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Sound Pass


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I agree with the rex sounds, was better and had more volume/base before.  I have a home theater sound system connected to my Xbox and a giant subwoofer that I can actually feel movies with.  LOL  I want the same thing with the rex roar.

Not sure if this is part of the sound pass, but since the Xbox got the recent sounds in either the last major update or whichever was the one that had newer sounds I have heard some major sound distortions when battling wilds from time to time.  I'll try to get a recording of it but it some sort of bad data in the sounds it's trying to play hard to describe right now as it's been a day or so since I last heard it.  Definitely some sort of audio glitch/artifact going on.

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Doh, I JUST made a sound feedback thread yesterday xD Whelp since Jat made this one I kinda have to pitch in my wall of text here.

First I'll name the ones that sound great and I think are lovely as is and need no improvement

  • Mammoth
  • Dire Wolf (EXCEPT it's walking, it sounds like its' walking on paper)
  • Sabertooth (love the chuffing it does now agh!! *squees* )
  • Dire Bear
  • Broodmother
  • Dodo
  • Scorpion
  • Compy
  • Rhino
  • Beaver
  • Tapejara
  • Trex pooping sounds (yes I went there...it sounds so gross and it's perfect)
  • Human footsteps
  • Ambience and weather sounds
  • Any creature not mentioned below


Now for my thoughts on those that are maybes or need improvement imo. If I don't mention something specific, assume that means it wasn't bad.

Dilo: Although the new sounds aren't terrible, I honestly prefer their old ones way more. It use to sound so adorable when it was idle yet still sounded mean when it attacked. It doesn't sound BAD now, but it doesn't feel as good as it use to...sadly I'll have to consider this a downgrade from the original.

Turtle: So far I feel it's an improvement, since the old sounds didn't seem fitting on it. The idle sounds are too quiet though, and happen sooo infrequently that for a while I thought it didn't even have an idle sound.

Raptor: I already know you are working on the raptors so I'll keep this minimal. At the moment they sound too deep and quiet? Maybe we are just too use to JP raptors (which by the way, I don't like how TOO screechy and synthetic JP ones sound like, so I'm surely not asking you to mimic it). Either way, I feel they should at least be louder and more higher pitched. Their first iteration was fine to me honestly. The Carno's new sounds seem more fitting for the raptors honestly (even though that also sounds much too...metallic). I like the old footsteps sounds back.

Anky: Just tested mine out and again the issue is it's sooooo quiet...I can barely hear it's low burbles. What I could hear sounds kinda generic too, but at least it doesn't sound like a gurgled flushing toilet anymore (unfortunately the flushing made me recognize it easily xD ). The attacking sounds are okay, though I feel the 'slamming' and 'wooshing' sounds slightly desynced from the animation. Only slightly though. Maybe make the swooshing and slamming sound just a liiiittle later than it currently is. Otherwise this is an okay change. Nothing wowing, but close since the wooshing is a nice touch. The slamming doesn't sound as powerful now though, the old slamming sounded more powerful and now the wooshing is louder than the slam itself. Maybe reuse the old slam or just make the new slamming sound louder. It's walking sounds are fine, if it's on grass, otherwise it seems slightly not heavy enough.

Ptera: The wingbeats are not very good, but you already know this so I'll wait to see what the change will be like. Otherwise I do not mind it's new sounds. Neutral or better change.

Stego: So far all the sound changes are alright. Neutral change thus far. I feel maybe giving the tail a more dumbed down subtle wooshing sound like the Anky has would be nice when it attacks, but that could probably get annoying if it was too loud, so I'd be careful if you try this. Overall an okay if not better change.

Rex: I do like that you brought the old roar back, even if it's quieter. I liked it more when it was louder though. Otherwise I do not mind all it's changes, bar one. The sound it makes when you level it up sounds like a strangely altered jet fighter just flew past me after coming in from far away...so I'd probably give it another pass since that just sounds weird and not very...fitting, even for the animation it goes with.

Argentavis:  I actually like that it has eagle calls now, so you got a plus from me on that front. The only sounds I don't think I like is the sound it makes when it eats. Parts of it I like, for example the end where you hear like a crunching sound and a light chirp, but the squawk it makes first and then the sound afterwards (sounds like it pulled out a sword and just STABBED something) seem well...over the top. If you altered the squawk and stabbing sound to be less obnoxious (I don't mean lower the volume, I'm talking outright change), then I think it would be much better. The flapping is fine to me (dunno why people are hating on that, it sounds like a feathered wing flap...).

Carno:  Personally I don't like anything on the new carno, EXCEPT for the level up sounds (which sound like the appropriate deepness I was expecting from a dino it's size). I feel it's sounds would be better on the Raptor, but only if you remove the loudest sound bit (the one that sounds like someone screamed) and if you toned down how synthetic and metallic the higher pitches seem to get.

