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  1. When come the Servers back,ist now more 1 hour done
  2. Und die Millionen Säulen sind aber ok,das die auf der ganzen Karte gebaut werden? Die Nerven viel mehr und bauen kann auch keiner mehr
  3. Other player Join my Server but i still waiting now 4 hours it ist your fault that the Games Crashes let me go back
  4. Cant still Join 27/70 player but Server full why??????????????????!??
  5. The sick Games Crashes and i cant go back since 3 hours evertime said Server full
  6. It was the hell after longtime waiting Join ,befor open the Map Crashes the Games
  7. I waiting still now longtime to Join the Server . Evertime said full,but many player joined new
  8. And the Next, 3 hours waiting to Join, Games Crashes and now Server full
  9. After 1 hour i Join on Map go 30sec Then Crashes the Games now i cant back becouse Server are full
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