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Lost Character - Mega Thread

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On 2/8/2024 at 9:36 PM, NoobSupreme said:

Been having reports of tribes having characters lost on transferring, can anyone confirm these 

we have a big problem I lost my character level 125 and I am the leader of tribe in small tribe on server 9051 we can't remove this character from this tribe, I would like to play with my friends but I can't because the character I lost blocks a place.

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On 2/8/2024 at 9:36 PM, NoobSupreme said:

Been having reports of tribes having characters lost on transferring, can anyone confirm these claims?


Ive lost a 135 char, 107, 101, 103, 72. After i lost my main, ive lost e ert new char ive made. Someone said that my cloud is reptared and that I need to buy/make a new account to play the game. I cant even do ascension. Bcs the char Will get delited when u ascend. 🤘🤘🤘🤘👍👍👍

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18 minutes ago, kittentaker said:

Ive lost a 135 char, 107, 101, 103, 72. After i lost my main, ive lost e ert new char ive made. Someone said that my cloud is reptared and that I need to buy/make a new account to play the game. I cant even do ascension. Bcs the char Will get delited when u ascend. 🤘🤘🤘🤘👍👍👍

I'm curious. At what point do you stop trying to transfer.

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Hello I know you have a lot of ticket requests but we have a big problem I lost my character level 125 and I am the leader of tribe in small tribe on server 9051 we can't remove this character from this tribe, I would like to play with my friends but I can't because the character I lost blocks a place. If you can't bring the characters back please remove at least the character from the tribe or give the lead to someone else in the tribe, I have attached several screens that will help you better understand our situation. Thanking you in advance!

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I have a question, you said you dont do character restaurations or things in that style bc you focus tickets about cheating and bug reports.

How is The Center ( and newly release maps )  gonna be managed on Officials ? Theres like a 5% chance to lose ur character when transferring ( not losses related to server crashes ).  Litterally every single person on Official is gonna transfer their main characters to these new maps. So it leads me to this question :


- Are you finally gonna react to tickets **fast** and actually **restore** characters ? ( If not its gonna be a nightmare and a bunch of people are gonna lose months of progress and are litterally gonna quit officials and probably the whole game )

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Still not a single acknowledgment from wildcard about our inaccessible characters hidden in downloads. WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING ON THE GAME. These peoples disrespect towards the player base is getting worse, 22k hours on ASE and characters lost due to wildcards bugs, it was never this bad to get a response. 
This event is worthless to many of us, how many people lost character access due to this bug and still unable to render their bases and dinos? Those people are going to lose everything. The rest of us had the foresight to add an alt PSN acc as a precaution to render tribe, now we're just sitting here waiting for our main characters back so we can play the game. 


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Just now, NoobSupreme said:

Holy reptaring poop.

guys we may have just been blessed

@Dolliethank you assuming this works


not transferring until I get a confirmation that this works


Still dosent work, tried to upload a char and go to another server and download. It got insta delited!

I gues the server tried to restore it and failed.... they gotta fix thier files so its not corrupted anymore.


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1 hour ago, NoobSupreme said:

They aren’t hidden. They are gone, forever. They aren’t coming back and the best that might happen is a lvl 105 replacement from wc. This is the cold harsh reality. Don’t get me wrong, ark is an amazing game and Asa is amazing graphics and is really fun. Tbh transfers rn are the only in game bugs I really have seen. But this is just not acceptable and we all just need to cut our losses and treat the game as though transfers are closed until they are the ability to back your character up.


on a similar note let’s ping Dollie every time we comment to help raise awareness for this game breaking bug that they think they have fixed (it’s better but it’s not nearly fixed)


@Dollieadd the ability to back up a character at any time on a server and the ability to restore that backup at any time as well.

The download character screen would not let you remain in that menu unless it had a character there. If there were no characters there, it would force you back to the create a character screen. 
As for making a new character, to do this we would all need to make an entirely different psn account to play ark. This is damn well unacceptable, this is a problem wildcard needs to fix. 
As for only getting a 105, that's nonsense. I have had them level my character with the exact amount of xp that my lost character had before. You need to ask the GM what is going to happen, will they give your implant that which was lost or will they not. If they say no, do all the fights and notes before they arrive, when they give you the xp it will max your character out at the level lost. This is a new game now, if they insult us by saying they will not give us what is owed, I will quit completely. I may have brought the game, but that does not mean I will continue to support them. 

I just tested a new char on another server, put it in the cloud and its done the same as the previous 4 so this update has done nothing to fix this bug. Essentially our PSN's are bricked, we cannot progress at all on them now so the whole "treat it like servers are closed" is not an option. We should not have to use other PSN's to play the game and I most definitely will not be doing that. 

Edited by Garyo86
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  • Joebl0w13 locked and unlocked this topic

I lost my initial main (uploaded in cloud) and alt (running cave) characters on tek cave ascension. Had a timeout error and got kicked to main menu after ascension cutscene.

Now as others have mentioned, every new character I make with my existing PSN gets lost if stored in the cloud. I even ran tek cave ascension with one of these new characters and same timeout error and disappearance occurred. 

Hoping to have the fix soon so I can use tek binocs for event 🙏🏻

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:57 PM, GrumpyBear said:

They aren't talking about duping the character against terms.  They are talking about them(wildcard) coming up with a system where the character is backed up into the cloud so that if they are lost on a server, they can easily just grab the last version of it from WC, not some exploit. 

Say you upload your character to the cloud from a server, now the cloud has that copy, you go to another server, upload again back to the cloud and the latest version overrides the last copy the cloud stored.  Go to a different server, lose your character.  Go back to the cloud and get your last known version.  Its not that complicated.  They could easily do it.


did they hire you in WC? :D


  • We've implemented the auto-character restoration system so that in the event of lost characters the game will try to restore them automatically


...ok but now also explain to them how to make it "work" Mhuhauahauaha

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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Lost Character - Mega Thread

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