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  • Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers & More!


    Saddle up Survivors, as we’ve got a couple of important updates we’d like to inform you all of.

    First of all, before we get into the nitty gritty of all the details of the upcoming changes, allow us to say this. Over the past few days, there have been a lot of hot-topics of discussion around the community. Some of these topics have not had an immediate response from the development team, this is not because we are choosing to ignore, but because we want to have time to deliberate and consider our options before responding, or taking action. We try to read all the feedback you provide, whether it’s positive, negative, or indifferent and take action where we deem it viable. ARK was launched into Early Access with the idea of creating a game together, and we are still sticking to that plan, every single day. Sometimes decisions are needed to be made that require a bit of thinking time, but we’ll make those choices. Other times, we’re going to do things you don’t quite agree with, or you’re going to suggest things that we don’t quite see as a viable option for the game - but we will take into consideration what you’re saying, and make compromises or reevaluate our plans where necessary. Today’s announcement will help shed some light on our thoughts, as well as the route we plan to take going forward.

    Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers!


    As of Friday the 18th of November at 12PM ET we are going to be activating the following evolution event:

    2x Harvesting Rates
    2x Taming Rates
    2x EXP Rates

    This will run until Monday the 21st of November 12PM ET.

    We’ll also be introducing a new permanent change will be coming to your CrossARK Clusters: 

    Complete transfer of Items, Tames and Survivors through all MAPS on the Official ARK Network (separated by game mode).

    Please note that this will not affect Player Dedicated Servers. This is just an Official Server change

    Previously, you were only able to transfer Survivors TO Scorched Earth servers, and everything FROM a Scorched Earth server. Now, you’ll be able to have absolute rights when transferring and can go from Island to Island, Center to Center, Scorched Earth to Scorched Earth, Island to Scorched Earth, Center to Scorched Earth, and Island to Center without any limitations, and the reverse of course. Please remember that these transfers are still based on the cluster (mode) you play on; PvE can only go to PvE, Hardcore can only go to Hardcore, Primitive can only go to Primitive etc.

    When we first announced the ARK Transfer system with the Launch of Scorched Earth, we stated that it was something critical we wanted to experiment with in Early Access and to see how the game would progress once we introduced that new gameplay mechanic. Following what we’ve seen, and based on the feedback we have received, we would rather allow more freedom, where acceptable of course, than impose further limits.

    Alongside this change, we are now going to introduce a new mechanic:

    Once a Tame has been uploaded and downloaded onto an ARK, it will suffer a 12-hour cooldown until it can be transferred again. Transferred tames will also display on the HUD from which server they were last uploaded from (if you’re on a different Tribe, you will only see this indicator when the Tame is dead).

    We want to provide the opportunity for tribes to scout each other across the ARK, as well as limit, -- to an extent -- tribes from storming in and then storming out immediately with their tames. By enabling the complete CrossARK transfers, it should also provide the chance for existing players to scope out new servers of the same type, meet up with friends, and find new opportunities or adventure, with no PvP server being unassailable or off-limits.

    With all big changes, we understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m sure I’ve said that before, though keep in mind these changes may not be final. We want to see how things play out, whether this was the right move, how we can further improve the system. Something we’re considering down the line is introducing more limitations on what can be transferred, such as only Baby Tames or Eggs can be transferred, perhaps we limit Scorched Earth transfers to Scorched Earth base/raw materials only. Your feedback following today’s change will be critical as it enables us to continually develop and expand the game, as well as provide the opportunity to explore further options. 

    Update number two..

    Stance on Exploiting


    Let’s be clear about this, no one likes cheaters. We don’t like cheaters, you don’t like cheaters, your friends don’t like cheaters, cheaters don’t even like each other. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the ARK is a fair place for everyone to play with one another. It is why we worked to get a strong BattlEye system for ARK which is constantly receiving updates and will continue to do so because we want to stomp out cheats.