Parasaur: The changes I'm indifferent to, if not it's a downgrade. On one hand, I LOVE it's new distress call when it's attacked. But I feel the rest of the sounds are just too quiet and don't live up to how nice it sounds. Honestly I miss it's old sounds. They sounded nice and iconic and sounded both like an animal AND it sounded unique (though I'm aware I think it shared the same sound bite as other dino's of old, just altered. I guess this might be why you changed it). Either way, I feel it's idle sounds, attacking, and leveling up need improving.

Bronto: I do not like 90% of the new Bronto sounds. Only sound bites I like are it's eating ones and level up ones (except for the thumping of it's feet, since the sound used for it's feet hitting in the ground is just awful and not fitting). The walking sounds make it sound like a large machine, not a living creature. Personally I loved it's old Whale-like calls and sounds waaay more. If we had the old sound clips, but had the new eating and level up ones (and the footstomps in said clips changed to something less metallic), then I would think it's perfect.

Paraceratherium: Biggest issue is, again, the heavy stomping. It doesn't sound like a living thing stomping on ground, it sounds like a machine, or something banging heavily on wood (the end of the attack sound is also off since it sounds like it's two feet hit one after the other, but the animation has both feet hit the ground at the same time). It's new actual sounds are okay, probably an improvement over the low droning they use to do (though I'll admit, listening to the old idle sounds was somewhat therapeutic). They sound like an animal now, albeit still falling under the same 'generic' sounds most of the new creatures got. It doesn't feel unique, but at least it was improved a bit (except the footstomps...please change those)

Trike: Again, I like all of it outside of it's footstomps. Though it's not nearly as bad as the previous offenders. I think it just needs to be a little softer sounding since the Trike isn't very huge. though am I mistaken or does it share some sound bites from the Stego? Other than it sounding maybe too close to some other dinos, it's improved at least.

Giga: I'm not sure why people are complaining about the Giga so much. I don't mind it's new sounds, outside from (and you will hear this alot...) the METALLIC tint to it all. It sounds like a robot dino than something made of flesh. I'm not sure how to improve it honestly...the old ones were okay but even those I feel could have been better, more 'powerful' sounding. It feels like a step in the right direction, but the metallic feel of the sounds just feel sooo out of place.

Quetzal: Sadly this is probably the worst of changes. Maybe because you just reused some old sounds and also made new ones. Both are clashing something fierce. The newer clips sound like they should be a land dino, since it's squawking of old was very iconic AND sounded like a big doofy bird. The walking on ground sounds are okay at least. Honestly, I loved the old Questzal's sounds a ton, particularly it's old 'qua qua qua' idle sounds. The flapping was better the old way too, even though the new one isn't the worst (could be way better though). I would just revert this back to old, or make another attempt. But I BEG you to please bring the old 'qua qua qua' idle sound...I loved it sooo much =(

Boss Monkey: All this guys sounds are fine EXCEPT for his walking sounds. I know he's big but those thumbs sound a bit TOO big...not sure how ot improvement, I'd just say try again?

Boss Dragon: Okay so far, but the large sound issue I had with him was a huge let down that brought my overall liek of him down to a low.. His idle sounds, walking, dying, and getting injured sounds are fine, but his wing flapping...I can't hear anything over it! The sound of his wings just sounds so dang annoying as well, heck not even sure if it sounds like leather wing flaps at all. The fire-breathing was okay, though I feel it could be better.

And some extras....

Iguanadon: I don't know why, but it's attacking sound is a bit too...OOMPHEd...it actually almost sounds like a barking dog when it attacks. Maybe change this?

Ithchyasaur (dolphin): This is just a nitpick, but would it be too much to remake this dino's sounds? That fast chirping it does still sounds unlike a water dino...(and the sound bite itself was reused so much of old...I feel the Raptor should have kept that sound bite, not the dolphin =P )

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4 hours ago, Ulta said:

Oooo add these to my list as well. I didn't touch any of the new dinos (or those old ones that haven't been changed) mostly cause well...I like them as is xD Totally agree on the Tapejara, don't change it! I love it as is!

I played a little more today as well and started noticing I was hearing more than just Hyeanadon in the background noises when exploring. Gosh what a lovely touch that was to the game. The new ambient sounds are quite nice too! The wind in the snow areas really make it feel cold.

I should probably look at water dinos some more since the only two I recall the noises of clearly is the Ithchy and the megaladon (the shark is fine to me really).

Ah, an excellent point on the night ambience. I live in stonehenge and when I heard the wolves/dogs howling at night I was genuinely scared like "oh lord they've found me!" 

It's the little things that make this game so great. 

And keep us in the loop if you find anything for the water animals, usually there's not much to hear (for me at least) as the battle music dominates the sound, but most of the big animals share the same sounds, or close, if memory serves. The dunk sounds a lot like the shark (both fine) but the mosa and plesio both have this uncharacteristically comical death wail. I just got used to it until you started this thread. 

Glad to see they're listening, and that we can have a positive, supportive thread :)

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A couple of suggestions besides the ones that have been said:

Baby foot prints sounding as big as adults? Has always been weird to me.  I don't know if this is still a thing or not since I'm on Xbox. 

And are there plans for variation in the human character voices? 

Aside from these I agree with what a lot of others are saying about the Dino sounds needing to be beefier and others refined more. 


