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Devs, Please explain why the Platform server limit isn't per tribe


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Hey Devs, I'm legitimately curious as to why the platform server limit (how many structures can be build ON THE SERVER, not per dino) isn't attributed to tribes.

My server (Official Center PVE 599) has an issue with some Chinese guys that came on and built tons of rafts, now the server limit is bogus, there's maybe a handful of people here with platforms, and the rest of us got raptored.
Now, any kind of platforms are useless other than being a normal saddle.
My own, one and only, quetzal with a small mining platform was killed by a giga while I slept, and now I'm unable to even make one form myself when the chinese tribe has a fleet of boats. 
This is a fairly easy fix and hope to see it in the upcoming patch. 
Otherwise, advertising build-able platform saddles on multiplayer is simply false advertising, Thanks!

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We also suffer from this  limitation on PVE 89. Was so happy when we got the Quetz, and was unable to build on it.

We have scouted the entire Ark for Rafts, and destroyed many but the limitation remains, several times. But limitation remains.


Limitation needs to be per Tribe, otherwise a few players per Ark is what the system can hold. It does sting like a nail in our eye, flying past Alpha tribes with tens if not hundreds of platform mounts.


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2 hours ago, Volcano637 said:

I would usually disagree with what I am about to say but it looks like you just need to kite a titan to their base. If they are going to act like that all you are doing is evening the playing field

Rafts are what's killing our platform saddle cap.
Can't kite a titan into the middle of the ocean. (Well, you can, but it dies)

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6 minutes ago, Adamkha said:

Rafts are what's killing our platform saddle cap.
Can't kite a titan into the middle of the ocean. (Well, you can, but it dies)

Thats why you grief their actual base until they remove some of those rafts. Seen it done on a pvp server to get a tribe to take down its hundreds of stupidly placed pillars, the kiting continued until they were tired of losing tames and structures.

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1 minute ago, Velarius said:

Thats why you grief their actual base until they remove some of those rafts. Seen it done on a pvp server to get a tribe to take down its hundreds of stupidly placed pillars, the kiting continued until they were tired of losing tames and structures.

This is on the center, base is on volcano island that they have covered up in metal walls. What do?

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2 minutes ago, Adamkha said:

This is on the center, base is on volcano island that they have covered up in metal walls. What do?

I don't recall on the center but isn't there a section of water between land masses more shallow than the others when it comes to approaching the volcano island? Besides, titanosaurs can destroy metal if you can get them there

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1 hour ago, Velarius said:

Thats why you grief their actual base until they remove some of those rafts. Seen it done on a pvp server to get a tribe to take down its hundreds of stupidly placed pillars, the kiting continued until they were tired of losing tames and structures.


there aren't any platform limits on PvP, just on PvE where you have to "play nice" with everyone on the server.

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13 hours ago, LilNastyGurl said:


there aren't any platform limits on PvP, just on PvE where you have to "play nice" with everyone on the server.

of course there are limits on PvP, when your server reaches it no building on any platform dino is possible.

Rafts however are not suffering from this limitation, maybe they have a seperate limit.

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15 hours ago, Velarius said:

I don't recall on the center but isn't there a section of water between land masses more shallow than the others when it comes to approaching the volcano island? Besides, titanosaurs can destroy metal if you can get them there

Wild titans don't break structures, on PVE or PVP. Only tamed ones

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I'm wondering why the tribe-tame limit still isn't fixed to follow the number of tribe members. Of course, the devs totally forget that people on PVE like to merge tribes. Or maybe they don't care. 

As usual, the skewed Dev-nerf-bat only hits PVE. Making life hard for 50% of their players all so that they can have some of that sweet sweet bandwith back so that the new  PVE-ers can play (but only cos they bring money). Seriously, I'm sick and tired of this nonsense. Next up! FLYER NERF!. Hold on to ur hats PVE-ers..

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11 minutes ago, TheLordTailfin said:

I'm wondering why the tribe-tame limit still isn't fixed to follow the number of tribe members. Of course, the devs totally forget that people on PVE like to merge tribes. Or maybe they don't care. 

As usual, the skewed Dev-nerf-bat only hits PVE. Making life hard for 50% of their players all so that they can have some of that sweet sweet bandwith back so that the new  PVE-ers can play (but only cos they bring money). Seriously, I'm sick and tired of this nonsense. Next up! FLYER NERF!. Hold on to ur hats PVE-ers..

Mainly because you dont NEED that many tames, and it isnt really fair to new players if one mega tribe has a server caps worth of dino's.

On Xbox and ps4 you can have i think 10-20 tribes at tribe caps worth of dinos. But unclaimed dino's also count towards the server cap, while not counting towards your tribe cap.

People need to learn to cull their herds. Once you have 100 eggs of any given type you can kill off some of the females. Cull the weak dino's as you tame stronger versions. Be a responsible collector instead of a greedy have to have them all forever type.

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