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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Some people enjoy looking at the fan art. Just because there's no news worthy news this week doesn't mean they shouldn't show-off players fan art. If there was no Community Crunch because there was no news then people would complain that there was no Crunch. So it's best all round if the people that enjoy looking at fan art enjoy reading this, and those that aren't interested in the fan art just carry on with what they were doing. At the end of the day there's nothing worth making a mountain out of a molehill here by moaning about it.
    6 points
  2. There's just a lot less community facing things to report this week. Every week won't be a heavy news week. There's lots happening in the background that we'll be talking about soon enough though.
    3 points
  3. Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch! This week we take a look at some awesome community fan art and community content. Summer Bash will be wrapping up on July 21'st, so be sure to make the best of those wonderful summer days in ARK. EVO Event While Summer Bash is active from June 25th to July 21st, there will be no special EVO event rates. Summer Bash Rates 3X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation) 4X Player XP 4X Harvesting 4X Taming Fan Art Castle Build by @sefiroultima Speed Genesis Build by @sam_stimo Masters of Genesis Simulation by @Scutal OC Playing Ark:Survival Evolved by @BrekrofMadness Faith (Mod Map) by @JaceMonsen Ragnarok by @caffeineluvver Cute Little Rat by @ARKLove9 See you next week! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    1 point
  4. Had a much better day today. Got a shack up, and put down a storage box and a mortar and pestle. My crystal wyvern is my new "main mount" since it's much faster and might be able to escape the alpha with the hydrated buff, should we find it again. Tamed a parasaur for security and a morellotops for berries. My crystal wyvern is level seventy-something with much better damage than the griffin. Even though I transferred a bunch of stuff yesterday, today I lived off the land, no transfers. Also spent two whole minutes finding the perfect spot for a refining forge. I still don't think it's perfect but I'll leave it be for now. The shack is just temporary.
    1 point
  5. Dear Wildcard, our Center Server 351 is still offline since 07/11/2020... Why don't you address this issue, what's wrong with you?
    1 point
  6. Suffered. Not gonna sugarcoat it. Wanted to play CI and died I believe ten or more times (maybe twelve?) trying to reach the green obelisk, before dino wiping to get rid of some annoying raptors. Finally got my griffin from Rag (used my Rag character too) and went exploring for about thirty minutes. In that time I was attacked by a blood crystal wyvern, for seemingly no reason. Not near the hive, so it couldn't have been heir, right? Managed to get it to eat some parasaurs instead. Tamed a tropical too. Tomorrow I want a shack put up, so I'll have a base, even if it's not permanent. Also, if I make a new "tribe" (even though I'm alone) will it mess with dino ownership for when I go back to Ragnarok? Just want to be able to select "tribe owned" to get rid of that annoying "owned by" thing over dino heads, I always think they're following. I really want to play a bit more on The Island at some point, but for now, Crystal Isles is pretty fun. I'll try to find some aberrant or Aberration native dinos. Of course, when I beat the stupid island (and scorched), the real Aberration will be fun. The underground forest on Valguero does have more of an Aberration "feel." Poor Valguero. They lost drakes, reapers, and griffins, and then had a bunch of what they did get stolen by Crystal Isles (I need to stop saying "Aberration," but those creatures are the main thing it lost.) which also has its precious griffins. Edit: Checked the wiki and found the rouge blood was an alpha. Explains the weird particle effect. I wonder if a blood, ember, or tropical is best to eventually take it down. Blood would be immune to its breath...
    1 point
  7. Never seen WC reply to any message on this forum or on the steam forum, since i play this game...
    1 point
  8. You make it to where allies cannot heal each other. You make it where owls cannot freeze anyone that is not part of the tribe. Yet you STILL cannot make it where gasbags cannot blow other tribes dinos off of ocean platforms? This needs to be addressed TIME NOW. People are losing tames to the select few individuals who cannot roll it on pvp so they come to PVE to grief and kill other people's time and resources. FIX THIS NOW
    1 point
  9. Says it all really .. You do realize console players pay the same price for the game, than PC players paid? Then why are we always treated as a minority, left playing 2nd fiddle ..
    0 points
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