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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2023 in all areas

  1. A question for the administration and developers. due to the fact that you are having problems with the launch right now. Is there a possibility to return off the apokalis server to the old ark, at the time of the absence of the ark 1.5 game. We were tired of waiting for the new ark to come out. As hatiki, I think it will somehow take up the work of the waiting players. And it will dispel a little negative gamers.
    3 points
  2. Change the dye recipe so that all the dyes need to add charcoal or whatever, or change the cooking pot to automatically manually control only the dyes, we don't need to get all the dyes when making other recipes, and you can only make 10 recipes at a time
    2 points
  3. Have YOU ever thought people are becoming toxic (and I hate that word btw) because they continue to lie their way through life? How about if they just told the truth? People get mad because they knowingly give out false information. They knew the game wasn't going to release on all platforms at once in october but they continued to say everything was just fine right up until the last minute. They knew there wasn't going to be a release for xbox this week last week but still they pretended there was going to be up until the last possible minute. And they know the game isn't going to release in november but they will continue to lie about it right up until the final minutes of the month. They also know the game isn't going to release in Q1 2024 but that will be their next announcement. Delaying telling the truth does not take away from the fallout that is going to come, it just intensifies it. Now hear me out, this might sound like a crazy idea, but how about theu just tell the truth? Sounds crazy right? How about instead of saying "hey everything is on track! get ready for next week! its going to be great!" How about they say, "well, we sent the game to sony cert this week but it still has quite a few issues and its a crap shoot on if it passes or not. We tried to get it ready but ran into issues with this thing and that thing and some other thing and we are trying to get those issues sorted out now." Wildcard was a community manager, where is this so called community manager? Their job is to interact with the player base and give actual information, where is this information? where is this interaction? Why hasn't this manager been fired and replaced with a competent person? I have seen your argument before, the whole they are quet because the community is toxic line. Well guess what? Its wrong, I have seen devs with actually community managers instead of paycheck collectors like wildcard currently has and they had a much better time at it. when the devs don't purposely lie and the managers actually do their job, things work out much better for everyone. I have seen it happen, its not a guess.
    2 points
  4. The title is wrong. Very wrong! The delay was not sudden, it was hinted by the deliberate vague wording of the CC last saturday. It is also not the first delay. It was, as usual, very poorly communicated. This poor communication is systematic and as ussual the part of this very forum that is desinged for this (https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/forum/6-announcements/&) was "forgotten" or deliberatly ignored, again. So the title should be something like "Toxic company and the toxic part of the fanbase you deserve, we need to talk". And I hope the people that can behave decent, both fans and devs, can have an open healthy discussion of all things concerning ARK.
    2 points
  5. Okay.... So, today, I heard there was a lot of disappointment for Xbox and Microsoft people, due to the sudden change in ARK: Survival Ascended's release. Lots of people were expecting it to come out today, and got really disappointed by the delay with the certification process... it was sudden, unfair and put a hold on a lot of people's plans for their activities for the game. Does that excuse the behavior on the community's part towards the devs? ...... ABSOLUTELY NOT. I didn't see any of the posts and comments in the discord server, and if they're as bad as I've heard they are? I'm grateful I didn't. I am EXTREMELY disappointed in the people who carried out these vile attacks. Delays happen and life is full on unexpected surprises, but nothing, absolutely NOTHING gives anyone the right to threaten people for a delay in a game's release. To those who carried out these despicable acts, you all should be ashamed of yourselves. You all didn't even stop and think that the delay is possibly because the devs are working around the clock to make sure ARK Ascended's release onto consoles is good and polished. Would you rather they released it and just see a bunch of bugs or crashing? PC players had a LOT of issues from the start, so I've seen in various videos across YouTube, and the devs have been working at their best to iron out the bugs and clean the game so it runs smooth and looks good while doing it. Developing a game of this size, beauty and detailing takes dedication, time, patience and perseverance. If you have no appreciation or acceptance for any of those qualities, which all the developers of ARK are teaming with, than perhaps this isn't the community you belong on. I'm personally awaiting its release for Playstation, I'm waiting just as long, if not LONGER than Xbox players, that doesn't mean I'm gonna throw a fit or hold a gun to someone's face and say "Release this or die"! That's just stupid, childish and wrong. It'd be threatening someone if I don't get my way. Actons like that don't make you unsatisfied customers or consumers, that makes you BULLIES. Remember people... be patient, tolerant, expect the unexpected... but above all? Be KIND to one another, especially the people who create this wonderful game.
    1 point
  6. Normally I'm here complaining that the latest server version isn't available for dedicated servers, but I want to make sure there is praise when things are going well!