    However, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to say that we have been lenient when taking action against people who are exploiting game bugs. Previously, we have felt that the bugs are on us and we have to do our best to resolve them and fix them, so we try not to punish survivors in this instance and make changes that will benefit the community as a whole, in the long-term, even if in the moment it seems a bit unfair. We’re going to change that up a little bit. Going forward, we will be taking a stricter approach when it comes to exploiting game bugs. If there is malicious intent, we will take action, be it destroying your tribe, structures, tames, and where necessary straight up removing you from the ARK and adding you to the global ban list and requesting a VAC ban. Consider this your warning to those of who you would rather exploit than report. Cases such as duping, or building under the map for instance, will result in such actions. Of course, it’ll be case by case, accidents happen, sometimes you’re curious - but it is pretty clear when there is indeed malicious intent and that’s where we’ll be taking action.

    ..but wait, there’s more!

    Primitive Servers

    Primitive Servers were something we introduced fairly on to the game at the request of the community, they hadn’t really been part of our game plan but it was clear that a lot of you wanted to experience this. Every now and then we introduce updates to the game which impact Primitive in a not so great way, primarily because that particular game mode isn’t quite set up to deal with the vast changes of the ARK. We’re going to make some adjustments to alleviate some of the current problems that exist and we’ll try and pay better attention going forward. Similarly to all changes, nothing is ever final and a lot of it is experimenting. A big concern that has been brought up is the power of some particular Scorched Earth dinos. Going way back when we introduced the Giga to the game, we made some changes to weaken it’s damage specifically on Primitive servers. We found that worked pretty well, so we’ll be taking a similar approach now.

    Tamed Wyverns will deal 70% less damage and take 70% more damage.
    Tamed Rock Golems will deal 70% less damage and take 20x more damage.
    Alpha Wyverns will deal 67% less damage and take 67% more damage.

    These changes are only going to be made effective on Primitive servers, and again we’ll be seeing how things go. For now, the other dinos (other than the Giga, Ptero and Argent) remain unaffected. For a complete and more filling Primitive experience, we really recommend you guys try out Primitive+ - which has some pretty cool updates on the way, stay tuned for tomorrow’s Crunch. ;)

    So there’s quite a lot to take in, and you may not completely agree with all our changes, be it Primitive, Cross ARK transfers, or even a heavy-handed approach to exploiters, but we’ll see how things go and will make more adjustments if necessary!


    Now for some great news. Very excited to share this! Lately, the team has been working pretty hard on tracking down this darn Dino Spawning in Bases issue that has been plaguing us for such a long time. and we think we’ve cracked it! Here’s a heat map of Dino Spawns that have taken place on an Official Server, indicating new wild spawn distance from bases & tames:


    Blue = Dino Spawns
    Red = Buildings
    Green = Tames

    Pretty nice eh? ;)

    (The Areas where it still appears to overlap are underground Cave spawns!)

    So as always folks, thank you again for your commitment and passion that you show towards the ARK. We really value each of you and are grateful to have such an active community. Your feedback has proven to be an absolute game changer, ARK itself has evolved so much from where it originally was, a lot of plans have changed and the scope of the game has gotten a lot bigger than what we first intended it would be thanks to being able to work with you. Hopefully, this is another step forward towards making the ARK as great as we know it can be!

    All the best,


    Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team


    Edited by Jat

    User Feedback

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    12 hours ago, Trikky said:

    No one is over reacting, they are basing it on the examples of SE servers attacking and wiping Island servers. Now multiply that by 3 since now you can be invaded from 3 possible sources.
    Many Island servers became unplayable because of SE invasions and griefing, if the pattern remains the same then this update will make most servers unplayable, especially for noob tribes that are not strong enough to defend themselves.

    Exactly right.

    After thinking about this some more, I summarize it as "being bullied or becoming the bully".
    The only logical outcome is bloc/alliance formation and confrontation.

    What sort of a new player experience will that create?

    I feel like we're in 1908, and we've just seen Bosnia get screwed.

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    Gotta add my two cents. 

    This will likely become a nightmare. The reason has been stated multiple times so I won't say it all again, but the bottom line is that the Chinese/Brazilian tribes need to be regulated and restricted, not freed and given more ways to exploit the mechanics of the game. 

