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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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Boa tarde pessoal. Sou sobrevivente do servidor Genesis 2 ( NA- ...... 1011 ), e estou sem poder entrar no mapa desde ontem domingo dia 06/03/2022. Simplismente o servidor não é encontrado. Já até desinstalei e instalei o jogo para ver se deu ruim na instalação. Outros mapas carrega normalmente , porem minha base principal esta localizada neste servidor de codinome 1011. Se poderem me ajudar fico grato...

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Hello there,

my main server CrystalIsles 879 is down since 30 hours. (https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/7254586)

In the past, the server ran very reliably. The longest outage was only 29 min. Not it's about 30 hours. (https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/7254586/downtime)

The Server Status switch from Offline to Dead.

Please help to fix the server & restore the user data.
Please don't wipe the whole server.

Thank you.

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10 minutes ago, cloudmachine said:

hello, please please please make EU Gen1 649 live, my main char is closed there and i'll lose all other bases in 8 hours

it's unbelieveble outage for 4 days ffs and dozens of reports don't do anything :(


That server is online, but under a new IP: EU-PVE-Official-GenOne649. It also appears to have been rolled back a few days, unfortunately. If you lost progress such as your character, etc. please submit a support ticket to get in-game assistance.


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11 hours ago, imetsha said:

Today I was playing in Genesis 2 Server 1005 and what happened is that the server became disconnected(offline) and when the server came back I lost my trib and I can't go back to it and my friend is traveling and he can't enter now How do I restore my trib and I am the owner of this tribe please help me

Try uploading and downloading your character. If that doesn't work may need to submit a ticket.


11 hours ago, imetsha said:



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Spent like an hour gathering up stuff on my main map, transfered it to my guy on gentwo 1009, roll back happened, hours later when i was able to get back in, all my stuff was gone, not in the upload cause it'd been downloaded, not on my guy cause like a 20min roll back had happened and that just happened to coincide with my download time. It gives my life a sense of stability to come back to my favorite game after not playing for like a year, and see that transfers are still broken, and gen 2 is still basically unplayable. :D

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  • bootstraptv changed the title to 899 gen two down 13+ hours
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  • Joebl0w13 locked and unlocked this topic
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