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  1. “Buy the map, play with the creatures on it” is still the basic business model. Once it turns into “buy the map and get everything but this one creatures unless you give us more money” you’re working with an altogether different situation. While having access to creatures a player that doesn’t have the same map would not creates a sense of powercreep it’s still fair enough in that those that DO purchase the map are all on equal footing by virtue of having the map. Once you reach the point where players who should be on even footing aren’t because player A shelled out more money for an extra creature the dynamic shifts. Either you’re blind or willingly ignorant of this.
    2 points
  2. It’s not all about the money, it’s about keeping some kind of fairness and balance in the game.
    2 points
  3. It stops being merely a cosmetic pack once creatures exclusive to the pack are added. Not skins, creatures. Unless they can be claimed by people who haven’t purchased the pack this opens the door to far more predatory p2w features and microtransactions. Prior to this the game’s system was merely a case of ‘buy the map and get access to all the dinos on it’. Now there’s a chance that it’ll be ‘buy the map and get most of the dinos except these exclusive ones that we want more money for’. How on earth has this managed to escape you?
    2 points
  4. As being said in the title , the zone structure limit doesn't allow you to build freely for your needs For exemple , if you build the easy water cave of island and put 2 floors , you can't even build anything on it ... Please make it almost double , it's not the proper way of optimizing your server performance and you guy's know it , optimizing shouldn't be in the detriment of the player experience . also for the Outside building enjoyer , IN PVP , this game isn't designed to live outside . I don't want to see your comment , neither ill answer to it .
    1 point
  5. I understand the need for and the benefits of the new cryopod nerfs for PVP but for PVE they are just painful and irritating. We now have small cryo-base spam around every cave, every POI - some tribes are able to release their dinos inside caves (those who built in strategic spots where their cryofridge radius clips into the cave below) but most are not. That means there are 2 tiers of player, those who can easily farm loot drops and artifacts in caves, and those who cannot. It's simply not fair and creates a lot of toxicity on some official PVE servers. There are very few benefits to the new system in PVE as they are actually playing out and big downsides. It creates needless frustration and a feeling of unfairness. I know this has caused players I know to return to ASE and they won't be the first, it's such a shame. Please revert cryos to the old system on PVE. Ty.
    1 point
  6. If this is what wild card thinks is a good auto harvest it's a complete joke I've seen video games with better mechanics than this sometimes after hitting a few rocks they just stop completely this is not a complete feature and they need to redo it. According to my testing there seems to be a sort of weight limit to them when on auto harvesting they will stop swinging eventually. It's impossible to get a overweight anky I've tested this with all the farming dinos I know it's the same case throughout. This is asa they're supposed to be introducing quality live Improvements and this is one of my most anticipated. The fact that they made it 50% of its weight is ridiculous this is not efficient by any means it should continue to harvest regardless of its own weight.
    1 point
  7. I miss my otter I got early game who got arked, have yet to see another one. And now getting into mutant breeding - heading north to find argys after building my trap raft - sure would be nice to have one again as a thermos.. I sure hope the differences I made from the leeds raft videos does not make it a leeds snack if I have to drive over to carno island for one! It was a long anky stone grind as I need the argy to get a doed. So much for my anky cave squad the wiki recommended, seems the later ascended videos you need small to get past new constrictions and I doubt they will fit as cannot get them thru double doors, I had to upgrade to dino doors for the raft. I still like the idea though so will probably egg them into a cave.
