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Community Crunch #49


Awaking from my slumber,

Notifications of some number,

I realised that the day has finally come,

My heart beating like a well tuned, ancient drum.

Recognition of the highest kind,

Nearly made me lose my mind,

A mention in the Community Crunch,

I have some people to thank a bunch.

@Rippy for always being by my side,

Considered by @Titanius to by my IRL bride,

@BadDodo a newly formed alliance,

@Kaprodonychus the master of genetic science,

Creating dossier's, liked by the faithfull @Jen,

@FireStormRising mentioned yet again,

Some early inspiration from @IDNeon and @Martyn,

If I ever was to meet @Jeremy Stieglitz, I would share with him a carton,

@d1nk for taking the time to peruse this thread,

I hope that @ciabattaroll does not think im braindead,

A shoutout to @Rancor, his efforts in poetry a straight A+,

I encourage all members to try atleast, this thread is not for me but us.



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Big Lizards


I like Dinos, they're great,

I think about them when I... Shut the gate,

The come in different sizes, large, wide and small,

Much like Pokemon, I want to catch them all!

Walking around with my Dodo by my side,

I try to gather berries and hide,

Resting for the night in my humble abode,

Healing from the Diliophosaurus poison, my stamina slowed.

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3 minutes ago, Rippy said:

Big Lizards


I like Dinos, they're great,

I think about them when I... Shut the gate,

The come in different sizes, large, wide and small,

Much like Pokemon, I want to catch them all!

Walking around with my Dodo by my side,

I try to gather berries and hide,

Resting for the night in my humble abode,

Healing from the Diliophosaurus poison, my stamina slowed.

@Rippy, well done my friend! This is a great poem, a true reflection of your feelings in-game. I hope to see more of your work in the future.



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3 hours ago, Trentifus said:

Community Crunch #49


Awaking from my slumber,

Notifications of some number,

I realised that the day has finally come,

My heart beating like a well tuned, ancient drum.

Recognition of the highest kind,

Nearly made me lose my mind,

A mention in the Community Crunch,

I have some people to thank a bunch.

@Rippy for always being by my side,

Considered by @Titanius to by my IRL bride,

@BadDodo a newly formed alliance,

@Kaprodonychus the master of genetic science,

Creating dossier's, liked by the faithfull @Jen,

@FireStormRising mentioned yet again,

Some early inspiration from @IDNeon and @Martyn,

If I ever was to meet @Jeremy Stieglitz, I would share with him a carton,

@d1nk for taking the time to peruse this thread,

I hope that @ciabattaroll does not think im braindead,

A shoutout to @Rancor, his efforts in poetry a straight A+,

I encourage all members to try atleast, this thread is not for me but us.



@Trentifus I am so proud of you! your dedication to ensure everyone has a voice in the poetry forum, and your ability to give constructive feedback to help us improve our skills at poetry is second to none!

You really are an inspiration! @Rippy and I are so proud to be your closests friends on the ARK. I would like to write a poem to show my appreciation and congratulate you, but it seems @Rippy beat me to it!!!

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Just now, Rippy said:

Sorry @Titanius, it is actually a nice term that me and @Trentifus use. An in-joke.

I appologise @Rippy, I did not mean offence either, I was just saying not all people can understand that your comment was TIC in its context and may have perceived it to be attached with more malice!

I Look forward to seeing you on the ARK shortly and I apreciate all teh help you have given me, perhaps you could write a poem about your escapades, a story too?


Thoughts @Trentifus

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At the Request of @Trentifus, (Poem Folder Admin and recipient of the Community Crunch #49 Award, MNR, OAM), I am submitting this poem in his honour:


Being Friends with the Best

Being Friends with the Best poem writer has its perks,

Like listening to the reactions of others, the "eeeeeks" and "shirks".


I am always inspired to do my very best,

I feel as though when I click "Submit", Its putting me to the test!


