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About pielord

  • Birthday 05/03/1990

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Cloth Armor (2/5)



  1. hello pielord,

    do you still trade unicorns, we got a female and would like to breed her, contact me pls via steam


    hello look i think iv asked every staff member whos on twitter and surivetheark 

    but we really really really need some one to come look at pve-offcialserver39 its unplayable were getting 30mins of lag every 35mins and if there more then 10 players on at the same time it crashs

    we have tryed reporting this every were but no one on my server is getting a reply 

    we all have babys down becasue of the event but we cant even do inptints or full feeders

    this has been happing for more then 12hrs now so plz plz plz we need your help 

    Love from

    every player that plays on pve-officialserver39

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pielord


      so your tellling me we can only have 20 dinos ??


    3. Sylvainb16


      No the borontosaures are the one what causes the problem or to many big buildings around the map

    4. pielord


      well yes big bases all then time but thats all ways goingto happen some thing need to thx the loading of the map\


  3. hello look i think iv asked every staff member whos on twitter and surivetheark 

    but we really really really need some one to come look at pve-offcialserver39 its unplayable were getting 30mins of lag every 35mins and if there more then 10 players on at the same time it crashs

    we have tryed reporting this every were but no one on my server is getting a reply 

    we all have babys down becasue of the event but we cant even do inptints or full feeders

    this has been happing for more then 12hrs now so plz plz plz we need your help 

    Love from

    every player that plays on pve-officialserver39 

  4. Jat can you plz come over to server pve 39 and fix this lag and dc that we keep getting 

  5. or like fire balls that reach the redwoods lol RAIN FIRE ON THE THATCH HOUSES!!!
  6. man i think your not the only one that needs to put there jaw back in to place ghwriop<ephiu<wa0oåe'uh
  7. i dont think they well as its now the tek cave some tells me that there going to leave that be now
  8. yes they were but they ended up not ?? lol but come on BEES!!!!!!
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