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About Pabs

  • Birthday 09/20/1989

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  1. Pabs

    Dawn Landscape

    This is simply incredible. This has carefully been edited correct? There is no way this is an in game screenshot...
  2. Can't wait to see what's revealed to us Time to jump back on the ARK hype train.. CHOOOOOOOOOOO CHOOOOOOOOO!!!
  3. I'm glad you said it.. Seems very contradictory. Though, if this is a 2 person flyer, I would suspect it to be larger than a Ptera. Which should net a higher base weight than Ptera as well? Still though.. 2 passengers full of ammo and guns..
  4. I have to reiterate. The more I look at the outline, the more i'm convinced that it's the announcement for SotF on xbone. The real question is... WHEN?!?! I mean it's pretty obvious the A is there, with guns around it? Those look like bayonets, and the bottom part of the outline looks like a plaque for the title. Cheers~
  5. I certainly hope so. I've watched enough SotF to be hooked already.. want to try my hand at it for xbone.
  6. Not the only thing eh.. RIGHT?!?! I think it could possibly be 1. ARK Survival Of the Fittest coming to xbone?!?! or 2. A flashy new header for our game menu/start screen? Cheers~
  7. Wouldn't it though? I have a feeling this is going to be specific to the HUGE desert biome that's going to be added to the current ARK. *eagerly awaiting this games completion*
  8. Rude much. Wish you luck in your ARK endeavors!~

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pabs


      Yeah! Your BF's spino drawing was featured. Did they not notify you of it? :o

      Good show, you shouldn't have anything to worry about then. Now that we have a ton of options for servers you can really make it how you want to play it!

      Have fun in the ARK world!~ 


    3. BlackWolfShade


      No they didn't give me any notice for that. 0.0

    4. Pabs


      oh weak.. that's poor management lol

      You did see the article right? exposure~

  9. +1, Looks very similar. Would love to have another shoulder mounted pet.
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