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  1. <----Agree. It's been superheat! lightning storm! sandstorm! superheat! sandstorm! (3 superheats in less than two in-game days my first day on the server even). There's challenging, and there's can't leave your adobe box until your health fully regens and then cross your fingers and pray you can walk 500 meters from your box to harvest some stuff before the next superheat hits.
  2. I'll be happy to make my desert armor, as soon as I can find ANY metal that doesn't require me being able to fly to the top of a mesa to do so. Can't get any starter metal at all, not the tiny pittance you can normally get from harvesting normal rocks, no round river rocks in the water...nothing. Can't get even just the measly 10 raw I need to make 5 ingots to make the smithy I need TO make the desert armor ;...;
  3. Which frankly it SHOULD be against coc. Those notes are meant for all players to collect/get XP from and deliberately stopping everyone but yourself/your tribe should be classed as griefing the same as people deliberately building traps on spawn points to catch/kill new players spawning in is. At least on PVE servers. I understand on PVP anything goes (which is why I avoid them like the plague), but that comes with the cost of dealing with different flavors of D-baggery all it's own. >_>;
  4. Having survived 6+ years on official island pve...this sounds like business as usual sadly. Like SgtChop said, that kind of toxic BS isn't as bad when there's a lot of different maps to spread players around in, but the whole 'pillar 90% of the map' has always happened on official and WC almost never does anything about it *unless* you can prove someone is deliberately trying to block you into your base. In those cases I've seen them remove pillars or if someone's deliberately pillared resources/important dino spawn points, but someone pillaring so they can claim a huge swath of land? Chances are good they won't do a thing. 'First come first served' and all that. It's why I haven't stepped a foot on official servers this go-round (if you even *can* get onto an official server), and I'm sticking to unofficial/single player. Most good unofficial servers have rules in place about that kind of selfish stupidity and actually enforce it.
  5. Happy a sauropod won but REALLY wish they'd give the maevia the charchar treatment since it's come in second twice now.
  6. Drat...it was so close The Yi was my second choice, but REALLY hoping since it's been so popular we might get the charcha treatment and get it added eventually as a freebie.
  7. Aw, really hoping maevia would win but the Yi Qi was my second choice. Here's hoping since it did so well they might consider giving it the charcha treatment later on.
  8. Woot, just did my vote with Maevia at the top. Here's hoping the fluffy spooder will prevail ❤️
  9. Ab has glowtails, bulbdogs, featherlights, otters *and* shinehorns...a creature being cute is not disruptive for Ab.
  10. Okay, as someone who as a rule doesn't like spiders this thing is awesome and would be perfect for Ab (and other maps).
  11. *points at Therizino...an herbivore who can indeed harvest corpses* Should be more that can though. Ah well, congrats to the winner. At least the moa beat the beetle though >_>
  12. Except in the updated post they said the point of putting all the work into ASA instead of just porting over the switch version into ASE was so they could have an evergreen version of Ark 1 for YEARS to come...meaning they're making ASA so people who have no interest in buying Ark 2 will stay there (and still give them money via future DLCs).
  13. Newsflash...different people play games for different reasons and enjoy different things even if they play the same game. My experience is PVP is full of toxic bullies who stroke their ego and compensate for their real life insecurities by stomping on beginning or weaker players who have zero chance of fighting back. I don't need that kind of toxicity and stress so I play PVE. I play the game because I enjoy designing bases and taming/breeding dinos. Ark is a stress relief for me. Also...it might have been PVP dominated at the beginning but the majority of the playerbase is now PVE.
  14. Some of us have zero interest in Ark 2 and will be perfectly happily sticking to ASA..
  15. Sheesh...some people need to work on their math and reading comprehension skills. Does it suck that ASE official servers are getting shut down? Sure, but they weren't going to run forever. They've given a date and all of us will be able to take the save data and continue in hosted servers if we HAVE to maintain our original collections/bases. I have over 11,000 hours on Official PVE over 5 years and I've made my peace with it. My main issue with the original announcement was being forced to buy Ark 2 (which frankly from the game play changes they've mentioned including the 'dark souls combat' I have zero interest in) if I wanted to play ASA. Not to mention the original plan was pay $50 bucks THEN pay another $20 for scorched, Ab and extinction and then ANOTHER $20 for Gen 1 and 2. $60 for ALL the maps in a game I *know* I'll enjoy that's going to run and have content added to for years is a fair deal to me. It's not just 'the same game' with a new coat of paint if they're making changes to it beyond graphical updates. If you're still mad you're not getting essentially a new game with all the maps for free, take your save data and move to a private server.
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