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UDGxKnight last won the day on October 31 2024

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  1. Well I am assuming it must be a difference in time zones cuz it should be out later today at least for me. However, I doubt the vote starts later. My guess is it will start some time after the release of Extinction because then Rag will be the only map left with a voted creature to release.
  2. Games cost constant money to make and maintain. Period. Aberration is a no fly map soooo…. No duh sherlock?…
  3. As the Title says every time I change maps on single player for ASA I get removed from the tribe in the previous map and lose ownership of my stuff. Now I am mainly just curious if this is a widespread issue or a just me thing or if it has been addressed. I can’t seem to find anything so I was confused. I don’t remember having this issue on ASE when I played on Xbox. Edit: I am running mods if that makes a difference
  4. I love the progress on this mod. Everything I could want from a Water focused Ark *edited cuz I noticed I used "an" instead of "a", oops bad grammar lol*
  5. It's called random drops for a reason? I have gotten plenty of non-primitive/ramshackle ones. Sure though let's just live in conspiracy world and be mad about every tiny addition to the game.
  6. If they are just an annoyance, they should stay that way as well then. Not my fault the devs said they would think about giving the wolves saddles. ALSO I HEAVILY disagree they would be too strong with armor considering nonsense like Shadowmanes exist. Wolves don't even have bleed, all they have is a pack bonus and a strength howl.
  7. I would agree with this, but Basilisks are able to bury while being ridden so it should be entirely possible to avoid that with Purlovia. I don't really think this constitutes as a "fair" or "not fair" situation. I agree Purlovia could be made rideable just to make moving them around a bit easier, but they don't need a saddle since I don't see them being preferred battle mounts. Direwolves should get a saddle before Purlovia do if we are gonna go that route.
  8. I think without a modded creature of some sort to keep them away you may just have to rely on keeping your tame on neutral and a decent shoulder monkey. Also, if you know its about to stun you for sure and isn't a surprise attack you should be able to hop off your mount and avoid getting stunned.
  9. Everyone unreasonably upset about the lack of trailer please go touch grass, take a deep breath, and realize that the lack of a trailer is not the end of your world. Good lord people get unreasonable about silly things in this day and age
  10. 100% this, all the genetic code has been edited by the Overseer's and such to make the creatures more susceptible to being "tamed" and modified appearances/abilities for their environment
  11. Sure some of the models could use some updating, but you seem to be ignoring my point of the models in Ark 2 look different for a reason. Also using the word "accurate" when it comes to things extinct pre-human history(exceptions like mammoths clearly), is like pissing in the wind because nobody has seen them alive to confirm these "accuracies."
  12. Why would you use models for a separate game when remastering a separate game? Ark 2 models show a progression of the Ark species after living on the new planet, wouldnt make sense to use them in Ark 1
  13. Giant Beetle is like my second most wanted thing so I will take either lol. Goliath, Hercules, Atlas, or Rhinoceros feel like any of those could make an impressive mount. Flight capabilities, maybe a ramming mechanic, impaling?, tossing like they do in beetle fights. So many possibilities
  14. Those were fun days for sure but I am glad the bosses were given arenas instead. Though I am not looking to tame bosses in the case of my spider suggestion
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