    1 point
  8. "And then he turned himself into a remaster, funniest thing I've ever seen!" Heyo, ZCI5250 here! You may recognise me as one of the artists for The Sunken World. Our beloved amphibious writer ashgcy is off on vacation at the moment, so I will be your host for this edition of the Sunken Scoop! In this scoop, we will be showing off some sneaky screenshots of our delightful aquatic friends frolicking about in ASA! These were taken on our private testing branch, and some things may change with the official release! As mentioned in the previous scoop, we do not have a planned release date. However, we have gotten past the major hurdles that came with porting, so all that's left to do is playtesting and bug fixing. As long as the creatures dont come up with another escape plan, you can expect to see TSW Additions on the in-game Mods tab very soonTM! If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. With new creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related to the official game and its content releases. Let's dive into the scoop! ASA SCREENSHOTS While it isn't ready to be played just yet, we do have a couple of teasers for what to expect in the TSW Additions mod's ASA debut! From the living SCUBA tank Anomalocaris to the gentle giant Henodus, we mainly focused on porting over creatures which would be greatly beneficial to aquatic gameplay. Oh, the chunky proto-whale Ambulocetus managed to sneak its way in too, but we decided to let it stay. I mean, how could you say no to those puppy dog eyes? Anomalocaris What would TSW be without these iconic and (oddly) adorable arthropods? While feisty in the wild, tamed Anomalocaris will gladly provide survivors with oxygen while underwater... at the cost of slurping up some of your blood! Just be prepared to repair your chestpiece every now and then, their graspers are mighty strong for their size! Henodus Paddling gracefully through the billowing bogs, one can find the charismatic Henodus! These odd sauropterygians are an incredibly important tame for a life beneath the waves. When submerged, a Henodus will release air bubbles from its back, which you can build on to create an early game underwater home! Ambulocetus And last (for now) but not least, we have the Ambulocetus! Found up north in frigid waters, these peculiar mammals are a perfect exploratory mount! Not only are they able to traverse land and sea, but they can even invigorate themselves with a metabolic rush that makes them move and attack faster! You can even pet them, which is not only abso-friggin-lutely adorable, but will also give allied tames a boost in XP gain! COMMUNITY CORNER We haven't received any submissions for the community corner this week, but we're certainly keeping an eye out for anything you want to send us! In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us yourself! Send us anything from screenshots, artwork, videos and the so on, and we can feature your work in the next scoop! The submissions channel in our Discord is always open, or you can tag us @ARKSunken with #sunkenscoop on Twitter! That's all for this issue of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! We hope you're just as excited to play with TSW on ASA as we are, and we will have more to share in the next one! Come to our discord to share in the excitement, or just to hang out! Have a wonderful timezone! If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active. Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken Map Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759 (ASE Version) Creature Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728 (ASE Version)
    1 point
  9. To be fair, I had bought mine in Series X in November and not once had I seen mention that you couldn't save the freaking game after a dozen hours. I can forgive jankiness but I can't forgive a game literally being unplayable for almost two months straight because it won't save. If I knew that was an issue at launch, I wouldn't have bought it. I would gladly take a refund if they would offer it.
    1 point
  10. “Don’t ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product”. This is you. This is how you sound. You don’t reward a company for implementation of practices like this.
    1 point
  11. The fact that people don't want to dump money on crap doesn't make them poor or unemployed, it just means they got other priorities. And brains.
    1 point
  12. THIS, THIS, THIS! Real quick, hello! First time being here and posting! Second of all, this is completely true! I have the PS5 version of the game and I've been waiting for something about them finally fixing the issues that it has. I don't care about anything else right now. I just want to play the game! Screw Scorched Earth and all of the fancy, schmancy crap to go with it! Which I (AND MANY OTHERS) can't do on console due to the save issues. It just looks like console players are getting the shaft like with Evolved. What is the point of buying a game that you can't even play? I want to stop crapping on the game and WC but at this point? I'm very tempted to get a refund. We haven't gotten so much as a peep about any fixes to console Ascended! Third of all, what the heck is the point of showing us this if a not insignificant portion of the fanbase can't even play on the normal game!? PLEASE WILDCARD! Fix the game and please don't force us to pay for this new stuff! I can understand cool looking cosmetics, but please don't hide Scorched Earth behind another paywall! PLEASE FIX THE GAME!
