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Ark 2 ideas


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So I feel ark 2 doesn't need a pvp and a pve it just needs one gameplay. 

1. it needs towns and npc characters within the towns

2. it needs the ability to rent rooms that have limited storage that are within the town and either can't be accessed or people can break in to your room by picking the lock but a bounty is then placed on your head and players and npc will then pursue you. Also the ability to rent shops and sell items and dinos we have. Also the ability to rent non pvp areas to build on. Also if you steal or pvp within the area depending on the price of the item and damage done a bounty is placed on your head.

3. in game currency 

4. we need real missions or quest similar to ones in elder scrolls online or elden ring or just something like that where we talk to npc and there is a story behind the mission.

5. we need some form of offline raid protection.

6. We need vast seas, sky's and deep caves with real boats and flying machines like the ones from atlas, sea of thieves or rust. 

7. We need the ability to have mobile bases like the ones from last oasis. It can be packed up and unpacked but is limited to how much can be built within it.

8. We need the ability to actually hunt tames similar to the way you hunt in monster hunter.

9. We also need enemy bases that are made strictly of npc and they don't just wait for us to raid them they actually will try to raid us at times.

10. The ability to have custom made weapon and armor using all the different materials within the game. A crafting style like never before. Like the handle can be made from certain materials and the blade can be made from different materials and depending on what you use will effect its stats. For example if its all metal it will do large damage but is slow and has good durability but say you use metal for axe blade and wood for handle it then does decent damage, it swings faster but the durability isn't as great or something like that.

11. Tribes shouldn't be larger than like 30 people and no more than 1 maybe 2 allys. Megas within this game is a big problem.

12. Also don't make it where we need constant food and drink. It can definitely ruin a game when you have to constantly focus on I'm thirsty or I'm hungry.

13. Also if your gonna make it hard to get materials and actually get built up especially for solo players then it shouldn't be so easy to destroy. Maybe even make it where the more tribe mates you have the less materials you gather that way it's more balanced for those who like to solo games.

14. If you raid others a rage or bounty meter gets put on your base which then makes npc and other players want to raid you so they can collect that in game currency.

15. Animals need to migrate or go into hibernation during certain seasons.

16. A good or evil system would be good. That way if your constantly insiding, stealing and killing others we will know and then others know to avoid those people.

17. Also with the rent an area with no pvp could still have limited pvp where you cant destroy stuff but you can steal stuff and kill people and dinos but it would reflect  on your good or evil meter and also put a bounty on your head. But also make where they have to turn this mode on and only get a limited amount of time to wreak havoc like 30 minutes or an hour and get out before it enters a cool down mode of like 3 to 12 hours or something.

18. The ability to have and use magic like fireballs, lightning, water and earth or stuff to do with the elements and have a magic meter. Also the ability to craft spells or something.

19. Nobody should be allowed to build in caves or cave building should be very limited.

20. Certain areas for pvp and pvp building and certain areas for pve and pve building but everything get wiped after so long similar to last oasis.

21. Permanent grapples that are built on our wrist for traversing, grabing other players and escaping areas or enemies.

22. The ability to double jump and the ability to jump, grab and climb onto ledges.

23. The ability to have actual dodge ability while doing foot pvp similar to atlas or elden ring. Also the ability to hold my breath while sniping so that the gun stops moving.

24. A pubg or war zone style arena or mode.

25. Players have a background like when you get kicked from a tribe it they have to give a reason. Like inside, stealing, inactive, or things like that and before you invite them to your tribe you can look at their kick history.

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46 minutes ago, Tschon said:

So I feel ark 2 doesn't need a pvp and a pve it just needs one gameplay. 

What about the people that don't want to PvP at all (i.e most of the player base).

46 minutes ago, Tschon said:

25. Players have a background like when you get kicked from a tribe it they have to give a reason. Like inside, stealing, inactive, or things like that and before you invite them to your tribe you can look at their kick history.

This would get completely abused.

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1 hour ago, Tschon said:

So I feel ark 2 doesn't need a pvp and a pve it just needs one gameplay. 

1. it needs towns and npc characters within the towns

2. it needs the ability to rent rooms that have limited storage that are within the town and either can't be accessed or people can break in to your room by picking the lock but a bounty is then placed on your head and players and npc will then pursue you. Also the ability to rent shops and sell items and dinos we have. Also the ability to rent non pvp areas to build on. Also if you steal or pvp within the area depending on the price of the item and damage done a bounty is placed on your head.