    1 point
  7. hmmm... Bears, Otters and some others are not extinct, but to send creatures for voting it was explicitly requested by WC that it is an extinct animal, not necessarily a dinosaur or from millions of years ago, but still extinct
    1 point
  8. Why do respond to him different than to me? I called it a dumb move, for the very same reason. Anyone that spends that much money to gain just a few days earlier acces to a fun but flawed product should ask himself a few questions. Incase anyone spend over $500 for the same reason on any other game my (and very likely his) reaction would be the same. What strikes me more is inspite your appearant love for ARK you didn't follow the news close enough to realize the delay was imminent. Also the insinuation that someone else is "just" higly boosted PvE only player does not make any sense. If you are the dedicated hardcore PvP competetive gamer (read: toxic wannabee) why on earth are you even play ARK, with all his flaws and cheats, and not a game that is truly fair PvP without the constant change of rules?
    1 point
  9. The environment in ASA looks fantastic for sure. However, I think they need to go just a little bit further to liven it up a bit by implementing a few things they already had done later in ASE. In particular, I'd love to see a couple of simple, small aesthetic changes done. Mainly the flocks of birds they introduced a while back to liven up the sky, a similar addition with schools of fish and fireflies/Butterflies/bugs that liven up the environments and don't take up much memory to implement. Possibly the addition of small gusts of wind picking up patches of the odd dust as seen in Extinction and moving foliage. I believe these are small additions that could add alot to the life of the maps
    1 point
  10. Oh Xbox Version verzögert sich wieder, vielleicht schaffen sie es zum 24.11 sagen sie nun, für PS halten sie immer noch zum 30.11 fest🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😄😄😄😄😄
    1 point
  11. It would be great if the map waypoint limit could be increased. Currently it's capped at 16, and just as an example if we look at points of interest on The Island alone there are 10 Artifact Caves, 12 Pearl Caves, 3 Obs, 16 Deep Sea loot crates, if players want to put their bases or resource gathering spots, scouted enemies or whatever the limit certainly could benefit from an increase.
    1 point
  12. Kiah's Community Server, Unofficial, No Mods, The Island Well, the one thing I did forget about (and don't miss) from playing on a server...the dreaded post-patch server update lol More of a mild inconvenience but I'd hoped to get on a bit early and work on a project to surprise tribemate C. He's working tonight and can't play so it'd be a prime opportunity for hijinks, if not shenanigans! Also I didn't realize it but I inadvertently claimed territory across the river from Crabby so we're almost neighbors lol. I definitely need to work on a decent build if Cap's going to be hanging around in the area! I'm nowhere near his level but I am a bit of a builder myself. But to do that I need utility dinos, and levels. Lots of levels. First, I logged on and was surprised to see C tamed an argent. Not saddled since neither of us is high enough level. Yet. I may be a PVE player, but I've watched enough PVP to know some of the basic strats, which I took heavy advantage of this evening. C tamed me a ptera last night so I took it out for an exp note run. I don't have the optimal pathing, but I do have a pretty good memory and simply ran down a bunch of the ones I knew about and had easy access to. Once buffed I went on an absurd narc farm since we had tons of spoiled meat already. I admit, this is a bit cheeky of me to do. C has a fair few hours in ASE but his knowledge is still relatively limited. He's going to be so confused when he logs in tomorrow lol. He had been about 13 levels ahead of me. Now he's 14 levels behind. He's not going to have any idea how I did it. Once I had my levels, I saddled the argent. Now, I don't generally condone using other people's personal tames but I felt this situation warranted it. I was very careful with his bird as I got to work. First since we were nearby I went to herb island and grabbed an anky. KO'd it outside base and tamed it up. Once it was done I took it up to Far's Peak for a metal run. While there I spotted a doed. Went home, loaded the forge, went back and grabbed the doed. Tamed that. Happened to get a moschops walk into base while I was putting some stuff away, tamed it. Had a baby so free backup moschops, no complaints here. Then I went out and scoured The Island for my least favorite utility tame...a beaver. I greatly prefer mammoths but beavers can be carried so...it ended up being quite a hunt but I tracked one down all the way at the opposite corner of the map, by the volcano. That was a long flight. But we got it home and KO'd. Found a 145 lystro wandering around nearby so I tamed that too. Finished the night organizing the animals and putting away supplies. I had hoped to do more, specifically getting us into electrical, but I simply ran out of time. All in all though an extremely successful day. I can't wait for C's reaction when he logs in and see a whole set of utility dinos sitting there, all saddled up and ready to go.
