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Closed. Ark: Survival Evolved Official Servers


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20 hours ago, Pipinghot said:

Yes they do. Playing a game and playing in multi-player are two different things.

As already discussed, the authentication & authorization to log into private servers goes through WildCard and Steam. If WildCard removes support for logging into servers then no one will be able to log into any unofficial servers, including private ones. This is true of non-dedicated servers too, people can only find the server if WildCard allows it.

You can log into SP without support from WC, but you cannot log into a dedicated server (including private servers) unless WildCard supports allowing you to log in. Even when you can run a server that doesn't guarantee anyone can log into it.

This happens with many games that lose support, you can still play SP but all forms of multi-player stops working.

No, you don't. Clearly you don't understand how software licensing works. I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm trying to help you understand that you don't own what you think you do. You don't own ARK, you license it.

Mind you, I agree that's seriously wrong, software licensing is a scam that hurts consumers. You should own the games you pay for, but that's a discussion for another day.

Yes it is. The publisher owns the rights to the game, they decide whether you can continue to play it. The only site that you actually purchase full rights to your games is GoG. On Steam, Epic, PS, XBox you're purchasing a license, whether you realize it or not.

True, and if they're on Steam that's because Steam supports your ability to play them. But, even then, I'm betting you can't do multi-player any more.

For example, I have a pirate game on Steam called "Age of Booty", first published in 2009. It still has a Steam page, I can still play in SP, but no multi-player. When Gamespy shut down the publisher decided not to do any updates for multi-player is gone.

Again, playing in single-player and playing in multi-player are two different things. Just because SP work doesn't mean MP will.

Sure, we all do. But in no way does that guarantee ASE multi-player will continue working .

Lol, yeah look, ok, on owning games,  technically, in the fine print of the digital rights reserved t and c maybe not. But in all reality, we own them enough to not worry about it. Your drawing a very long bow. The complete recall or deletion of a purchased product would be a legal nightmare and isnt gonna happen. Which is what yu kinda implied in ,i think your 2nd essay lol. My understanding of private servers was obviously wrong, i assumed the save files are more or less public domain once released and could be hosted on rented server. Either way your first essay was wrong, people dont have to hurry up and finish play throughs at all. I think i'll leave it there. And to anyone who reads this and is happy playing ASE on single player, chill, enjoy, you have all the time in the world. And to everyone else, enjoy Ark groundhog day 

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On 5/12/2023 at 4:43 PM, frenchiefries said:

it's great thing they close that poop, all official servers are controlled by cheaters and exploiters, some tribes are even running black markets, no regular player could last more than a week on official, it's incredible it took so long for wildcard to understand how bad official servers are


whatever comes next better have regular wipes, otherwise that would just recreate the same toxic ecosystem

They are only closing official servers on ASE. There will be new official servers on ASA. And everything you just described will be back in no time, guaranteed. Why would they wipe regularly? Then nobody would bother playing standard pve or pvp official. And people who want that are already catered for with arkpop servers. Just another hater who wasn't good enough to play on official so hates on it lol

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8 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

Lol, yeah look, ok, on owning games,  technically, in the fine print of the digital rights reserved t and c maybe not. But in all reality, we own them enough to not worry about it. Your drawing a very long bow.

If you play ASE on an unofficial/private server it's not a "long bow" at all, it's a very reasonable scenario.

* Many games lose multi-player support when they stop being supported by the developer.

* Therefore it's reasonable to consider (not so assume, but to consider) that this might happen with ASE, just as with other games.

* Therefore, it's a reasonable idea for players to consider how important it is to them to finish their current playthrough of ASE, before this might happen.

WildCard has already done something almost no other company does, they're shutting down the official servers for ASE at the same time they roll out ASA. Not even crappy EA games does this, they keep official servers up for old versions of their various franchises even when they roll out the new games.

If WildCard is doing something that even EA doesn't do, then it's only smart to consider that they might withdraw support for multi-player in ASE sooner rather than later. That's not "drawing long bow" it's just thinking and common sense.

8 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

The complete recall or deletion of a purchased product would be a legal nightmare and isnt gonna happen.

You're talking in circles. As already discussed, I'm not talking about the complete recall or deletion, I'm talking about withdrawing support. And in the context of this conversation "withdrawing support" means shutting down access to multi-player.

8 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

Either way your first essay was wrong, people dont have to hurry up and finish play throughs at all.

Only about single-player.

8 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

people dont have to hurry up and finish play throughs at all.

I never said they "have to", don't put words in my mouth. I said it's a good idea to think about it (depending on how much you trust WildCard).

8 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

And to anyone who reads this and is happy playing ASE on single player, chill, enjoy, you have all the time in the world.

Agreed, you were right about SP.

