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Everything posted by Luizza

  1. The half hearted event weekend is not appreciated (warn us in advance please, ppl plan for these things), but I was always disappointed Astraeos wouldn't be coming to official so I'm v pleased about that. Awesome map.
  2. Can't help with the other problems we are all putting up with but this one I can - use a primitive spear, it auto puts the fish into ur hand so u can tame otters once again. Don't mistime the feed tho, if u do it will drop and there's no picking it up again.
  3. Yep, the mechanics of imprinting are tedious enough lasting days. We got used to the 'bug', it was there for YEARS. There was absolutely no reason to go back on it now except to make everything more tedious. People in pve are already at end of their tether with the other cryo nerfs, this feels very bad. I hate to be here moaning but we all know people are leaving the game and I hate seeing it happen, and it's all the little minor decisions like this which make pve less fun and easier to walk away from.
  4. Yeah we know, but we've had it for years and the game is already feeling ultra grindy starting again and with other games being more 'user friendly' with more 'active' things to do, this is just irritating. Same with the cryo nerfs, just frustrating and unnecessary in pve.
  5. Clean glass walls!! Omg I can't tell you how happy this makes me, the current textures are so annoying blocking our lovely views - this makes me so happy - ty ❤️ (ty for the evo too)
  6. Yes, I'm aware of why the cryos were brought back early, and I'm aware of why they decided to have these half and half measures. But as they are actually playing out on PVE official is not what they intended and just creates unnecessary friction in the game (in personal gameplay and between players).
  7. I understand the need for and the benefits of the new cryopod nerfs for PVP but for PVE they are just painful and irritating. We now have small cryo-base spam around every cave, every POI - some tribes are able to release their dinos inside caves (those who built in strategic spots where their cryofridge radius clips into the cave below) but most are not. That means there are 2 tiers of player, those who can easily farm loot drops and artifacts in caves, and those who cannot. It's simply not fair and creates a lot of toxicity on some official PVE servers. There are very few benefits to the new system in PVE as they are actually playing out and big downsides. It creates needless frustration and a feeling of unfairness. I know this has caused players I know to return to ASE and they won't be the first, it's such a shame. Please revert cryos to the old system on PVE. Ty.
  8. We know nothing really about the new creature but I'm dreaming it's mainly a PVE thing and it will create an instanced base, like we have in Fallout 76. When the player logs off the base and all it's contents disappear from the world too until they log on again. This would be awesome for performance on PVE servers - yep, I know, totally dreaming but yeah, that's what I'd like In reality it's prob going to be more like the megachelon, eagerly anticipated, everyone tames one, then any benefits are nerfed to the ground after the PVP crowd get hold of it and break pvp....again. Still looking forward to getting one though.
  9. At least give co-ords lol - also this really needs to go in bug reports.
  10. If you read the crunch it says these will be NEW servers. Everyone will start on those at same time. There are no transfers between servers on current PC. Everyone on there will have a brand new char. There are also console only servers.
  11. Everyone is so hyped, they're trying to hide it with all this 'crunch is poop' but look at them...hype is real Gonna be fun
  12. TakeAllDino - takes all dinos of the tribe u r looking at.
  13. Thank you for your hard work, I will use it for option 1.
  14. Why no proper explanation of how to use the saves if you don't want to pay £20 per month in this crunch? Why have the saves been provided in such an bloated format? Legacy saves were far more manageable with far less needless 'fluff'. Could it possibly be to justify not providing console saves or discourage PC users to push people into renting? There are good tools and tips elsewhere on this forum to make the process less painful, why aren't you helping provide this info WC? And finally, why no facility to upload your tames and char at the obelisk and download into your local game? The least you could do for console players. Gaslighting much?
  15. Incredibly useful for people wanting to clean their official server saves of other tribes to make the saves more useable. Many thanks!
  16. It will be a file you can download and just put into the correct folder, then when you next load into that map it will be the official one with yours and everyone else's stuff on there. (make a back up of your current single player map if you want to keep it). There will be full instructions at the time, if not from WC, then youtubers will explain it step by step, it really is super easy to do though.
  17. No reason they can't allow console players to download their own dinos and characters tho is there? (Sry to post about this again but since the idea was raised it seems it should be done, there are a lot of people who can't afford £20 a month for one map not attached to their single player game, forever, to host their stuff when something like just being able to retrieve your own dinos to your own single player game could prevent a lot of heartache, I'm not even a console player but this seems the least they should offer in the circumstances).
  18. This is actually something I haven't seen mentioned but is a very good idea. Until shutdown a new section at transmitters appears which allows you to download to a new option of 'local'. Anything uploaded to there could be downloaded into a local game and is gone forever from official. Won't help with buildings, etc but you could retrieve your dinos and characters that way. Would be especially helpful to console players.
  19. PS. Good to see the characters are included this time. Nice.
  20. In any further communication about the server saves could you make it clear that people can download the savedata to use in single player or your own server for FREE?
  21. Look at what happened with legacy, those files are still available to download. You can check our how that worked here - The whole server is there, and yes you will be able to look at or claim as your own anything on the server when the save file is created. You have a choice, either destroy your stuff and walk away now or keep going and wait for the save file to be created and be able to use it in your single player world or upload to a rented server (that's on PC, it's still not clear what ppl on console will be able to do).
  22. True, (unless it's ages and then they despawn as u pick them up hehe - but that's irrelevant in this context) but they've always been there since Scorched came out and yet ppl still prefer to have a farm themselves rather than go to the trench regularly - that's a lot of eggs u need to go and find, fun...but not something most ppl do. PS. Now if they included vanilla flyer speed then...hmm
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