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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2023 in all areas

  1. why are we doing such low rates? seasonal events have never had such low rates. weekends need to be 2x and events atleast 3x like they used to be. timegating progression is not content.
    2 points
  2. id almost make an 18+ warning for the next group of animals but i do feel something like this would bring much needed diversity to the game. i personally dont see most of these in the game except for maybe the ones with legs. but these animals are an important part of our earths evolutions so i thought id share even the uncomfortable ones aysheaia antennacanthopodia maybe a cooler version of the velvet worm you could just give the velvet worm ability to shoot glue at prey to this guy and make it live on land instead like living velvet worms. it could be a giant predatory land worm that shoots glue and moves like a centipede. cardiodictyon diania hadranax jianshanopodia megadictyon microdictyon dont think to long about its name. onychodictyon please dont ban me xenusion Siberion eximipriapulus omnidens this one is pretty cool and something like this in my opinion would really add to the biodiversity the past wasnt always pretty or cool. most of the time it was weird and ugly. xiaoheiqingella sicyophorus louisella corynetis paraselkirkia living torpedo maybe
    1 point
  3. Deltadromeus a very unique theropod Masiakasaurus another very unique theropod with strange jaws sciurumimus the dinosaur squirrel pelecanimimus corythoraptor about as big as an ostrich liaoningvenator halzkaraptor a duck raptor Natovenator i think this would be a pretty cool semi aquatic mount. Austroraptor Omnivoropteryx sapeornis eoconfuciusornis this one had the feathers preserved so the feathers would look like this. maybe it would be a good contender for a more useful and achievable phoenix.
    1 point
  4. Okay, so here's my thoughts about the new merch shop; and these thoughts are directed towards wc/sg so I do hope they take an introspective look at it because if they do then it will be helpful constructive criticism. My point is this: wc/sg, you did indeed have an online merchandise storefront up and running at one point in time (I think it was about 5 or 6 years ago now) and I have the proof of this by the 2 (3D Printed) dinosaur figures that I bought from it. One a T-Rex, and the other a Fire Wyvern; both of which are very cool although printed with very early 3D printing technology so they of course would look cooler now if reprinted with updated tech. But I'm very happy to have them as they are unique statues due to when they were printed(Printed with SandStone instead of Resin). You had other merch for sale at that time to, but instead of expanding the online merchandise store like everyone in your community enthusiastically suggested you do, you just closed it up randomly one day without a further word on the matter. So, fast-forward 6 years later and now you're trying to make it sound cool that you're finally opening up an official Ark merchandise shop. (One that supposedly won't randomly close in the near future). I will be fair and admit that some of the stuff I see in your new shop is nice. However, will I buy any of it? ......The answer is no. The reason why? Because you had your chance to make money with Ark merch 6 years ago like we all suggested you do. Other video games have merch, tons of other various businesses have merch, the thought that Ark with its amazing merch potential did not have official merch confused and astounded your fans; which is why we suggested you make money with merch to help fund you; a suggestion to which you silently said, "No". So then, why exactly should I buy any of your new "Official Merch" when I've been going to other businesses online for the last 6 years to get my Ark Merch. Other merchandise businesses that capitalized on the success and popularity of your game when you refused to do so. Other businesses that not only have a vastly wider array of merchandise for sale, but that are better quality. I, like many of your original fans, want you to succeed and want to help make you better. So take the five minutes it takes to read my constructive impression of your online shop and think about it for a second. Because ever since your announcement of ASA I've been waiting for you to give me a reason for why I should care about any part of the future of your company. Why I should keep caring about one of my most favorite games. The 2nd game ever that I bought for my Steam Account. And you have yet to give me a reason. Give me a reason; why should I buy merch from your shop instead of my usual sources that I've been going to for the last 6 years? Edit: Okay, I will say this also though that I truly expected the poop plushie to sell out first but wow did the Dodo plushie sell out fast. How many of them did you guys make in preparation for opening day? I know it's Christmas season to but still the online shop open for just approximately 2ish days and the Dodo is already sold out?
    1 point
  5. I was asked to do a review for a gaming magazine. This is what I wrote. At first you'd say it looks amazing but soon you'll realize graphics are very buggy, mostly it's the lighting thats is weird. It doesn't seem to come close to the realism Unreal Engine 5 offers, despite using maximum graphic settings. The dino's look cool at about 20 feet, further away they tend to look cartoonish and standing close the textures do not seem to be all that much better than ASE. The dino's give a very MMORPG vibe, simply programmed to do a few things (walk around, attack stuff). Especially herbivores come across as empty vessels, they do not move in herds in ASA, unfortunately. They tried to improve the navigating when dino's are following a player but the dino's seem to go nuts in crowded area's and you'll end up losing them all the same. Fighting from dino's makes the player want to smash his/hers keyboard, there is no crosshair so trying to select a target to engage is next to impossible in chaotic moments. It also won't work if a pet dino stands in front of the target so you'll likely end up with you and your pets being killed. In multiplayer, forget about achieving anything if you do not have a large group of friends to play with. Getting enough resources to build anything fun is next to impossible so forget about caves, bosses or heck, even a few dino pets. Next time you'll login all is gone, killed or destroyed so you'll be starting all over again. Single player is the only way to go if you want to feel like a true survivor and be sure you can finish your building. But fiddle around with the harvest setting otherwise you'll still be building in 2030. You can tell they copied most of the code from ASE and as a result you have a game that, most of the time, looks good but feels 10 years old when playing. In conclusion you can pretty much state that Wildcard had a golden idea but was only able to sell copper.
    1 point
  6. Ark SA is trash literally every person on official servers has built massive structures with posts to prevent building all the way around the maps so no one can start on a server, every official server all the players have caught the maximum amount of tames preventing newer joined players from starting on any of the servers I'm about too start demanding a refund for a copy pasted game that is worse than the first one.
    1 point
  7. wow .5 for official,thats so dam stupid.others get 3.5 and 4.5 and we get 1.5.maybe if you didnt pick such crap service provider in nitrado, they might run better.might as well take the event and no have it,.so stupid .5 more,wow
    1 point
  8. @StudioWildcard why the hell are you adding content like this when we can't even consistently save our progress in the game? Fix the damn game instead of doing all this stupid sh*t all the time like you did with survival evolved.
    0 points
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