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9 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

My understanding of private servers was obviously wrong, i assumed the save files are more or less public domain once released and could be hosted on rented server.

This is true! The catch is as @Pipinghot and I keep nattering on about - There is no guarantee that it will remain possible to run private servers accessible to peeps that want to join. It is a possible outcome (and sure: nobody can know when or even if this will happen - but it is POSSIBLE) that this facility is "shut down". So yeah - like the last bit of your post "- Welcome to Single Player" 

EDIT --------

Mmmm If you are a PC kinda person  " Welcome to Single Player" .. If you are a console kinda person - " Sorry, but your vested time in Ark is gone!"

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13 hours ago, ladymarina said:

Voicing ones opinions is moaning now hmm.

We are (mostly) all moaning. Most particularly me. No offence intended - but a lot of what I most recently post has been moaning. Call it what you like best - but it is voicing dissatisfaction to a stipulated course of events that none of us have any control or even influence over. And I particularly feel for console peeps, because you have ZERO option that does not rely on the goodness of Wilcards heart. As a PC guy - I still may have some (windy and crooked) ways to proceed  ... But console is likely  (sure again maybe not 100% certainty but quite likely) utterly screwed.

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Instead of giving specifics of changes in game mechanics, you present something that is unlikely to affect the game.  You give a pointless retouching of something we have.  No matter how you change it graphically, it will still be Smiti.  OW disqualifies ASA from my shopping list.  In addition to my wife loving the game, we'd have to buy a second PS5 plus ASA.  Which in some financial situations is unfeasible, so ASA is too expensive a pleasure.  So thank you for your stupid ideas.

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On 5/13/2023 at 2:59 AM, Pipinghot said:

If you play ASE on an unofficial/private server it's not a "long bow" at all, it's a very reasonable scenario.

* Many games lose multi-player support when they stop being supported by the developer.

* Therefore it's reasonable to consider (not so assume, but to consider) that this might happen with ASE, just as with other games.

* Therefore, it's a reasonable idea for players to consider how important it is to them to finish their current playthrough of ASE, before this might happen.

WildCard has already done something almost no other company does, they're shutting down the official servers for ASE at the same time they roll out ASA. Not even crappy EA games does this, they keep official servers up for old versions of their various franchises even when they roll out the new games.

If WildCard is doing something that even EA doesn't do, then it's only smart to consider that they might withdraw support for multi-player in ASE sooner rather than later. That's not "drawing long bow" it's just thinking and common sense.

You're talking in circles. As already discussed, I'm not talking about the complete recall or deletion, I'm talking about withdrawing support. And in the context of this conversation "withdrawing support" means shutting down access to multi-player.

Only about single-player.

I never said they "have to", don't put words in my mouth. I said it's a good idea to think about it (depending on how much you trust WildCard).

Agreed, you were right about SP.

OK OK LOL, im tapp'n out but for the love of god, no more essays lol

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9 hours ago, wildbill said:

Hate to say it, but you are really sounding like a troll.

My view - wrong. Just a very upset person that is gonna be forced to change their habits by things beyond their control. And wants to shout about it in the hope that someone (that can do something about it) listens.

Kinda like me shouting about the dodgy country I live in where electrics is supplied for a varied time in the day (ranging from 90% to 50% being "on" in a day). This is something I can address - by spending a fortune on alternative power like solar. But the root of the issue is out of my control. And it forces me to change my "habits". So should the likelyhood of my shout having zero impact stop me from shouting. For me - the answer is no.

So more more power to @ladymarina. Maybe at the very least the noise coming from there will nudge wild card to make some kind of plan for console dudes come shutdown that does not involve spending $ on a rented server somewhere .........


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I have been playing since year 1.  Been through a couple of server shut downs but was not built up like I am now. Tek bases on 4 maps, over 1500 dinos, and you, Wildcard are shutting the servers down to wipe them to bring them back up for RE5.  That's a joke. I be damn if I pay another cent on your game. The hours invested, the breeding, the raising, and ect.  Not this guy.  Really, I think you will lose alot of your dedicated player base.  Wildcard, look at it from a players perspective.   Would you want to spend $50 plus for the same game you already own?  Real Engine 5 is on you and not the player base.  You will not get my money.  If you will do it once, you will do it twice. I would bet most dedicated players would rather keep what they have instead of getting a video driver update and loss all they had.  You can incorporate a new video driver without a server wipe.  Ask Nvidia, they do it alot.  My thoughts are my own and do not reflect anyother players opinions or thoughts.  

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21 hours ago, wildbill said:

Hate to say it, but you are really sounding like a troll.

Bill Clearly you just want people to lie down and take what is giving? No I will not.WC/SG is showing they don't  care about  console/pc players at all. But I am talking for all PC and console players. Have you looked at what they are doing? Look at youtube, Game informer etc. Protesting is an American right.A troll is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community. Platforms targeted by trolls can include the comment sections of YouTube, forums, or chat rooms.