3. in game currency 

4. we need real missions or quest similar to ones in elder scrolls online or elden ring or just something like that where we talk to npc and there is a story behind the mission.

5. we need some form of offline raid protection.

6. We need vast seas, sky's and deep caves with real boats and flying machines like the ones from atlas, sea of thieves or rust. 

7. We need the ability to have mobile bases like the ones from last oasis. It can be packed up and unpacked but is limited to how much can be built within it.

8. We need the ability to actually hunt tames similar to the way you hunt in monster hunter.

9. We also need enemy bases that are made strictly of npc and they don't just wait for us to raid them they actually will try to raid us at times.

10. The ability to have custom made weapon and armor using all the different materials within the game. A crafting style like never before. Like the handle can be made from certain materials and the blade can be made from different materials and depending on what you use will effect its stats. For example if its all metal it will do large damage but is slow and has good durability but say you use metal for axe blade and wood for handle it then does decent damage, it swings faster but the durability isn't as great or something like that.

11. Tribes shouldn't be larger than like 30 people and no more than 1 maybe 2 allys. Megas within this game is a big problem.

12. Also don't make it where we need constant food and drink. It can definitely ruin a game when you have to constantly focus on I'm thirsty or I'm hungry.

13. Also if your gonna make it hard to get materials and actually get built up especially for solo players then it shouldn't be so easy to destroy. Maybe even make it where the more tribe mates you have the less materials you gather that way it's more balanced for those who like to solo games.

14. If you raid others a rage or bounty meter gets put on your base which then makes npc and other players want to raid you so they can collect that in game currency.

15. Animals need to migrate or go into hibernation during certain seasons.

16. A good or evil system would be good. That way if your constantly insiding, stealing and killing others we will know and then others know to avoid those people.

17. Also with the rent an area with no pvp could still have limited pvp where you cant destroy stuff but you can steal stuff and kill people and dinos but it would reflect  on your good or evil meter and also put a bounty on your head. But also make where they have to turn this mode on and only get a limited amount of time to wreak havoc like 30 minutes or an hour and get out before it enters a cool down mode of like 3 to 12 hours or something.

18. The ability to have and use magic like fireballs, lightning, water and earth or stuff to do with the elements and have a magic meter. Also the ability to craft spells or something.

19. Nobody should be allowed to build in caves or cave building should be very limited.

20. Certain areas for pvp and pvp building and certain areas for pve and pve building but everything get wiped after so long similar to last oasis.

21. Permanent grapples that are built on our wrist for traversing, grabing other players and escaping areas or enemies.

22. The ability to double jump and the ability to jump, grab and climb onto ledges.

23. The ability to have actual dodge ability while doing foot pvp similar to atlas or elden ring. Also the ability to hold my breath while sniping so that the gun stops moving.

24. A pubg or war zone style arena or mode.

25. Players have a background like when you get kicked from a tribe it they have to give a reason. Like inside, stealing, inactive, or things like that and before you invite them to your tribe you can look at their kick history.

So change it from a Harsh Survial Game to a run of the mill MMORPG

Edit: You should check out The Witcher, I think you will like it more then Ark (or maybe Monster Hunter) as it soulds like you are basically describing those games

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Neither of those games are like what I'm describing. You cannot tame, raise, or breed dinosaurs and then use them to raid base that grind out and build yourself. I'm just asking for a game like ark 1 that has more to it than defending from megas, insiding, off line raiding and meshing. Also they already said this game will be different than ark 1 so those of you ark basically wanting ark 1 again might as well give up on ark 2 and stick with ark 1 until they poop down the servers.

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Just now, Tschon said:

Neither of those games are like what I'm describing. You cannot tame, raise, or breed dinosaurs and then use them to raid base that grind out and build yourself. I'm just asking for a game like ark 1 that has more to it than defending from megas, insiding, off line raiding and meshing. Also they already said this game will be different than ark 1 so those of you ark basically wanting ark 1 again might as well give up on ark 2 and stick with ark 1 until they poop down the servers.

Aside from that one thing "You cannot tame, raise, or breed dinosaurs and then use them to raid base" out of the million points you wanted its basically a mixture of,

Witcher / Skyrim : "The ability to have and use magic like fireballs, lightning, water and earth or stuff to do with the elements and have a magic meter. Also the ability to craft spells or something."

