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Scorched Earth Weather


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7 hours ago, TonyTempah said:

Get your desert armor on and enjoy the storm's embrace!

I'll be happy to make my desert armor, as soon as I can find ANY metal that doesn't require me being able to fly to the top of a mesa to do so. Can't get any starter metal at all, not the tiny pittance you can normally get from harvesting normal rocks, no round river rocks in the water...nothing. Can't get even just the measly 10 raw I need to make 5 ingots to make the smithy I need TO make the desert armor ;...;

Edited by margifish
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16 hours ago, margifish said:

I'll be happy to make my desert armor, as soon as I can find ANY metal that doesn't require me being able to fly to the top of a mesa to do so. Can't get any starter metal at all, not the tiny pittance you can normally get from harvesting normal rocks, no round river rocks in the water...nothing. Can't get even just the measly 10 raw I need to make 5 ingots to make the smithy I need TO make the desert armor ;...;

ASA SE surely does kick butt! Got a toe hold in a "Hard" area. 3 steps forward, two steps back. When you finally do get to a metal node area, it's full of angry biters.


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I logged in this morning and a sand storm hit. Immediately my vision narrowed due to my desert helm. I knew that meant the sand storm was working as intended. Sure enough, my stamina started plummeting when I left my base. So it would appear it was fixed but not mentioned in the patch notes. I havent seen an electrical or heat wave yet to know if they are "fixed" as well. Hopefully the frequency was fixed to ASE rates as well.


Edit: Back to back to back storms, doesnt seem the frequency was fixed.

Edited by Moonie1
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  • 2 weeks later...

The storms is nothing but an annoying waiting game. While writing this ive been standing in my breedinghouse like a mofo with a cryo pod in my hand for 16 minutes and counting. This seriously needs to be toned down!


Edit: storm ended and i could access my breeds in cryos, i ran out and tossed out my wyvern, flew for about 500m and a sandstorm started....

Edited by Gamling
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I wrote a similar post about Adobe hyerthermal insulation because half my in-game day's spent indoors with 170 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors. The other half of the day I attempt to capitalize with resource gathering so I can craft while stuck indoors. It honestly feels like a second job and am waiting for some adjustments to be made to the game itself.

I've been playing Scorched Earth consistently since it was released and have maybe half the map explored with a fire wyvern that I was able to get solo without cheats (extreme heat and sandstorms continuously ground me). It's a fun game but that fun's limited and perhaps it'll just be as much with the dynamic condition in Aberration once that's released, too, with the 90% nights and broken fortitude/temperature system.

Edited by TamedHuman
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I was trying to play with a friend today, and we spent like 30 minutes running around trying to figure out how to turn off the heatstroke screen effects because it was giving me a migraine. We ended up just dropping our gear and killing each other to get rid of it. I also had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to turn off the weather effects as well, all I saw was just blurry and bright lights and it was really killing me. Does anyone know if there's a way to turn this off? I don't plan on playing official servers or anything like that, I only play with my friends.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even before the update we had issues with the weather system on my server. Sometimes it would break for many ingame days. The heatwave never shows up. The only events happening are the sandstorms and the rains. My jerboas keep alerting that a thunderstorm is coming but then no thunderstorm occurs (nothing happens). 

This will go on for many ingame days. It's almost noon IRL and I've been waiting for a heatwave since dawn (So 6+ hours).

Please a) fix the broken weather b) make heatwaves a garantee at least once every in game day :/ 

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I think with the Lightning storms, the Jerboa signals map wide, but the storm is isolated, like a real thunderstorm can be.  Ive been at north end of map, heard the Jerboa growl for thunderstorm while traveling to south end, I encountered said storm, was in it for just a moment or two then headed back up north, leaving the storm affected area.  I have seen map-wide Thunderstorms before but mostly, they're isolated to one map region at as time


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No. Carry a tent or stay near adobe builds. Otherwise, kill your character every time or uninstall. They will never address it, even for PvE/solo.

There are console commands to terminate weather events, but nothing for the heat debuff, afaik.

I have a tendency to get seizure symptoms when I am tired, which is 90% of when I game, so I just had to stop playing on scorched earth. I couldn't last long enough to progress past it being a constant issue. Even getting a decent stash of cactus without a sickle on a boosted server takes longer than I could last - the game picks up all the stones and sand before even thinking about getting the cactus you are looking directly at and which is taking up 90% of your screen. Idiotic game.

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Agreed, understandable that before the fix the weather events were way overbearing, but the fact that servers can go 16+ hours with no heatwave is a little ridiculous. Just the last two days one day had 1 known heatwave about 7:30am and none the rest of the day, the second day 4 heatwave in under six hours in the morning then nothing through today.


If they did a day # season bit with the heatwave at least give us an idea so people aren't waiting 12+ hours.

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Posted (edited)

What's up with last major patch? SE weather effects are infrequent and short lived.  Taming a phoenix is so aggravating now because if you're lucky to find one during a rare heat wave, you get it half way tamed, you need to stay online for 12+ hours of real life time for the next heat wave.

Before the update you would see 2 or 3 heat waves per ark day, now it's like 1 heat wave every 2 or 3 ark days.  If you set time of day to pass quickly, the heat wave is too short.  There aren't any settings we can change to put the weather effects back to the way they were pre-patch?!

Edited by Hixbot
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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Scorched Earth Weather

Wow after a mod moved my post to this thread I see what's going on.  A bunch of complaints about Scorched Earth weather being too hard and now they nerfed the weather into making it near impossible to tame a phoenix.  So lame that a few wimps could push Wildcard into ruining  one of the defining characteristics of Scorched. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Same issue... been waiting for over 13h and not a single heatwave since that one 13h ago. Sure didnt miss any because the pheonix is still with the same taming % as it was and still burried and still on my tracking. 

However toned down the frequency of the storms expecially heatwaves needs to be chained to the computer playing on official without admin commands until he tames 1 pheonix. Perhaps that way he \ she \ whatever pronoum it is understands that any change needs to be TESTED after it is THOUGHT trough to avoid complicting with already established mechanics (or if at at impossible make a new subrotine to minimize it like for ex: a simple if in the weather system that would reset a time variable each heatwave and force the Heatwave if 4 ingame days have passed and therefor reset the the heatwave time variable). It may be simplistic way to solve issue but i like to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). 

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