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FireStormRising last won the day on June 24 2016

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  1. Honestly, I am profoundly disappointed that your Mod Liason is highlighting work......unbelievably amazing and beautiful work that must be a Herculean challenge to create for an ever changing program.....but can't be bothered to put a presence on his own workshop pages. I am referencing your Primitve Plus Unrestricted branch of your highlighted mod. I both love it and hate it, because it isn't working properly in some respects and there have been no comments in nearly a month from the developer. Questions have been asked in comments Questions have been asked in discussion I've posted questions on the main mod page I've attempted to contact the developer directly and the mail wasn't even read, as of last night. Clearly, your workload is enormous and I genuinely believe you are probably missing hours of sleep attempting to manage your new job responsibilities, including the official primitive servers, along with working on your mod. I am often one to say that the developers of Ark are attempting something very special with this creation and it is to be expected that things go wrong and they should spend their precious time working on the game and not holding our hands. This applies to you, as well. I can not fathom how complex your work is, but try to see this from the player's view. This is what some players see; You create a brilliant mod and we love it. The mod gets highlighted and you make a secondary version. You work diligently with the mod community to improve and correct problems. Engaging in conversation, promptly. You get hired to what is likely a dream job. Problems linger for weeks and you stop communicating. Offical servers are created with your Offical mod and that gets intermittent attention on its website. The secondary branch is silent. I'm not implying that you are some hateful money grubbing individual. On the contrary, I suspect you are doing your best and working very hard to juggle too many things. I think you've made something very impressive for a beautiful game and many people have had their gameplay enhanced by it.....love it.....and become passionate about it. As a result, I've become very disappointed and frustrated with a game that I really enjoy. I wiped my server clean, so we could start fresh with Primitive Plus Unrestricted. Unfortunately, some mods don't stack ( understandable, this is a work in progress ), but what we didn't know that the problem wasn't being resolved and all the PPU specific items (items we specifically wanted) were unavailable due to the other mods. We continued to play, waiting on a resolution....that never came and was never addressed again. Removing the other mods didn't fix it. After several weeks of leveling and play and unsuccessful trouble shooting.....we wiped our server....again, to start fresh without the additional mods. It was the only solution available to us. This past month of play, wiped away and leaving a bad taste, because we DIDN'T KNOW if the problem would EVER be addressed again. As far as I can tell PPU has been abandoned, based on its workshop page. I've gone to the various links and other locations, but if you can't post a single message at least once a week on your own workshop page....well, that speaks volumes. Even something that said, "I'm aware of the problem and still working on it, but I expect it to take weeks or have temporarily suspend work on it until next month"....something... anything. Yes, this is a game and not life and death. However, you created something amazing and offered it to us, got us excited and then failed to follow through. That's my issue. I think you're brilliant and I love your vision for this game. As frustrated as I am for the persistent bugs and glitches, I'm still using this mod and did that second wipe because I love this mod. I'm a fan, but feeling neglected. I've never been so enraptured by a game of any kind before, so I think it makes me more passionate than I would normally be. I'm sure some players will call me out for this, but I don't know how else to reach you or get your attention. Please, go to your Unrestricted workshop page and see what your very staunch supporters are feeling. If you read this all the way through, thank you...and my apologies.
  2. Yes, thanks for translating that. Im looking forward to finding these notes and piecing some of the stories together. I am very much excited about starting to learn more about Ark and what the future holds for us.
  3. Diseases, antidotes, venom and anti-venom.....all very cool. That nasty leech just gave me the creeps and probably lots of nightmares. It's great that you keep adding things that make the game challenging and scary...but I may never want to leave my base again. And if they spawn inside my base, I may burn the whole things to the ground. Ugh! I'm totally grossed out. Lol.
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