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Lost Character - Mega Thread

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8 minutes ago, NoobSupreme said:

Was it only on smalls or 1x or did both not work?


in addition if you had multiple characters in upload it causes it to have issues a lot more so I’m curious if you did or not.

1x and it worked before the second patch after the transfer patch.. then it fd up. the new acc works fine. But its connected to your steam acc. and the file that it saves to when you transfer is corrupt. so u will never be able to have a char in upload untill they fix or move ur cloud file. So thay can patch all they want

Edited by kittentaker
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1 minute ago, kittentaker said:

1x and it worked before the second patch after the transfer patch.. then it fd up. this acc works fine. But its conected to your steam acc. and the file that it saves to when you transfer is corrupt. so u will never be able to have a char in upload untill they fix or move ur cloud file.

At least it's not convoluted.

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1 minute ago, NoobSupreme said:

But when it fd up again how many did you have in upload at that time?

Only 1, and my main got lost in transfering between our tribes servers. and i dident have a slotcap on me, just a normal kit. I did play with VPN tho, but that has never been a problem. and its Nord VPN so its fast as f.

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2 minutes ago, kittentaker said:

Only 1, and my main got lost in transfering between our tribes servers. and i dident have a slotcap on me, just a normal kit. I did play with VPN tho, but that has never been a problem. and its Nord VPN so its fast as f.

Well I know they are working on it. I wish things like this took priority over new content but I just (don't) work here. 

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Just now, Joebl0w13 said:

Well I know they are working on it. I wish things like this took priority over new content but I just (don't) work here. 

I know they are "working on it". But in this case, they need to open the customer support, bcs this is a account thing and not a global patch thing. And ofc they need to figure out what cuased the save thing to be corrupt. 

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Just now, kittentaker said:

I know they are "working on it". But in this case, they need to open the customer support, bcs this is a account thing and not a global patch thing. And ofc they need to figure out what cuased the save thing to be corrupt. 

That's usually not their style. They fix something and move on. Never really fixing the damage left behind. 

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8 minutes ago, NoobSupreme said:

the only situation I would understand if we lost our characters is if the server literally blew up or something.

In this day and age, that is unacceptable. Everything can be made redundant, reliable, resilient, clustered and scalable. 

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I can tell you guys with 99% certainty that your Chars are not deleted and will actually show up in cloud once this auto restore thing actually works.  I saw five characters in upload and like a moron upload my char from main server which glitched it out again.  But I had 5 Chars in upload not a single one deleted permanently.  Don't upload keep chars on servers and move them around.  

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I lost my lol 119 character earlier this week. I had beaten all the bosses and the overseer. I figured you guys are probably too busy solving other glitches to be bothered with it, so I took the L and created a new character and moved on. My new character had beaten all the bosses. Just an hour ago I ran ascension. As soon as we beat the overseer everybody disconnected and I lost my character FOR THE SECOND TIME IN ONE WEEK! Fix your sh** game. Give me back either my character or my money! 

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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Character Lost - Mega Thread
11 hours ago, TOBI55 said:

I just lost a 132 character due to a person clicking create new and actually creating that new character…is there anyway to get back onto that character or for me to get my levels and bosses back?

Has the 132 been uploaded to Obi/Transmitter (in this case WC is trying to make the new automatic recovery system work)? Or did you simply overwrite your character after a death? In this second case, if you are on Server Official I fear that you don't have much to hope for, even if you have screenshots of your system and server, WC has not opened the "support" section; if it's the first case, you can just cross your fingers and hope that WC manages to make the self-recovery work even retroactively.

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2 minutes ago, NoobSupreme said:

Pretty sure patch getting dropped today will be reimplementing the character restoration system.

Our households combined 15K+ hours of playing ARK teached us not to have too high hopes for important things to get fixed within the first year.

But you never know and one should always have dreams of a great future.

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