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  • Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ???????


    Common Name: ????
    Species: ????
    Time: ????
    Diet: ????
    Temperament: ????





    What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is?

    and that's not all...



    Edited by Jat

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    Basilisk? I'd love for more mythical creatures to be added to the line up! The ARK is run by aliens keeping us as a nature preserve. Dinos = earth creatures; mythical stuff = creatures from other planets, a few of which had gotten loose on earth in our history and became myth.

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    YES! I Love It! I really hope these guys will be tameable. This will be the first fantasy-ish type creature added into the game. Extra Brownie Points If They Are Rideable! They look like they may be immune to narcotics since it has "Thick" scales, but they may introduce a new way to tame this animal. Maybe it might be a passive tame! (Not likely considering it has long curved claws.) I would absolutely love this thing if you could use it's tail to "shoot" the spines along it. I think this will be the best addition to the game yet. (Might be a GAME Changer! Get it? cause the "game"... ok I'll go away now.)

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    Those eyes have me thinking it's an alien. Maybe the Ark Overseers have their own 'dinosaurs' or creatures and loose them into the Ark to test survivors? 

    Edit: Also, banging track. Gives me that 'adventure' feel. Tingles went up my spine when the Ark tune creeped in. 

    Edited by OnePotatoChip

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    Is not a pangolin guys, the face and the body of this dinosaur are similar to a lizard, probably giant barbed dragon or poison lizard? the spikes are very interesting...

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    22 minutes ago, killamilla1985 said:

    Ummm gastonia???


    Gastonia is similar to ankylo, see that face, is a lizard!!

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    Just now, iNkZL said:

    Gastonia is similar to ankylo, see that face, is a lizard!!

    Yeah your right there. I have no clue lol

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    It needs to omnivorous, rideable, curves up into a stationary spike wall or operate as a mobile one

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    I had to go google some of these lizards people are suggesting to take a look;

    "Rawr!" so tiny and cute.


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    4 hours ago, Jat said:

    Can you guess what creature it is?

    Idk and I don't care because it looks amazing I just hope its tameable

    My guess its a dragon

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    Just now, Colossal31 said:

    @FaneBlackwing doesn't have the shoulder horns to be a Desmatosuchus.

    @Jat is this a found species or concept of something undiscovered?

    Doesn't mean it can't be, but now that I look at it, it seems to be more like one of those lizards everyone is suggesting.


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    Guys, in the game hace snow biome, swamp biome... and the desert biome?? this reptile probably live in these biome D:

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    Just now, FaneBlackwing said:

    Doesn't mean it can't be, but now that I look at it, it seems to be more like one of those lizards everyone is suggesting.


    True, and is does resemble a lot of the moloch horridus species Thorny Devils. I like the concept art and some people are right it does kinda resemble the Pokémon thing as well. I have been searching around on actual Dinos with these charateristics and haven't found anything yet. So it may be a cross of a few things


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    25 minutes ago, Colossal31 said:

    True, and is does resemble a lot of the moloch horridus species Thorny Devils. I like the concept art and some people are right it does kinda resemble the Pokémon thing as well. I have been searching around on actual Dinos with these charateristics and haven't found anything yet. So it may be a cross of a few things

    Yeah I agree with the cross theory even if it isn't a cross between an Anky and a Thylacoleo like my first joke, if it was as easy as a google search Wildcard wouldn't ask us what it is, we need to go deeper!

    Edited by SallyAnn

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    5 minutes ago, Robotofsociety said:

    It is an armadillo-girdled lizard.


    +1, Looks very similar. Would love to have another shoulder mounted pet.

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    5 hours ago, Wulfsige85 said:

    don't know what the name of this is but its giving me a desert biome vibe.

    INB4 "Will my base be destroyed?"

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    Its the anunaki!! Lizard peeps! Jokes the first thing that actualy came to mind was pikachu? Dont ask y I think the triangle head and but after hearing sandshrew id say pokemon is a step in the right direction maybe what ever real life creatucreature sandshrew is derrived from         

    @jat will we be told if someone is right? 

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