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BlueFox91 last won the day on October 10 2017

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About BlueFox91

  • Birthday 12/19/1991

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  1. It's not a Utahraptor.... The raptor we currently ride in game is a Utahraptor.... https://ark.gamepedia.com/Raptor If anything it might be a Velociraptor
  2. Roll the servers back to before the Homestead update. This update has made the game unplayable!!
  3. I think A structure needs to be so big before it blocks dino spawns... Maybe a 5x5 and larger.... then the minimum building requirement can't be a size minimum like a 3x3 (if that's one of their ideas). It needs to be a minimum total of how many walls, fence foundations, pillars, ect are snapped all together to the main foundation. That way at least players that will be spamming small huts to keep control of their land wont be blocking dino spawns. Everyone knows players are still going to try to structure claim land! And least make it more time consuming and costly to do so rather thsn slapping down pillars and ladders. Our large fences and curved structures won't be affected if there was a minimum total of how many walls, railings, fence foundations, pillars, ECT. there is all together.
  4. Devs have no idea the mess they are about to make with the structures change.....
  5. What does this mean for fences, gates, spikes, curved/triangle structures, large enclosed yards with pillars to keep others from building inside fencing....
  6. About the turrets, is that PvP only because of shooting down players as they spawn? or is that also reportable in PvE, even though those can't hurt players?
  7. PLEASE make a new model for megaloceros. I want to feel majestic when I ride it, like I'm righting Yakul from Princess Mononoke!!!
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