    But, to all of you that are pissed and/or fearful for the safety of your hard work, at least we have a dev team that is working with us to find that happy place. It is not perfect yet. It likely won't be for quite a while. The scope of this game is pretty far-reaching so it may be a while until they find the sweet spot. But they are working on it. They are trying to keep us informed. That is more than you can say for a lot of companies. We can flame em now and solve nothing, or we can get involved in the forums moving forward and hope for the right outcome. We often forget the role we took as early access testers. Just as much as they owe us our money's worth, we owe them some understanding and some cooperation to make the game what it could be. My 3000 hours say that they have been doing a pretty alright job so far.

     But it does suck pretty hard when you have to worry constantly that some bullpoop tribe will come in and ruin a great server completely unchecked...

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    ARK: Survival Evolved PvP is being transitioned from internal feuds, to external; server versus server, instead of focusing on inter-server discord. It's not a far cry from what most of you are accustom to, though it does require cooperation within a server to defend against outsiders. Ultimately, players will have to disregard domestic grudges during the event of an invasion, and work together.


    However, I do agree that certain (excessive) crowds will be problematic within this new system. They were a headache before transfers were enabled, and now the entire playground is open to them.


    Good luck.

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    I don´t understand someone playing on a PVP server if he doesnt like to fight. People only like to fight the wars they are sure they will win. 

    Big alliances between servers are being made. It´s really awesome the path this game is following. Now diplomacy is more important then the hard power. You have to have the more allies you can. If you´re a Big tribe all alone in your server, you are not safe. 

    Anyways, really happy with this new possibility. Thank you very much WC!!! Really thrilled. Loved to see my island tames on scorched. The game is reaching a new level. Please don´t limit the game again. I´m amazed with this new level of freedom.

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    Can the transfer cool-down be adjusted or removed on private server clusters or is this hard-coded ?

    This cool-down period only seems to be necessary on PVP servers to prevent blitz attacks but doesn't serve any purpose in a PVE environment and should be disabled on PVE servers due to the fact that its nothing more than a time waster with no purpose other than to keep people from transferring their fast scout flyers back with them

    Acording to the op

    " We want to provide the opportunity for tribes to scout each other across the ARK, as well as limit, -- to an extent -- tribes from storming in and then storming out immediately with their tames "


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    the solution to these mega-tribes doing this is simple . it may not be a popular solution to those who fall victim but, look at it this way. IF they wipe your tribe and all structures and dinos what difference would it make in the long run? WIPE all PVP servers upon full release. at least then everyone will start off fresh. and yes I know that a mega tribe can gather resources faster than smaller tribes. but wouldn't that give incentives for the smaller tribes to form alliances?

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    I like the fact you can transfer characters to any server so you keep your lvl's that's taken months and months to get. All the rest of it I would leave well alone. This could be the time I change the game I play. It's taken months of work to get what we have, just to get wiped in one day by some super tribe. Or at the very worst balance out defence and offence. Behemoth metal gateway 2100 ingots, gate 1500 ingots. It only takes 7 rockets this doesn't seem right to me. This update is not for me thanks!

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    First off thanks for the update and the detailed response. It shows that you are indeed listening to community and I think everyone appreciates that.


    At least now no server is untouchable, which is what I believe this change was intending to address. Previously SE tribes could raid others at will with no fear of reprisal since you couldn't transfer anything other than your naked char to SE. Now at least SE raiding tribes that exclusively raid other servers can get hit back. 

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    20 hours ago, OnePotatoChip said:

    Wait, so... if no PvP server is off limits, then people who haven't paid for Scorched Earth are going to be able to attack raiders from Scorched Earth? Or is that wall still there? 

    @Jat.  This is a very good point he's made.  Can you address this?

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    It would be awesome to keep being able to transfer every item from scorched back to the center/island maps. I love being able to raise wyverns back on the island. It's nice to be able to tame things back at main bases while raising babies. Getting multiple things done at once is productive and fun. ?

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    20 hours ago, Jat said:

    Would it be possible to get your ticket number? 