    1 point
  13. sp but running at 1x except tames/breeds Also run true 1x XP not the evolved 4x bonus rates which became standard 1x then SP multiplies it 2x, so that is a 0.125XP. This maintains the original game balance of when you earn XP for engrams you spend the next level implementing that engram - a far more natural pace that makes for thatch, wood, stone slow survival progression. I also do not do 150 wild dinos and stick to max 30 plus whatever SP level is to avoid the tame >> wild since SP already buffs tames a lot. So I had a 56 and 10 beaver soon as I got narc arrows. Still far away from being able to make the saddles but they are great low level wood harvesters even on wander - and I needed to finish upgrading from thatch so need lots of wood. But one escaped to the ocean and was circling which they seem to do just for fun, so I waited until I could build a raft and got saddle drop for a tanking turtle just in case. Soon as I got out there I saw it was a shark and the beaver was nibbling and circling it, but too fast to get a good read on it with the spyglass but figured it must not be big because the beaver was circle jerking for a while. So I went back to base got some narc arrows made up but it was circling too fast - so whistled for my extra beaver, my para, and my turtle to take it out thinking some shark meat for dolphin taming would be good. I finally got the spyglass on it too late and realized it was an alpha 10...but several of my tames was 50+ so I figured reward > risk. The chaos broke the AI circlejerk and it chomped all my water tames. So I ran up the coast to tame some low level sharks replacements hoping to grief it, using the shallows to get them stuck so I could easily narc them. The alpha ate those too when I put them on wander aggro to get some coel/pirhana fish to feed themselves not realizing they wandered out of the shallows despite being on raft follow. So I gave up on the alpha hunt got another shark for defense, then went swimming with dolphins forgetting that while they like raw fish (which I had some fresh shark meat after the alpha left me some scraps) they really really like the dodo kibble. So after dying of cold repeatedly and nibbling my last shark meat a leeds decided I was rafting the ocean... so I spent days tearing down my docks to build a raft hut to stay warm and make some dodo kibble. So I guess herbivore island for that metal is going to have to wait until I can get a shark/dolphin/turtle/beaver navy to get over there just to avoid the leeds eating my raft and I will stick to the shores and rivers rafting for now! Though I doubt a wood raft will hold up to the raptor packs that ate my last para so need to get stones cut down with the downside that just clears the beaches so raptors can chase you easier! Flyer saddles are still far outta reach unless I get a drop but I like the survival challenge. Just another day in ark reminding me not ready to leave beach bob zone just yet ...good to be back as it has been many years!
    1 point
  14. many of us (including Mmaas) would like to be sympathetic but.... what you say is correct, but the community has become so toxic precisely because of WildCard's behavior over the years, and this year they have been at their worst themselves!! And, instead of learning from their mistakes, they increase the amount of falsehoods (which is interpreted as incompetence or carelessness by users, especially long-time devotees). I myself would agree with OP if I hadn't followed WC's every move step by step... they are creating this situation themselves
    1 point
  15. have you ever stopped to think for a moment that the reason the Devs are so quiet about stuff and just announce it at the last minute is BECAUSE of the toxicity that exists within the community? the attitude of the player base is so bad that if i were the devs i would just stop interreacting with them other than what was absolutely necessary. i don't believe that Wildcard is toxic. quiet and uninformative yes, but toxic no. and i believe that wildcard is quiet and uninformative because of how toxic the community is every time they do release information. TLDR - if you want better and more frequent information from the developers, be more supportive and less inflammatory.
    1 point
  16. Most other game devs don't seem to have this problem. Why do you think this is? They can somehow manage to set release dates months and months in advance and still hit them, wildcard can't even come close in a year. Whay do you suppose that is? And how are they not to blame?
    1 point
  17. Cryopods make you free of non stop meat run slavery specially with bad respawn and server instability.
    1 point
  18. Autocraft is absolutely horrible for industrial cooker! You just made the quality of life horrible for people that enjoy cooking/making brews by putting in the required materials into multiple indy cookers except now we have to stay at one cooker and spam craft which only queues up to 10! This is worse than making ARB.
    1 point
  19. This is straight facts. I'm tying to build a compact and detailed base. Especially including the new smaller quarter structures. However, 5500 is so low that I cannot build more than the external shell of the base. However, if I was to just build a large box with large walls and super high ceilings it would mean that I would be able to have a bigger, uglier and more obstructive base. I do really hope that the limit is increased soon because I am currently at the cap with less than half a functional base.
    1 point
  20. Reducing the limit will make bases more ugly, not less. People will stop using extra pieces that make their buildings more aesthetic and will settle for building a basic box, because thet's the most efficient way to make a building. I'm not suggesting that you should prefer a larger build limit, you're certainly entitled to prefer a smaller limit if that's what you want, but there's no logic to arguing that a lower build limit will reduce ugly bases, it will only cause more of them.
    1 point
  21. This is not a suck up! just a pep talk, devs! we all love the game ark, and many of us express our emotions differently, please acknowledge all comments without taking them to heart. we are so looking forward to the new game, as for a lot of us the community we interact with is and has been a big part of our day to day. Thank you for doing (from time to time) the unthankable job you do. just know, deep down we all just want our game and community back in our lives. yours patiently Mitch
    0 points
  22. Ever since ASE release in 2015 theres been delays delays delays. I don't know why people are surprised anymore when stuff gets delayed. Though game cert, that one is up to Microsoft & Sony to decide when stuff goes out, so can't really blame Wildcard on that one other than setting "release dates" that seem unrealistic.
    0 points
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