A fair marker, my teacher @Trentifus is,

Unlike @Rippy, his comments are full of bliss.


Looking forward to improving every day,

Commited to excellence, in a very poetic way.


Getting requests from my idol, so submit something so close to my heart,

makes me work hard, and sometimes I get worried about where to start!


But after seekign advice, and clarification on my content,

I feel confident in the poems and feelings I present.


Knowing my best friend @Trentifus is always ready to pop,

Means maybe one day I will be the one to reach the top!


A spot in Community Crunch is where I have my sights set to beam

and being friends with the best will help me reach my dream!

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6 hours ago, Trentifus said:

Community Crunch #49


Awaking from my slumber,

Notifications of some number,

I realised that the day has finally come,

My heart beating like a well tuned, ancient drum.

Recognition of the highest kind,

Nearly made me lose my mind,

A mention in the Community Crunch,

I have some people to thank a bunch.

@Rippy for always being by my side,

Considered by @Titanius to by my IRL bride,

@BadDodo a newly formed alliance,

@Kaprodonychus the master of genetic science,

Creating dossier's, liked by the faithfull @Jen,

@FireStormRising mentioned yet again,

Some early inspiration from @IDNeon and @Martyn,

If I ever was to meet @Jeremy Stieglitz, I would share with him a carton,

@d1nk for taking the time to peruse this thread,

I hope that @ciabattaroll does not think im braindead,

A shoutout to @Rancor, his efforts in poetry a straight A+,

I encourage all members to try atleast, this thread is not for me but us.



I take that when you mean by me being a master of genetic science, you mean by my hybrid creations. Also is the creating dossiers part still about me or is that about Jen?

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5 minutes ago, Trentifus said:

Hey @Kaprodonychus, thats correct! I love the dossiers you have created, Are you working on any others?

I'll continue making them. I've added 3 or so last night. I've also got a deviant art page for some creatures as well as a fan fic in the forums as well. The fan fiction features the creatures i use in my dossiers, showing abilities that I didn't mention in dossiers. glad to see that others appreciate my love for ark

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The stonecutter

The morning heat the cold at night
soon with a sword i will fight
Dreaming is dangerous watch out for the gorge
damn it to craft it i need a refining forge
Stone, stone and more stone
excuse my manners i dont mean to groan
When will this gathering of stone stop
another beach a forrest and a hilltop
Metal i need in large amount
let this last gathering round count
Stone, stone and more stone now pick up your feet
i glare into the distance and realize my stonefort is complete

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Ill have a go


When the beasts comes out at night


The night sky was quiet and sly

The predators come out when the herbivores lie

However a new beast comes out to play

When it wakes the people all stray

Because this predator is a natural hunter

So you better hide or it’ll outrun ya

Now I sit here with a raptor by my side

Alone in the dark where the Praedirusuchus’s hide


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Great additions to the thread @Lemonboat and @Kaprodonychus!

I like the references to the very real struggles of like in the ARK, 'stone, stone and more stone'... Hit me deep! Kap, your descriptive picture of the dangers that the night brings ran true also, It took me to an all too fimilar place, when the dark falls and your gamma settings a set to normal...

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Taming triceratops' are painfully long

if I could, I would have carried a gigantopithecus around if I was strong

the herbivore lays down in the mire

eating narcotics while I make kibble over the fire.

above the hill I can see a beast that began to hunker

a Jacko belonging to a Junker

leaving the triceratops, I ran to the old temple and hid under the debris

dear creators they've come to get me...

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A Ballad I though off while cooking kibbles

Why can't I run like, the big tribes do?

Raptors and Bears, run faster than you

Why can't I swim like, the big tribes do?

Itchys and Mantas, always run away

Why can't I fly like, the big tribes do?

Argent and Pteras, blocked by the plant X

How can i tame those that is wild

Narcos and darts wont help you at all


A hints for those, whom seeketh the art of kibblin'

Start a lookout for eggs, soaring up high, and start stealin'

Bins are firin', with cooking, powdered n' oiled up

Pour in the water, eggs n' jerkies

Bring in the thatch , fibers and berries

Carrot potato, Corn and lemons

Grind the powder, fire it up.