    @Jat  can you please pay attention to the game breaking critical bug I've exposed that has been around for the longest time. Can you also actually reply because I've discovered more critical game/bugs flaws that have opened up since then that I would like to make your team aware of. Ticket number is #35713 . People will exploit this unless you stop it, and quite frankly the fact you've proceeded with the patch is a bit worrying.

    Edited by Kizro

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    I really hope we can transfer wishbones,have 400 saved up ready for the cross server invasions lol

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    23 minutes ago, oScottieHo said:

    I really hope we can transfer wishbones,have 400 saved up ready for the cross server invasions lol

    It has been confirmed in previous posts that wishbones and dodorexes can't be transfered. There goes your plans I guess....

    Edited by Darkholis

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    This also makes the tames on SE basically useless. Why tame a moth or argy when you can bring over a ptera? You made paracers useful again but now people will just bring over a quetz. There wont be a challenge in taming anymore because hey you can just bring the kibble over from The Island. Many people joined SE because it made the game challenging again and you are allowing it to be easily taken over with cross server transfers. 

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    I think they should consider that once you've chosen a cluster of servers to transfer to that should be locked in for those dinos. Example would be 116 kibble tamed giga from NA Off Serv 638 gets transferred from 638 to SE Off Serv 942 that Giga can be transferred back and forth between 638 and 942 unlimited times (with the 12 hour cool down of course) but it CANNOT be transferred from SE Off Serv 942 to SE Off Serv 943 or Off Serv 639.  So this would mean that a single dino would be limited to three servers.  With the above mentioned scenario, that still leaves the giga open to joining any Center Map Off Server, but once it has been teleported to a Center Map (ex Off Serv 761) the cluster group is complete. So my 116 giga is now locked into moving between Island 638<-> SE 942 <-> Center 761.   


    Now I am not proposing that the player's character be locked onto those three servers just the dinos.  If I had two 116 giga's on 638 and I sent one to the 638, 942, 761 cluster I should be free to send my second 116 giga from 638 to 943, 762 and back.  


    It would also be nice to see the tribe log getting an update to give more details, such as what cluster of servers a specific dino who destroyed your tame or building was apart of.  I think this would balance a tribe dropping onto a server number just pulled out of the hat and doing damage then leaving and the victim has no way to retaliate because they don't have a clue as to what server the dino or tribe was from or transferred to.


    I really like the obvious dedication WCS has put into the base game after SE went live. I was very skeptical about their dedication to the base when the expansion came out, but I feel they are sticking to their words and moving forward on the game ARK: Survival Evolved.   


    Any thoughts?

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    1 hour ago, Darkholis said:

    It has been confirmed in previous posts that wishbones and dodorexes can't be transfered. There goes your plans I guess....

    Oh well have to stick to normal dinos then. weekends will be dedicated to taming invasion dinos,killing titans to level up then transfer we go :)

    Could always collect 100 wishbones on the server thats getting invaded.

    Im so excited for this you have no idea lol

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    @Jat Xbox console player here. Is the change on the transfers having a 12 hour cool down also going to effect Player Dedicated Servers as well?

    I would personally not like that Idea. I own a Player Dedicated Server and I've learned the times when my players log in. if there was a 12 hour cool down in addition to the current 24 Hour spoil timer for transfers (which I Also HATE), then you would see a lot of angry players. Many players don't get to play much time per day, so that makes Transfering difficult having both a cool down and a spoil timer.


    So make a choice. the 12 hour transfer cool down timer or 24 Hour transfer spoil timer. Don't use them both. personally and I could be speaking on behalf of the rest of the players, get rid of them both.


    If left with only a  choice between the two, leave the cool down timer and get rid of the spoil timer.