    1 point
  13. I guess we know why SE was pushed back now, to get this new dino into the frontier pack. This is a joke. This massive flying base isnt a cosmetic item. You cant call this a cosmetic pack anymore. Guess we shouldn't have expected any less from Shi and snail. Obviously we dont know the specifics of the Oasisaur, but it certainly seems like its going to give people a pretty big advantage on a dry wasteland type of map like SE. That is the exact opposite of what a cosmetic pack is supposed to be. Didnt take Shi long to introduce p2w elements into the "cosmetics" pack to force those who want to remain competitive on a server into buying it. If something like this is in the very first pack, I imagine its only going to get worse down the line.
    1 point
  14. We know nothing really about the new creature but I'm dreaming it's mainly a PVE thing and it will create an instanced base, like we have in Fallout 76. When the player logs off the base and all it's contents disappear from the world too until they log on again. This would be awesome for performance on PVE servers - yep, I know, totally dreaming but yeah, that's what I'd like In reality it's prob going to be more like the megachelon, eagerly anticipated, everyone tames one, then any benefits are nerfed to the ground after the PVP crowd get hold of it and break pvp....again. Still looking forward to getting one though.
    1 point
  15. Maybe my "hardcore" skills and thousands of ArkSE hours make it somewhat a second nature for me to not die lol. But I find it hard to actually die, or even get really hurt from wildlife ASA encounters unless its a decision for me because I need a respawn. Yes movement speed is buffed, no actual fact checking, but so it feels. Stamina also seems "buffed" Maybe its the lag, but I can easily outrun raptors... The animals have a hard time dropping a hit, even when standing still... So the little fast strave to the left, right before beeing attacked by Raptor, will make it miss or you can even trow it off a cliff. Same with Hyenadon, laying on the edge of a cliff will make them all jump over you and dissapear in the void... Swim upwards to avoid a sharkbite, they will even ignore you if you are floating... I feel like its way too easy now... Is it me and my lag or is this a general conviction? Ow and,,, the AI, pathfinding is also insanely terrible!
    1 point
  16. Lol, they did something weird with spawners
    1 point
  17. I crashed 3 times and jumped around on a roo. I rate my time 6/10. Would have been much worse without my roo. Oh yeah my otter ate a dozen T-Rexes, that was pretty funny.
    0 points
  18. I hope your taming trip goes better than mine. Got raft swarmed by kapros on a cold rainy night, I tried to escape up the rope ladder to the top level but they lept and pulled me back down. Naked freezing corpse run on an iguanadon as it is fast cross country mount hoping the guard pela I had pecked them to death but nope I watched them eat my storage chests - with all the loot drop blueprints and trophies I had been moving to my new base and forget to unload. So I said OK lets bring they shark navy, but they had died while I was out building the stone raft - all the trough fish rotted as I had took them off aggro as they got too fat on blubber. So I said this calls for the marines - which consists of only a mid level spino that was an early lucky tame but I do not have a saddle for yet. No problem I got a sarco if I can just find it in the tall grass - as I do have that on a saddle. Nope guess a tickle chicken ate it while it pretended to bite back. Sigh. So that left my newly acquired low level beaver to lead the amphibious assault. Damn the spino and the beaver are not to be messed with I need to get breeding some high level mutants and get them some ladies. But I got knocked off my supervising rock in the freezing rain into the bayou and swam for the raft. Thank god I used pillars not foundations for the build - because one more heartbeat I was going to be an icicle under the raft - so it was easy to pull myself onto the raft. Luckily I still had food left in the fireplace as they ate the fridge. So now I am naked and afraid and need to head back because I got nothing to shoot argy with - there is no way I am going to swim circles in infested waters trying to figure out which sinking loot bag has my gear. Back to white gear for a while. The spino just died from a lvl4 shark because it decided to eat coel instead.
    0 points
  19. No. „Buy the Map „ is no longer the case. So… How on earth has this managed to escape you?
    0 points
  20. All you guys complaining about the frontier pack: are u Poor? Unemployed? The pack will sure be around 10-20 bucks All of u Play hundreds of hours in a fkn Game u paid Max Like 50 bucks for stop crying and buy the pack. Or simply stop crying. It is so ridicolous
    0 points
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