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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello Survivors, Welcome to your latest edition of the Community Crunch and ARK Digest! Summer Cup and Survival of the Fittest! In a little over a week from now we'll be hosting the Summer Cup Season 1 Finals live from Shanghai ChinaJoy. The teams are currently practising and getting ready to travel to Shanghai later this week to compete in an epic series! Later this week be announcing where you can tune into the games and at what time to support your favourite tribe's conquest for the Summer Cup. For those of you who haven't been keeping up and would like a chance to watch the Semi Final games from earlier this month, check out our previous announcement which covers the finalists and their journey to Shanghai: And in addition to that, we’ve still got some major updates to come regarding SotF and its development which we will let you know more about in the near future so stay tuned for extra details! ARK Digest! Hey guys, There won't be a Digest this week! I know, boo! Sorry, we've just been hard at work on the upcoming patch so the the Digest will be making it's reappearance next week :). Community Contests! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 57 is… TwitchRP - Public Library - ARK: Survival Evolved by eco Congratulations eco! Looks like an awesome place to hang out and we'd also like to give a special shout-out to Wolf Angelus for their awesome build! Reign of Vlad Tepes ARKVideo! This contest is open for all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! The ARKVideo winner for Community Crunch 57 is… YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS NEW POTION I FOUND! - Ark: Survival Evolved Cinematic by nakedzombo That’s it for this week’s entries guys! Thank you to all those who entered and congratulations to all our winners and if you’d like to take a look at what all the survivors submitted, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Beware the Sl1pg8r by Green Man Cartoons ft sl1pg8r Massive Gladiator Battle by ThickFreedom! RANGER CHRONICLES #14 - ARBORIA (Chapter 2 Intro) by ranger1presents ARK: Survival Evolved [MODDED] | Ep5 | THE GEORGIAN MINISTRY OF HIGHWAYS SHOWCASE by Squidge Meister Parkemon by Valoule KITING A TITANOSAUR TO SEA FAIL! :: How NOT to Drown a Titano :: Ep. 42 :: Ark: Survival Evolved by UniteTheClans Building Vertical EP1 - Ark Treehouse Basics by Firespark81 Vastatosaurus Rex by Meiolania Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727759144 Lego Battle Trike by c-rex0129 Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725744507 Pokemon Pidgeot by Sharkcat Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=729324090 Fanmade Dossier: Irritator by Tasfariel Fanmade Dossier: Edmontosaurus by Mega Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725321268 Fanmade Dossier: Baggi & Great Baggi by Mega Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726426419 Fanmade Dossier: Acanthostega by Mega Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726956742 Fanmade Dossier: Shogun Ceanataur by Shadlos Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727796349 Fanmade Dossier: Ostafrikasaurus by Shadlos Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727841811 Fanmade Dossier: Fatalis by Mega Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=727385515 Fanmade Dossier: Leaellynasaura by Mega Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726014368 Fanmade Dossier: Meolania by jugglebird Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725171763 Fanmade Dossier: Confuciusornis by [ESA] Parrotmarauder327 Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725274275 Primitive+ Developers Blog! Hey fellow survivors! We are getting close to the official launch of Primitive+ and I thought it would be a good time to go over what Primitive+ is and what you can expect to find in it. The total conversion won’t be much of a change for those who already survive primitively, but for those who are used to more modern things like electricity will be in for quite a change! Everyone’s vision of what ‘primitive’ is can differ. Because of this, it’s probably best to say that primitive in this case means no electricity. While Primitive+ is primitive in nature, it’s not like ‘stone age’ primitive. The premise of the mod is “What would ARK look like if we took our current knowledge and the resources provided to try and survive”. While things like electricity and AC might not be realistic in this scenario, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have some luxuries while surviving in the primitive lifestyle. Primitive+ takes away modern conveniences and leaves you to survive the way that many people did for years, and still live to this day. There is no electric or anything that might require electric (AC, Fabricator, etc). Although some of those modern conveniences are gone, I’ve given you a lot more content to fulfill your adventures on the island. You will find that most of the content fits nicely with roleplaying or PVE experiences. For those that prefer PVP, there’s content in there for you too! For PVP’ers I’ve added more weapons and different ways of raiding bases and fulfilling your PVP desires. You might find that the barrel of gunpowder has some detrimental effects and is highly temperamental. Maybe you prefer to take a battleaxe into your fight. Maybe you prefer ranged damage and opt for the longbow, musket, or flintlock pistol. No matter how you choose to engage your foes, there should be an option for you in Primitive+. In addition to the PVP content that’s been added, there’s tons of