now spread false information even youtubers that we could trust for information now are sometimes wrong. Might it be a mistake lets hope so. For example one video I looked at stated that not waiting for a server-spot glitched you into the server, overriding the waiting-line. Funny how being last in line over and over, could get you first inline. Trolls now unable to dupe items so they try to get hate at WC and spread false information on all the usual medias, calling it free speech. @theonetruegoodME, I am sorry if I irritated you, truly. I just wanted to have a go at one of the haters out there. So it was you due to your hybris and the funny fact that godmode is available in GTA. but I leave it at that. You obviously did not get the joke. Have fun and enjoy life /Ariana
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