Monster Hunter: "Permanent grapples that are built on our wrist for traversing, grabing other players and escaping areas or enemies."

As well as points 2,4,10 and 14 also scream Skyrim / Witcher style games 

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9 hours ago, Tschon said:


9 hours ago, Tschon said:

2. it needs the ability to rent rooms that have limited storage that are within the town and either can't be accessed or people can break in to your room by picking the lock but a bounty is then placed on your head and players and npc will then pursue you. 

then what's the point of the building system? seems to mmo-y, doesn't really fit the survival aspect of ark. it's mostly just you, and other players in the same situation as you. unless they decide to add npcs and towns, but renting rooms still seems unpractical

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

4. we need real missions or quest similar to ones in elder scrolls online or elden ring or just something like that where we talk to npc and there is a story behind the mission.

i feel like npcs and towns should be kept for a separate map, genesis 1 style, and not very numerous. 3-4 kingdoms, for example, with their dedicated lore and theme and benefits (like exclusive saddles only they can craft, maybe...)

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

We need the ability to have mobile bases like the ones from last oasis.

we already have rafts, and some bigger birds can also be built ontop, and it should probably be kept that way...

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

12. Also don't make it where we need constant food and drink.

ark is a survival game at the end of the day

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

13. Also if your gonna make it hard to get materials and actually get built up especially for solo players then it shouldn't be so easy to destroy. Maybe even make it where the more tribe mates you have the less materials you gather that way it's more balanced for those who like to solo games.

i thought of a cool new structure that would help solo players in multiplayer servers. the quarry would produce the three main minerals (metal, crystal and obsidian) at a very slow rate, basically acting as a offline production in idle games. it wouldn't be very much, just a stack. 

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

18. The ability to have and use magic like fireballs, lightning, water and earth or stuff to do with the elements and have a magic meter. Also the ability to craft spells or something.

you're grazing through the thin line of a troll post and a very unfitting idea for ark

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

19. Nobody should be allowed to build in caves or cave building should be very limited.

isn't that already enforced, besides an option that can be ticked in server settings to allow it?

9 hours ago, Tschon said:

22. The ability to double jump and the ability to jump, grab and climb onto ledges.

again, the thin line... how would humans be able to double jump? i'm beginning to believe you'd rather play a different game than ark

it really just seems you want a different game, someone else recommended the witcher. maybe try that one out?

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14 hours ago, bigsucc69 said:


then what's the point of the building system? seems to mmo-y, doesn't really fit the survival aspect of ark. it's mostly just you, and other players in the same situation as you. unless they decide to add npcs and towns, but renting rooms still seems unpractical

i feel like npcs and towns should be kept for a separate map, genesis 1 style, and not very numerous. 3-4 kingdoms, for example, with their dedicated lore and theme and benefits (like exclusive saddles only they can craft, maybe...)

we already have rafts, and some bigger birds can also be built ontop, and it should probably be kept that way...

ark is a survival game at the end of the day

i thought of a cool new structure that would help solo players in multiplayer servers. the quarry would produce the three main minerals (metal, crystal and obsidian) at a very slow rate, basically acting as a offline production in idle games. it wouldn't be very much, just a stack. 

you're grazing through the thin line of a troll post and a very unfitting idea for ark

isn't that already enforced, besides an option that can be ticked in server settings to allow it?

again, the thin line... how would humans be able to double jump? i'm beginning to believe you'd rather play a different game than ark

it really just seems you want a different game, someone else recommended the witcher. maybe try that one out?

You are aware that ark 2 is already gonna be different than ark 1. Also I have played the Witcher and alot of other games, those games do not have everything i have mentioned and again it doesnt have ability to build or tame dinos and fight to raid others. This list also wasn't just made by me it was a list put together by me and a very large tribe I play with on official pvp. Also they are just ideas. You guys act like because I put this list here that the devs are gonna throw all this in the game. If you are so afraid of change stick to ark 1 until the servers die off. If games don't evolve and add new stuff they become boring with time and die. Don't be afraid of change embrace it. It's literally how humans have become so evolved from our ancestors. Plus you mention how can humans double jump. The real question is how can humans fight giant monsters on the back of dinosaurs and win. It's because it's a video game and video games are not like real life that's why we play video games because we enjoy the fictional things that happen within the video game world.

