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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2018 in all areas

  1. Tonight I spent more time trying to mix colors into my line of chops to make breeding them a bit more interesting.
    3 points
  2. Thankyou @Aushegun for my 1000th reaction. Ill be making a small forum game in celebration!
    2 points
  3. Xbox - Nitrado Unofficial Server - Aberration Just a quick one tonight, too tired after a long day. Went out on a hunt for iguanodon again, this time I took out the crab. Iguanodon after iguanodon and all I could find was low levels. Just as I was about to give up I find a level 115, so I scoop it up and carry it back to base before knocking it out and taming it. Went out looking for ravagers. Love taking out entire packs with the karkinos. One in each claw and batter them a few times and move on to the next one. Found a lonely 145 but before I could get to it, it picked a fight with a dire bear and lost. Eventually found a 120 male. I just casually strolled up to it and walked off with it in the crabs claws, its pack mates didnt seem to care that I came along and just walked off with their pack leader. Got it to a safe place by my base and knocked it out and tamed it.
    2 points
  4. Just logged in to check last night, didnt have time to play. As I logged in one of my bulbdogs killed a paracertherium! It was my main bulbdog too, he's sitting at 11k exp total lol.. I dont know how killing a pacer gave him 26 levels ontop but I wont argue. Now hes sitting with sweet sweet 4.5k charge cap lol He shall be named accordingly and given the finest bulbdog ladies to celebrate
    2 points
  5. Get your self an Argentavis ..... build a trap with pillars and a dino gate. Make the dino chase you (kite) it into the trap, close door and tame it. You will love have an Argent .... Easiest way is to use a Ptera to kite it to the trap, as a Ptera can fly thru the piller gaps, but a Argent can't. Tame multiple Argents. Level some up in Melee and health. A few more in weight and Stamina, and you have a protection and a resource gathering detail. Plus the Argent can carry the Anklo! You can use your Tapejara to tame a Quetz when you are ready. Keep up the good work! (well except for the hacking your Ptera to death part ? )
    2 points
  6. @Aushegun there are two trees in the swamp area of viking bay you can get sap from too. They are very tall compared to the rest
    1 point
  7. Oh yeah. Should have done that with the iguanodon tame lol. Might have to try it with a few ravagers. Ah that might explain a lot. Had trouble in the past with that. I must automatically use the right claw being that I am right handed lol
    1 point
  8. Long day at work today so I apoologize for the worse than usual write up! Tamed a before mentioned purple 130 crab. I love the crab's natural colours, theres a cyan-like one I really want, similar to its' blood colour. After that I found a 90 crab near and tamed that for Saltire. Once you got the trap established its sooo easy. Then bred up some Ravagers with intent on bringing a few to the surface. Pre-incubated some spino eggs to kill for leveling dinos (tribe exp) and accidently let 8 eggs hatch lol. Ended up getting an extra 2 levels via health mutation (second now) and imprinted that one. The first spino ive been able to get more than one imprint on.. I need to get kibble going here lol. Went for a run about on a movespeed Ravager, loads of fun. Scouted out Saltire's base then returned home. As I arrived I noticed one of my spinos I set loose in the river (to keep crabs constantly spawning) was attacking a 150 Sarco. Ive been wanting one since TLC so grabbed it up. Took the sarco, some prefabbed base bits and went to fertile lake to drop off the crab to Saltire and make a small pearl outpost. I only half finished it but afterwards it can serve as a spino trap as well. Went back to base and prefabbed more stuff, grabbed an Anky, one Ravager and made a few rad suits and took off to build my outpost in the surface cave. After building a small hut out of the way, I realized building a ramp here will be extremely easy, as (unlike most Ab) you can actually build on the rock wall, good for pillar anchors. Ill build a ramp there in the next week. Went up for my first time ever onto the surface with a speed Ravager. Didnt find a single drop and almost died by Reaper Kings. I got scared poopless by an Alpha reaper and ran. Jumped down and ran away. I was sitting outside the cave in Fertile tossing some bits out and the freaking reaper jumps up onto me. I take off running and it kept following me. Its somewhere between the river and lake.. I did some googling and apparently surface reapers despawn when lured so thankfully it should be gone. Sucker was hitting my ravager for 250+ each hit! Ill check next time im on with a Mega and see if hes there. Im sure I forgot some things and if I remember ill throw an edit down below lol
    1 point
  9. I highly doubt that will happen! ? However, I would not be surprised if the easy spawn point turns out to not be at all easy just like the Portal area!
    1 point
  10. There will be high level corrupted tek troodons at every spawn and it will be 90% night. You can't convince me otherwise.
    1 point
  11. lol, there's no news yet of which dinos really will be spawning on it besides what's in the pictures, As long as there's dodo's i'm happy! My Dodo army versus Titan will be something to look forward to!
    1 point
  12. There will be troodons at ever spawn point. And Extinction will be a permanant 90% night 10% day map. Have fun.
    1 point
  13. can you add the thylacleo and a system where you can have a friends list where you can invite them to your single player world that be cool!!! hope you add my idea and also how do you convert your android single player data to a new android phone one more thing why do you have to pay for admin commands??.
    0 points
  14. 0 points
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