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  1. From the album: Events

    1 point
  2. My boss fighting squad is nearly complete. I have five Rexes (four of which are level 200+, and one of which is in the mid 100’s), four Allosaurs (three 200+, one mid-100’s), three Megalosaurs (all 200+), three Spinosaurs (two 200+, one upper 100), two Therizinosaurs (both 200+), and one Yutyrannus (200+). Do you guys think I’m ready for the Gamma center arena? Maybe Beta? I’ll wait for you guys’ advice, but I’m leaning strongly towards gamma since I’ll be fighting three bosses at the same time. I still need to tame another Yutyrannus and a Daeodon. Then I need to raid two more caves for artifacts, then I’ll set off for the bosses.
    1 point
  3. Today I tamed 2 dragon godlings lvl 435 and 750. Also I tamed a quetz. I tranqued a dodorex and a mother spider (lol) but had kill them because I didn't have the boss tributes. I also found a lost Giga lvl 600 and lvl him up a little. Found some good armor and killed 2 puppet masters. Was a nice day on Ark.
    1 point
  4. Didn´t build on my Main House. But found a Level 70 Trike next to my base. Shoot him and lured him to my trap Boat which is next to my base. Didn´t noticed the level 25 trike next to the 70 untill it hit me. Trapped an tranqued both at the boat. Now i have 3 females. Enough Eggs if i ever want to tame a Sarco on Aberration. Transferred a few BP like Ankylo Saddle for further taming. Thinking really hard about a Motoroboat. I want try a new Build to trap Spino or Karkino. A little Mobility would be nice. Didnt have a high Spino or one with high damage. So i need to tame more. These weekend i dont get the boat ready, hoping that next weekend is 2x taming again. Or i organize argy kibble on Ragnarok and transfer it. Found a little Lystro and tamed him with rare flowers. Something to pet and let the dinos level fast is nice. Read something important on the Forum at the Aberration SubThreads. Someone mentioned to use Bola and Grappling Hooks on Glowbugs. So i build some myself and tried the Grappling Hook on Bulbdogs. Holy Moly, you can trap them with the Grappling Hooks. I was on my Crab and run away with the Bulbdog at the End of the Line. After these Succes i directly ran to the Biloum and searched a Shinehorn. But nothing to see. But Dung beetles. The Wiki doesnt say u can use the Grappling Hook on Dung Beetles. But you can. I shoot him and tamed him safely in my base. Im interested what happens if i try it with Shinehorn. Dung Beetle dont get Aggro but Shinehorn does. I Think i will permanently jump with the Crab when i have a Shinehorn. I think i must get a rock drake first. So i´m much faster for these kind of taming.
    1 point
  5. What if that shadowy figure in the left corner of the timer banner is that worm from Tremors or Beetlejuice, most people say it's a bird, but I dont see any wings/ silhouette of wings...
    1 point
  6. I been nearly got all my gtood stuf from my beach base and also started to sort through storage and get rid of the doubles and any primitive items. also instead of dropping them ive put them in a free unlocked box for newbies, i also helped out a newbie gave hime a 2x2 wood base with bed,storage box and presv bin. some cooked meat and spare metal tools. also brought a female rex so i can breed them, and sell the fert eggs. need to make some more fert argy egg's. so when the next 2x matuaration event is on. gonna see if their is a tribe i can join just for the breeding/egg help.
    1 point
  7. A long Week on Aberration. At 2x a week ago i tamed a Level 20 male Trike and a Level 10 Trike. Wanted to tame a Level 90 Trike but he run away as Torpor was raising. He got knocked out in the Water and drown. Found a lvl 15 Iguanodon and tamed him too. First time another player on the Server talked to me. He gave me a level 60 Ravager. I had fun for 1 Hour. Then i run into 3 Raptors. The first knocked me out of the ravager and killed me. I respawned 10 meters near my base. At the time i was there again 2 raptors were killed by the ravager. But the last one a level 15 Raptor killed my Ravager -.-. After that i made a Fence 2 Walls around my building. Raptors are annoying as hell at the moment. I want my Dinos safe. At the Other side of the River a lonely Level 10 Doedi was slowly walking. So i tamed him too. Better a low Doedi then no Doedi. A Player offered me a high Crab for 10k CP. And he gave me the Crab first, very nice. So i was a week on the river and run the river up and down and killed many many Trilobites. For 10k CP i needed 40K Chitin. That was very very boring. But the Crab is mine now. But i cannot see anymore Trilobites. I tamed 3 Low Level Spinos, i thought so i can farm trilobites faster. Tamed a level 10 Female, a level 15 male and a level 95 Female. Lucky for me a tribe build a trap and unlocked the door next to the river. I tamed all 3 Spino there. I tried to tame a direbear there too. But he got unconscious and was asleep at the Edge of the trap. And 3 Ravager came along and bite him to death before i could react. No Fibre gatherer for me . The 95 Spino was 123 after taming with Raw Fish. Levelled him to 165 at the Moment. She had 190 melee and is now a little above 320 Melee. Enough for Trilobite and for the Karkinos. Alpha Karkino i wont do cause only 2k HP. That is to risky for me. I made 2 fertilized Eggs from the Spinos and transferred them to my base on Ragnarok. My Tribe Mate tried to breed them. Then he logged of and forgot the Spinos Eggs in front of the Air Conditioner. I will Slap him next time ^^. This Weekend on 2x i found a lvl 145 Bulbdog and tamed him with Plant Z. First high Level Bulbi i have. I will pair him with the 103 female i have. During the weekend i saw a 135 Doedi, only 3 Hours of berry taming and narco feeding. So i tamed him. Then tamed another few Otter, they are still sitting next to my base in the water. 2 of 3 are not moving. So every few days i tame some. Got my 8th today. Dont looking for the level. Just taming and delight of the cute faces. My base was 3x3x4, not enough Space for me and the Shoulder Pets. So i talked with the tribe who pillared the River. They removed the Pillar next to my base. I pillard myself for the Fence. The Base is now 30 x 30 i guess, i didnt count. Maybe 40 on one side. I have a Cliff on 1 side. With new tamed high doedi and Crab i could farm really fast the Stone. For Thatch i used the purple Pickaxe i transferred from Ragnarok. Or let the Trike use his new attack. Transferred a Chainsaw from Ragnarok and farm Wood now faster. Made the Wall 3 high around my Base . Thinking of making the Wall completely blue. My Favorite Color for Stone and Metal Buildings. Made up the ground from the 3x3 base to 7x7. First floor is now 4 High. I completely let the 3x3 house inside the 7x7. So it is a building with a big Hall inside. In these Hall i parked all greater Dinos except the Spinos. In the 3x3 House itself are now 6 Bulbdogs, 8 Otter and 3 Dodo i tamed. I will make another floor 4 high on these building. I make a stonegate on the 2nd floor too, cause i want to tame a few little dinos like Bears and Megalos, need more space for them. Maybe a 3rd Floor for Cropplots, dont know yet. I dont want it to be a borg cube, must thinking of something creative?
    1 point
  8. I tamed two low level Tek-Rexes on The Center after checking several different maps. Edit: I just lost two Tek Rexes because they can't be transferred.
    0 points
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