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    On 11/18/2016 at 5:45 PM, Jat said:

    Could you elaborate please, would like to know your thoughts :)

    yes what he means is you guys make it a habit of raptoring up the game have you guys ever thought of us people that are not one of the big alpha tribes ? now alpha tribes just come to your server and raptor you up again i have been hunted by an alpha tribe through 4 servers and now finally got my break me and my friends were having a nice time on an SE server but you guys keep coming with stupid raptor ups like this i just got a message from the alpha tribe "we found you again and now we are coming for you again" honestly we considered PVE but all PVE servers are raptored because tribes block every building location just because PVP is raptored now yet again thanks to you guys by helping alpha tribes and the Chinese who is everyones nightmare on official servers btw and the only solution soon will be playing unofficial servers and that is not something i enjoy doing 

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    As much as I would love to read through all the comments, how does this relate to unofficial servers? I run a couple small servers and we would rather not have to wait 12 hours to transfer our dinos back.  Would it be safe to assume we will have a server setting to override this setting?

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    I think one issue is the zerg method being used to try and block people that have already established a tribe prior and built up from logging in.  I'd like to see server priority given to already established tribes on their server, so that when or if a zerg happens those established on it can log in and those that aren't get booted.  This would at least help tribes get their members on in order to help defend their respective servers.

    When it come to transferring items I think that you should be allowed to bring a set amount of precrafted buildings, or structures with you.  You should be allowed armor of any type, weapons of any type, and a set limit to building materials in order to keep things reasonable.  As it stands if I can transfer into another server with 20 tribe mates, half of which may have high weight, we could pop up a large instant metal base with turrets and crafting structures instantaneously.  On a 2x weekend if they can xfer with kibble and whatever tames already then they can instantly gain a solid foothold.  It is good to have the capability to create a fast foothold in order to combat well established alphas on various servers, yet it needs to be kept under control.  If a large tribe hops into a server and has a very large instant base all of a sudden complete with turrets and a large army of tames that might be a bit too much.  

    Limit number of tame xfers in addition to the cooldown.  Not sure what this should be set to but the idea here is that they can't just bring in overwhelming numbers of Wyverns, Gigas, quetz and more that can't be countered by medium size alphas, or just established newer large alpha tribes.  There needs to be a level of sanity here to how much can be xfered in within a given time frame.

    Character's also imo might need a cooldown in order to prevent hopping in and out of the server at will as much within X hours to get more supplies.  I don't know what this should be but I believe it needs to be set to a certain amount of time to avoid large tribes bringing large numbers of supplies over and working around any limits on transfered items.  Perhaps 12 hours would be good enough, might not be super popular but could keep things reasonable and allow servers time to respond to an invasion.  ***It could be set to less or once items are transferred you could have a cooldown on you for 12 hours that only prevents item transfers and not character transfers.  Then you could at least still server hop in that case.

    Edited by Chewytowel

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    My thought is that you should have only a certain set of servers that have the free transfer access.

    Also you might want to limit the amount of invading alliances that can enter the ark, and boost the cooldown for transfer, after a transfer to an entire 2 weeks. This would be to discourage super clans from destroying servers, then doing the same things in 12 hrs. If they have to sit around for 2 weeks on a dead server that they killed, they will get bored with this unsportsmanlike practice real quick (and hamstrung if they have to divide their forces).

    I have seen in a game called Warcommander an instance of what everyone is talking about: a massive collation of players from another country invading a server and taking it over. How they are able to gather as many of their random countryman (in this case Italians) together as they are for raiding some random foriegn server I HAVE NO IDEA. But its something guilds from many countries do for some reason.

    Long story short. I feel like such crazy massive mega raids can be fun, but it should not be allowed on absolutely all servers within a particular game mode. Otherwise you are handing the PVP (and for all I know quite possibly the PVE) of the game over to the elite super awesome alpha tribal alliances of cheekiness. If you allow it on a special set of PVP servers than it could be an awesome gamemode in its own right.

    You could even have home arks that only people within an alliance can be in (basically PVE), that are a base for raids into the PVP servers. So these Arks would act as capitals that either can never be raided, or only raided when certain other arks had been captured. Basically a "Risk" mode in Ark.

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    Will they eventually be bringing the Cross ARK transfers back to Player Dedicated servers?

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    On 11/18/2016 at 2:14 PM, HighFlyer15 said:

    Does this allow Official to Unofficial transfers? We would love to get the remaining animals from official to our private server :)
    They don't seem to show up on the download list though :( 

    the transfer will only be from official to official

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