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Ongoing Server Instability & Crashes

Message added by invincibleqc

Please report official server outages using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

If you lost in-game progress such as your character, etc. due to a rollback please submit a Support Ticket to get in-game assistance.


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Never posted on the Forums despite thousands of hours in ark... but I'm fed up and don't know where else to go... 


Why do we continue to support a company that doesn't support us? I set an alarm to try and maximize the x3 (I'm a returning player whose tribemates mostly moved on and/or let the bases decay... which is fine as I left as well) so I was super excited for the x3 (no complaint about no breeding- I take what they give me and adapt what I do during evos around that- but given my recent return was super excited to get x3 the progress on my work/farming)


So I get up at 3am (I'm normally a late night gamer, but the wifey asked me not to play all night SO as a compromise I was to get up super early and "play all day")


I've now been sitting at the pc refreshing battlemetrics for a server (962) that has been down 14 straight hours (of which I've been here for almost 10 hours of)

I know the white knights will say suck it up, or do something else.... But to those I ask.... what's the point of the event if we can't play literally any of it (server went down right after it started and has remained down as many others on this forum I've seen)..... I setup an entire households weekend based off what was supposed to be available (the servers/evo)

or those same white knights would maybe ask why sit here this long/do something else while you wait..... to which I respond what happens to all those baby timers? what happens to the troughs that we all (those who play alot) use literal math equations to time if I go do another project and they come up in 5 minutes and I don't know it (and thus servers unfreeze/troughs continue to empty).... I lose even more....

and finally before the white knights start swinging I ask.... In what world, any world, can you be this bad at your job and continue employment/business? **** happens, I get it, thats why I've spent thousands of hours in this game and NEVER posted on the forums or complained to anyone outside my friend cirlce.... but 14 hours +? NO comments on it not here, not on twitter, not on the LITERAL "known outage" post that hasn't been updated in MONTHS? ZERO communication that they know it's ongoing, that their fixing it, nothing, and not just here and there, in august there was 8,16,10,17,12,14,17 hours CONSECUTIVE DAYS so of 168 possible hours, this same server was down 94 of them.... like why do we put up with it? Simple answer.... lack of competition.... If Wildcard/Ark had 1/50th the competition in this genre as FPS, Storyline, or even MMOs they would have been put out of business years ago


This will probably get blocked or deleted by some mod, or employee because god forbid someone vent in a civilized manor about blatant and ridiculous mistreatment of customers... BUT if 1 person sees it before then and it breaks those addictive chains then it was worth my time

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Ever since the latest patches, been having issues of "Lost/timedout connection to host" on the unofficial servers my friend and I rented. Been playing well until these set of latest patches. I even played without an issue until Sep 14ths too. What gives? No matter what I do, the issue persists. Not the server side either. Friend can connect just fine without me upon rebooting the server. I can connect to officials just fine too. I am not sure why something would cause this issue out of blue ever since the latest patch when I had the same base setup that have worked fine for the past few weeks?

Also, I managed to just quickly ascend and due to the same error, I had to roll back a save and now my specimen implant is no longer ascended one. But I am able to level to the post-ascend level.

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Hello from gen2 1601 , we recently hit the milestone of 100+ in game days lost to instability , yay go us. After a weekend of rollbacks and dc's 1601 has ceased to be. Just wondering when it will return. It would help if we even had a rough idea as there may be hope for my imprints since from 18:00 to 22:30 (gmt) only 8 minutes went by in game. I gave up at that point. Saturday my basils were pregnant for 12 hours and still had an hour and a half to go when i finally gave up. Its been a wasted weekend it would be nice to get stuff done.any news on when we will be able to would be great. Thanks  . Stringbean


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At this point I’m astounded at how poorly the Gen2 servers are performing. Maybe because I’m still new and not completely jaded yet lol but I waited to play Gen2 for a while to hopefully avoid the crapshow performance that usually is a new DLC release. I figured it would be like my home server by now, not the best performance but still playable. For hours now 600 has been completely unplayable. It’s been alternating between not letting me login (unable to retrieve address), to not even showing up on the server list, to letting me log in for like 5 min, then crashing and rolling back. 

Like how is it so bad still? I get they’re making Ark 2, but if they’re still releasing content for Ark, they should at least ensure people can actually play it. Even if there’s the semi-regular crash, rubberbanding, etc I experience on CI, at least it would still be playable. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say the Gen2 server I play on is completely unplayable right now, and has been nearly all day. 




Aaaaaand look at that, another kick after 5min followed by the game refusing to let me log back in, and finishing with the server disappearing from the list for however long. Amazing. Should have left the stuff I downloaded from another server stay in the cloud, really hope I don’t lose more stuff to another rollback. 


Edit: *cough* er, sorry for the rant

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4 hours of hitting refresh. Server still on same day.nothing happening except my A button wearing out. Hope X3 ends soon and ark becomes playable.hope its that and not the p.c patch that broke the day 1 gen2 servers. I feel for you 1600 guys. Your server is even worse than ours. At least my imprints due at 18:30 last night are only a bit late 20 hrs later. Trying to stay positive. Its getting hard on day 3 of this


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