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On 3/26/2022 at 6:56 AM, Tschon said:

You are aware that ark 2 is already gonna be different than ark 1. Also I have played the Witcher and alot of other games, those games do not have everything i have mentioned and again it doesnt have ability to build or tame dinos and fight to raid others. This list also wasn't just made by me it was a list put together by me and a very large tribe I play with on official pvp. Also they are just ideas. You guys act like because I put this list here that the devs are gonna throw all this in the game. If you are so afraid of change stick to ark 1 until the servers die off. If games don't evolve and add new stuff they become boring with time and die. Don't be afraid of change embrace it. It's literally how humans have become so evolved from our ancestors. Plus you mention how can humans double jump. The real question is how can humans fight giant monsters on the back of dinosaurs and win. It's because it's a video game and video games are not like real life that's why we play video games because we enjoy the fictional things that happen within the video game world.

Do you realise that Ark II is still ark at the core and is a Survival Game a Harsh Survival Game..... if you want your hand held by NPC's and be able cast spells and make magic this is not the game for you.

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6 hours ago, SgtChop said:

Do you realise that Ark II is still ark at the core and is a Survival Game a Harsh Survival Game....

Actually, I ain't sure that we know that at all. Yeah it's called Ark II, and clearly will be built on the concept of people interacting with NPC (or perhaps even player controlled) dinos. From the trailer there will probably be human antagonists as well. But to assume that a new game built from the ground up is going to emulate its "parent" in terms of game play and etc is by no means a given. Sure its likely, but no a given.

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16 hours ago, DirkInSA said:

Actually, I ain't sure that we know that at all. Yeah it's called Ark II, and clearly will be built on the concept of people interacting with NPC (or perhaps even player controlled) dinos. From the trailer there will probably be human antagonists as well. But to assume that a new game built from the ground up is going to emulate its "parent" in terms of game play and etc is by no means a given. Sure its likely, but no a given.

From the ground up..... lol who are you trying to kid? they will copy and paste the code from Ark 1 and stuff mods over top of it and call it Ark II...... 

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  • Volunteer Moderator
1 hour ago, SgtChop said:

From the ground up..... lol who are you trying to kid? they will copy and paste the code from Ark 1 and stuff mods over top of it and call it Ark II...... 

While that's a silly assertion it's also impossible. They are building on a new version of the game engine. The old code isn't compatible.

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Looks like most of your points are just trying to change a survival pvp game into an entirely different genre. I definitely want to keep the genre as it is; this is why I like Ark. What I do agree a lot on are the points related to added pve content. There should definitely be quests/npcs/tasks whatever and definitely some pve threat like raiding npcs or enraged dinos breaking through your base.  Ark is currently in an interesting state. It was originally released as a pvp game, but perhaps due to popular demand, pve servers were opened. Right now I believe the balance between pvp and pve players is slightly in pve's favor (I've heard anywhere between 50-70%). However, I personally find pve to become boring really quickly. It's interesting and engaging until you have an impenetrable base. Then it turns into nothing but grinding and endless breeding for boring mass fight bosses.

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On 3/25/2022 at 4:56 PM, Tschon said:

You are aware that ark 2 is already gonna be different than ark 1. Also I have played the Witcher and alot of other games, those games do not have everything i have mentioned and again it doesnt have ability to build or tame dinos and fight to raid others. This list also wasn't just made by me it was a list put together by me and a very large tribe I play with on official pvp. Also they are just ideas. You guys act like because I put this list here that the devs are gonna throw all this in the game. If you are so afraid of change stick to ark 1 until the servers die off. If games don't evolve and add new stuff they become boring with time and die. Don't be afraid of change embrace it. It's literally how humans have become so evolved from our ancestors. Plus you mention how can humans double jump. The real question is how can humans fight giant monsters on the back of dinosaurs and win. It's because it's a video game and video games are not like real life that's why we play video games because we enjoy the fictional things that happen within the video game world.

yeah but some of your ideas just don't fit with ark, like the magic spells and renting rooms in towns. a lot of your ideas fit well, but some are really wild and unfitting

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 3/29/2022 at 3:48 AM, JJacky said:

Looks like most of your points are just trying to change a survival pvp game into an entirely different genre. I definitely want to keep the genre as it is; this is why I like Ark. What I do agree a lot on are the points related to added pve content. There should definitely be quests/npcs/tasks whatever and definitely some pve threat like raiding npcs or enraged dinos breaking through your base.  Ark is currently in an interesting state. It was originally released as a pvp game, but perhaps due to popular demand, pve servers were opened. Right now I believe the balance between pvp and pve players is slightly in pve's favor (I've heard anywhere between 50-70%). However, I personally find pve to become boring really quickly. It's interesting and engaging until you have an impenetrable base. Then it turns into nothing but grinding and endless breeding for boring mass fight bosses.