contents for those who want to simply enjoy their time on the island and make the best of it. You might prefer to be a master chef with the different consumables and crops that Primitive+ has to offer. If that doesn’t suit your play-style, you might prefer to become a merchant and set up a market with market stalls for trading. The goal of Primitive+ will always be to expand upon the content that ARK already provides so you will find that Primitive+ isn’t a lot different than the core game. It diversifies the core resources to allow for a more immersive and personable experience. I mean who doesn’t want to send mail to friends using the in-game mailing system in Primitive+!? You could even invite them over for dinner and cook a meal. There are dozens of new resources to collect including an additional 11 crop seeds that you will be able to plant and grow. Primitive + adds 230 different items that are not in the core game which includes 3 new building tiers (lumber, cement/brick, and adobe). Since metal structures are not a thing in Primitive+, cement and brick offer the highest line of defense against raiders. There are certain things that didn’t make the cut for the initial release that I plan on expanding upon in further updates. Primitive+ will receive future updates and content as the core game matures and adds more features. I hope you are excited for the future of Primitive+, because this is just the beginning!!!!! A special thanks for all the testers that have been helping me get this squeaky clean before release. That’s not to say there won’t be some minor issues, but nothing game-breaking. Get ready to live off the land! - Ced --- That’s it for this week’s post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @survivetheark - Facebook at www.facebook.com/survivetheark and Reddit at www.reddit.com/r/playark All the best, Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team!
    2 points
  2. I think you've hit the nail on the head there, partner. Interesting concept, anyway. Loving these mysterious mysteries, but i'd like a good ol fashioned normal dossier reveal, ya know?
    2 points
  3. So I'm going to go ahead and take a guess and say that the green one produces water because there's a arrow pointing to the water container and I'm guessing the red one produces oil because of the oil barrel pointing to it I'm also going to guess that they are tameable because it looks like the guy is milking ones legs? And its back pouch? Or that you hunt them because of the guy pouring something out of the pouch thing that was on the butterfly/lightning bugs back It also seems relatively big judging by the picture and I also think that the male might be red and the female may be green It's also possible that they collect water and oil or produce it or maybe both
    2 points
  4. I think people would rather have a digest than a crunch.
    2 points
  5. Well, the one full of oil wouldn't technically be a lightning bug... it would go by it's other common name. Firefly.
    1 point
  6. That's an actually pretty neat Idea. Maybe it could also be a good beginner tame that can keep up with you and light the way
    1 point
  7. Ohh... I think the lightening bug idea has some merit! Maybe they are like the angler fish and we can use their oil to light our torches!!!
    1 point
  8. 1up on scorpio To me the species looks like a type of flower fly, judging on the clear proboscis and wings Or a cricket on what Derp said as I was posting this
    1 point
  9. Cricket thing that makes water and oil.
    1 point
  10. Same these are starting to get repetitive I think the reason the devs are doing these is so they don't get any backlash from people that only like prehistoric animals and so they can change anything about an animal before it's release without community backlash saying that's not what the dossier said
    1 point
  11. The thing is all you needed to do was say you would rather have a digest. Why say what you think others would want when you don't know what they want? What is important is what you want. It's better to have had the Crunch and no Digest than not have anything at all. It's just unfortunate that Jeremy wasn't available for this weeks digest.
    1 point
  12. On the subject of the "undo" feature, (For a few seconds after place on object we have a few seconds to pick it back up if we misplaced it) We Xbox users see it soon? I just wasted an industrial forge due to controller malfunction and the "undo" feature would have been a life saver.
    1 point
  13. Where do we put in the questions for the digest cause I want to ask if they can make it so when you are riding a Dino in 3rd person and access the map, compass or GPS it automatically jumps to 1st person view and vice versa or if next week someone could ask that it would be great!
    1 point
  14. Where do I ask questions to have a shot to be featured on this? I want to know if a feature can be added that when you punch your tamed Dino, it ignores you for like 30 seconds. So many times has it been so annoying when I have a cramped base and need to get by and a gigas head is in the way because he wants to look at you and won't move... At all.
    1 point
  15. Studio Wildcard is the most awesome development team EVER! I can't believe they do this contest every single week. Thank you so much! ... and I loved this question and answer! Survivor, cfrostyscriv asks, “Can we get an option for dinos to 'ignore whistles' (would like to whistle all to get all attack dinos but have egg farm ignore that whistle).” That right there is going to make so many people happy!
    1 point
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