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-The Lightning Breath attack from Lightning Wyverns (when the hits are spamming an enemy) needs major rework. Since it hits so rapidly, the sound ends up making a loud popping / static sounds like the sound itself is dieing due to how fast the hit is landing. This could probably be fixed with a single, streamed sound, regardless of how many hits land would be my guess. It is really loud.

-Several more popping sounds when you shift between underwater/above water (not too frequent, but it is really loud)
-Several more popping sounds that just occur randomly while playing

(Popping sounds are exclusive to ARK, no sound issues elsewhere)

-Argent eating noise is like what? It almost sounds like a human male making a really awkward noise, it is too deep considering the high pitched sqwaks it does otherwise


-Game needs more of a soundtrack, it is too quiet and passive still. Like an actual theme music for each biome (at least in SE  - Example: Constant Egyptian style music playing)

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The carno sounds pitiful, I think it needs to be way more low pitched then high pitched. Also I think maybe some tweaking with the bronto (i.e. singing like they did) and some updates to the spino would be nice.

ALSO, there is a bug with the stego last time I played (288.0) where it only played the sound when attacking in a certain direction (IDR if it was the left or right).

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Here are my thoughts,

what I like about the new sounds: one thing a really like with the new sounds is that some creatures such as the giga have a very unique sound it's very flat and needs improvement but it sounds different than a Rex or the stereotypical dinosaur roar. Some of the new sounds have gone in the complete opposite direction though like the quetzal which used to be very distinct sounding but now is just like its trying to swallow gravel (although they did add the old startled sound to try to improve it).

music: the new music is fantastic! I'd love to hear more and make it more situational than random 

And now for what needs improvement: The biggest issue I can hear come to two things, number one all the sounds are VERY flat and lacking any kind of bass or power to them the Rex and giga roars are the best example here. And for two, some of the sounds are quite inorganic or even robotic sounding they just don't sound like they belong to a living animal. 

Ambiente sounds: much improvement needed in this department as well, remember sounds can have an extremely big impact on the immersion of a game or movie many companies make the mistake of throwing them on almost as nessesary background additions but powerful sounds can be very appealing this goes for all kinds of sound effects.

footsteps: some are very unrealisticly loud keep into consideration the size of the creature as well as how they walk, Brontos and other large four legged animals mostly just stomp around but theropods like rexes carnos and Gigas literally walk on there toes. I'd imagine the way they walk to be actually quite graceful even though they are big, think of how a moose moves they are very large and awkward animals but graceful as well and just a note graceful doesn't necessarily mean whisper quiet just not lumbering stomps.

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I think the giga should be a bit louder, if you don't have your headset all the way up it sounds like a squeal from a raptor more than the beast it really is and thunder on the island would be cool, kinda sucks the skies are blue during the rain but I Kno u guys aren't as concerned about the Xbox as the pc

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Liking the new bird sounds near the swamp, just a bit strange that I can hear birds in my base when they arnt there. Maybe have it so the sound buffs in and out when you enter and leave base? Also im assuming the sound of people in the forest that has been added recently is meant to be? Will we be seeing neutral AI tribes in the future or something?

Also I like the argent sounds added a while back, however maybe change the sound when it eats so I don't think its being cut to bits with knives.

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Imo, the smaller creatures have been pretty much nailed. I love the new Parasaur, wolf, compy, dilo sounds especially, the only one I have an issue with is the raptor, and more specifically the raptor attack sounds. You get into a fight and it's like someone trying to play a tune on old time car horns.

The larger creatures, a lot of them sound too mechanical. The Bronto footsteps sound like some sort of piston engine, the rex bite sounds like a pair of shears, and they all sound hollow and flat. These are big massive creatures that should be making big booming reverberating sounds. The roars have been well discussed here, and they really need ooomphing up, big bass rumbles should be the order of business.

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5 hours ago, wildbill said:

Really, people want this?

Some of us have hearing problems where loud noises cause our ears to ring (tinnitus). After playing ARK for a few hours, I can get some ringing in the ears and this is with the current only occasional loud noises. We do not need more loud noises.

I really don't have the option of turning the volume down, I need to hear some of the quieter noises that indicate various things in the game. 

I'm sorry about your issues.

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Injured character/broken bones: When injured and your screen flashes red a throbbing sound plays. Might want to update this one since it is the stock sound from the Unreal shootergame template ;)

Ichthy (dolphin): At one point they had the same sound as a compy, if this is still true it could use a change.

Female character sounds: The female underwater drowning sound seems the same as the male. I know there was criticism a while back about the general female sounds being too feminine/sexual. They seem a bit masculine now. Maybe change them to a halfway point between old and new.

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8 hours ago, Jat said:

We're looking to do some more additional sound passes, and of course, take a look at some of the recent creatures we've updated. Wanted to make this thread to collect some feedback on current sounds. So let have at it, which sounds do you reckon require a tweak?





Alot of sounds imo giga sounds weak. Quetzal is annoying. Rex needs lowering. Bronto sounds like a snare drum. Giga and Rex should give goosebumps not make u chuckle. 

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