So your saying that all other survival games that have these concepts are not survival games. You can add whatever you want as long as you still have to grind for materials, fight for your life and build stuff it's considered a survival game.

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Man, alot of pve people here. Smh. But in regards to ark 2, that's a big no for me. Pretty sure aimbot and meshing will ruin small tribes servers on there too. Wish the devs or whatever group who actually cares about the players would actually do something about the people releasing exploits every week. It's literally been the same 5 people for the last 3 years destroying the game. I've been meshed, caged for a month, c4 scouted, c4 noglind , modded dolphin'd. And I still play this game legit, for now.  Pvp and pve servers should be separate. How many of you have ever said you were from pve servers on a pvp server? Pretty sure you got bullied until you went back to pve. I despise the pve community since they get all the attention. Why do you need attention for? You don't have to defend or any of that survival against other people stuff.  

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5 hours ago, LeZozo said:

Man, alot of pve people here. Smh. But in regards to ark 2, that's a big no for me. Pretty sure aimbot and meshing will ruin small tribes servers on there too. Wish the devs or whatever group who actually cares about the players would actually do something about the people releasing exploits every week. It's literally been the same 5 people for the last 3 years destroying the game. I've been meshed, caged for a month, c4 scouted, c4 noglind , modded dolphin'd. And I still play this game legit, for now.  Pvp and pve servers should be separate. How many of you have ever said you were from pve servers on a pvp server? Pretty sure you got bullied until you went back to pve. I despise the pve community since they get all the attention. Why do you need attention for? You don't have to defend or any of that survival against other people stuff.  

according to what my tech friends say. with the new tech in unreal engine 5 meshing is going to be next to impossible. and aimboting is going to be a joke since all we are going to be using are bows and just to put it out there i rather get aimboted by a bow than a hit scan gun. and i played pvp for 3 years so i feel you.

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Yea. Ark 1 is the last wildcard game I'm ever playing. Forced third person with souls like combat and auto lock? Jesus wish the devs actually played their product or talked to non pve people about their experiences and what they'd like to see in the next game.  Like I smoke, but WC must be on the best to think changing the game that much is a good idea. Sounds like atlas 2.0

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On 3/24/2022 at 1:39 PM, Tschon said:

2. it needs the ability to rent rooms that have limited storage that are within the town and either can't be accessed or people can break in to your room by picking the lock but a bounty is then placed on your head and players and npc will then pursue you. Also the ability to rent shops and sell items and dinos we have. Also the ability to rent non pvp areas to build on. Also if you steal or pvp within the area depending on the price of the item and damage done a bounty is placed on your head.

A town with a privately owned space for some storage and some trading/selling sounds good for rebuilding your life after tragedy, but not if it's just another area to lose all your items. 

Some interesting things in that list but some of the more radical changes listed would make it a completely different game. Maybe fun but it wouldn't be ARK anymore.

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  • 5 months later...
On 3/24/2022 at 3:39 PM, Tschon said:

So I feel ark 2 doesn't need a pvp and a pve it just needs one gameplay. 

1. it needs towns and npc characters within the towns

2. it needs the ability to rent rooms that have limited storage that are within the town and either can't be accessed or people can break in to your room by picking the lock but a bounty is then placed on your head and players and npc will then pursue you. Also the ability to rent shops and sell items and dinos we have. Also the ability to rent non pvp areas to build on. Also if you steal or pvp within the area depending on the price of the item and damage done a bounty is placed on your head.

3. in game currency 

4. we need real missions or quest similar to ones in elder scrolls online or elden ring or just something like that where we talk to npc and there is a story behind the mission.

5. we need some form of offline raid protection.

6. We need vast seas, sky's and deep caves with real boats and flying machines like the ones from atlas, sea of thieves or rust. 