There's the kibble, twas the only thing I need

Tranquilizer, darts and arrows

Notched one arrow, straight up to the sky

One down, Let the kibble do the rest

Filled @Trentifus boat, with beast unseen before

Cant fit no more, got nowhere to hide it

I just sit down, waiting for a friend

@Rippy oh where art thou

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Angry Birds


Argentavis and Pteranodon,

Quetzal and Dimorphodon,

Flying high up in the sky, well above any cloud,

Avioding the bite of the Giga, his roar ohh so loud,

There is another flappy bird looking thing,

His attack a special kind of health draining sting,

Meganeura, the ancient relative of the dragonfly,

Once I saw 10 of them devour a lonesome guy.


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I wrote these for a class a couple months ago...figured they'd fit right in here. :)




With thrice-horn’ed head, with high crested brow
Thou trudgest ‘cross the plain—in search of plant
And berry too, to fill like hungered cow
Thy belly with the fruits of earth so scant!

Away to lands of warmth wherein the cold
You may escape—along with more in herd
Behind—you lead, you guard, the young enfold,
Thy vital role by herd on thee conferred.

At last! The forest green appears ahead,
Like thunder dost thou run toward retreat!
To leaves and dew; to eat and drink the spread
Provided thee by Mother Earth replete.

Until it seems, the land o’errun, thou must
Move onward, leaving ‘hind the burning dust.





In cover of the night and grass you hunt
Three friends with thee, unseen by prey asleep.
Be quiet now! Suppress thine hungered grunt.
Lest by the sound the watchmen sense thy creep.

‘Neath branch and leaf, o’er root and vine thy claw
Taps nearly silently, the taste of meat
Already in thy mind; soon in thy maw
With razors used to tear the flesh so sweet.

A look to friends to send a sign to kill
And feast upon the prey asleep in peace.
Now soon the call will surely come, the trill,
The sign! And now upon the sound release!

Attack! With vicious noise and savage mind
The bounty—feast within own nest confined!





See yonder maid with skin a reddish hue—
A glance, perchance, or happenstance a touch,
A brush on hilltop green and berries blue
So sweet exchanged in soft-clawed lovers’ clutch

Another’s gaze: a suitor to compete.
Bone-crested head drawn low prepared to strike
With bony plate; with lovers jealous bleat
The charge! And crash! from horn’ed head and spike.

A momentary daze, not long until
With planted foot prepared to fend the blow,
Again he comes, his need to take the hill.
Impress the lass and love-struck suitor throw!

Here comes the strike—a chance to prove his worth!
Such strength! Defeat. The way of all the earth.





To soar above the clouds! The wish of all
Who ever lived below—confined to ground,
Resigned alone to hear the heavens call.
No hope of flight, but earthy sights and sound.

Not so for thee! Thou lucky flying beast!
To take to sky! To fall and fly! Below—
But only seen and heard, not envied least.
For food and rest alone thou needest slow.

To see what things are never seen by those
Whose place it is to wander down beneath.
To go where none but thee have ever chose!
The rights to none but thine thou canst bequeath.

To soar! To fly! To see and smell and hear!
Float with clouds! O’er horizon disappear!





Thou king of kings! Thou beast of beasts! Here roar!
Thy land to guard! Thine house to hold! Revere!
To dominate and subjugate by war!
With all and any who would dare come near!

Thy kingdom to command with will and strength!
To keep in check the lesser carnivore!
At times to yield, and yet always at length
To return to conquer forevermore!

To trust in thee—thine own always adore—
Is safety found when underneath thy wing.
To steal from thee is death by tooth and gore.
The great of beasts, the old and timeless king!

Alas, can any truly be so great?
No…thy puny arms even thou dost hate.

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