I'm not trolling at all. Don't insult my intelligence by calling me a troll.  I have not tried to start any hostility. I have not called anyone out there name.  I am not a troll. I am not whining.  I am not hostile. I am not an instigator either. I am protesting. Even LoadedCrysis has seen what they are doing. If that's the case what about false advertising? What I am saying is facts. Are they not trying to get money for new game projects other than ark? Didn't they say for people who have the game they would get a free upgrade? For a game that is going to end in less than 4 months why are they allowing new gamers to still purchase the game when it's going to end? Making us pay for  an upgraded version of the game at the price of a new game, when we already paid for the first game. 

Answer this?


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12 hours ago, DirkInSA said:

My view - wrong. Just a very upset person that is gonna be forced to change their habits by things beyond their control. And wants to shout about it in the hope that someone (that can do something about it) listens.

Kinda like me shouting about the dodgy country I live in where electrics is supplied for a varied time in the day (ranging from 90% to 50% being "on" in a day). This is something I can address - by spending a fortune on alternative power like solar. But the root of the issue is out of my control. And it forces me to change my "habits". So should the likelyhood of my shout having zero impact stop me from shouting. For me - the answer is no.

So more more power to @ladymarina. Maybe at the very least the noise coming from there will nudge wild card to make some kind of plan for console dudes come shutdown that does not involve spending $ on a rented server somewhere .........


Dirkin if you believe that what is going on in your state wrong speak up. Find others that are in the same situation you are in. Start a petition. Let your self be heard. It doesn't matter. Don't ever settle for less. Wrong is wrong. Even from a company

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22 hours ago, wildbill said:

Hate to say it, but you are really sounding like a troll.

This is the definition of protesting. A protest (also called a demonstration, remonstration or remonstrance or a maree richo) is a public expression of objection, disapproval or dissent towards an idea or action, typically a political situation. 

I haven't done any trolling at all.  SMH

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2 hours ago, 460Galaxy said:

Apology? LMAO. That wasnt an apology, just didnt want to read anymore of your bs essays trying to wriggle out of what you initially said, which was wrong. Games not going anywhere in a hurry. Private, unofficial, non-dedi or single player end of story

Nope, not "wriggling out of" anything, false accusations aren't going to get you anywhere.

1) I admitted I was wrong about SP.

2) Everything else still stands.

"Personally, I wouldn't count on that lasting too long. Game companies are notoriously bad at supporting games that are not the current version they're selling, worse than the rest of the software industry.

If you're currently doing a play though on an unofficial, private or non-dedicated server, or in single-player, I would focus on finishing that play through. Do not trust WC to keep the game working for more than a few months after ASA is released. I mean, maybe it will keep working, I could be wrong, but the smart money says it would be a bad idea to trust them on this."


Yup, that message still stands. Of course you have the right to disagree with it all you want, you can trust WC if you want to, and you can try to convince other people to trust WC if you want to. But the only wriggling here has been you trying to stick a false accusation.

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41 minutes ago, ladymarina said:

This is the definition of protesting. A protest (also called a demonstration, remonstration or remonstrance or a maree richo) is a public expression of objection, disapproval or dissent towards an idea or action, typically a political situation. 

I haven't done any trolling at all.  SMH

You forgot to add “waste of time” to the synonyms of protest. Despite what people want it to be, it’s usually just that. 

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23 minutes ago, Joebl0w13 said:

You forgot to add “waste of time” to the synonyms of protest. Despite what people want it to be, it’s usually just that. 

Well that might be your opinion. But sometimes they are heard. People just need to come together instead of knowing something is wrong ang just idly sit by and let it happen. PERIOD. The thing is to let companies, organizations etc  know that you know what they're doing is wrong and it's not right. 

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39 minutes ago, Joebl0w13 said:

You forgot to add “waste of time” to the synonyms of protest. Despite what people want it to be, it’s usually just that. 

Oh and someone's already started a petition.  Which I have signed up for. WC/SG needs to address the problems now not towards the end so no one can do anything.

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The fact is that ASA is a return to the Stone Age.  We don't know if withdrawing the ASE prototype after 8 years and encouraging players to buy another ASA prototype is a good move.  But it's their player base, their choice, just like ours, just walk away with the ASE closing period and don't buy ASA.  Everything has an end, and this is definitely not the happy ending of ASE.  I won't repeat it for the next few years, because instead of chalk (ASE) they used markers (ASA).

"prototype" - I mean a version with a lot of bugs and until the Final version is released (at least with minimal bugs) it will still be a prototype because ASE still needs a lot of work.  Moving the code to ue5 does not guarantee us that the bugs from the island will disappear.

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