7. We need the ability to have mobile bases like the ones from last oasis. It can be packed up and unpacked but is limited to how much can be built within it.

8. We need the ability to actually hunt tames similar to the way you hunt in monster hunter.

9. We also need enemy bases that are made strictly of npc and they don't just wait for us to raid them they actually will try to raid us at times.

10. The ability to have custom made weapon and armor using all the different materials within the game. A crafting style like never before. Like the handle can be made from certain materials and the blade can be made from different materials and depending on what you use will effect its stats. For example if its all metal it will do large damage but is slow and has good durability but say you use metal for axe blade and wood for handle it then does decent damage, it swings faster but the durability isn't as great or something like that.

11. Tribes shouldn't be larger than like 30 people and no more than 1 maybe 2 allys. Megas within this game is a big problem.

12. Also don't make it where we need constant food and drink. It can definitely ruin a game when you have to constantly focus on I'm thirsty or I'm hungry.

13. Also if your gonna make it hard to get materials and actually get built up especially for solo players then it shouldn't be so easy to destroy. Maybe even make it where the more tribe mates you have the less materials you gather that way it's more balanced for those who like to solo games.

14. If you raid others a rage or bounty meter gets put on your base which then makes npc and other players want to raid you so they can collect that in game currency.

15. Animals need to migrate or go into hibernation during certain seasons.

16. A good or evil system would be good. That way if your constantly insiding, stealing and killing others we will know and then others know to avoid those people.

17. Also with the rent an area with no pvp could still have limited pvp where you cant destroy stuff but you can steal stuff and kill people and dinos but it would reflect  on your good or evil meter and also put a bounty on your head. But also make where they have to turn this mode on and only get a limited amount of time to wreak havoc like 30 minutes or an hour and get out before it enters a cool down mode of like 3 to 12 hours or something.

18. The ability to have and use magic like fireballs, lightning, water and earth or stuff to do with the elements and have a magic meter. Also the ability to craft spells or something.

19. Nobody should be allowed to build in caves or cave building should be very limited.

20. Certain areas for pvp and pvp building and certain areas for pve and pve building but everything get wiped after so long similar to last oasis.

21. Permanent grapples that are built on our wrist for traversing, grabing other players and escaping areas or enemies.

22. The ability to double jump and the ability to jump, grab and climb onto ledges.

23. The ability to have actual dodge ability while doing foot pvp similar to atlas or elden ring. Also the ability to hold my breath while sniping so that the gun stops moving.

24. A pubg or war zone style arena or mode.

25. Players have a background like when you get kicked from a tribe it they have to give a reason. Like inside, stealing, inactive, or things like that and before you invite them to your tribe you can look at their kick history.


Bro, everything you've posted about Ark II has either been 1.) a direct copy of my submitted mechanic ideas, 2.) just ideas for "Elden Ring: Dinosaur Edition" or 3.) crappy Ark 1 mod ideas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I want in a supposedly "BETTER" ark in Ark2 :

- do NOT hide stats or numbers, those are infos from the game to us players, things like floating damage number should be always shown, we are NOT actually the character inside the game, we cannot know how things are like we see in real world, we know by seeing info on screen, without those numbers we don't know how strong each dino is dealing damage like we see in real life a lion brutalize its prey for example, we don't know that, we need those numbers to see how much damage is actually dealt/received.

- dino stats wild level domesticated etc should be shown as clearly as possible not hidden as it is now, like above, we are not in a real world, we can NOT see what needs to be seen like we can see our pets' general stats like its weight, its health, its strength by its activity or habit, but we dont know that in a game, we need numbers to show and compare and get the feel of whats going on in the game with the dinoes. The dino stats tracking like Ark Smart Breeding should be in the game. What's even sad in Ark now is sometimes the game doesn't update the stats after leveling up or imprint so Ark Smart Breeding can't calculate correctly becaus of wrong infos given by the game. That is so sad neglecting what is important to us players/breeders , and not fixed asap. 

I once was soo mad in Steam forum because someone said the game developers of a game that I played like screen real estate so much they don't give info like anything at all or very minimal we have to go into a specific screen to see something or it doesnt give any status when we fail to do an action, because the devs want us to see just graphics and dont want to clutter the screen with infos/texts. Like for example if Ark do not have hose icons showing weight, food, water, health because of screen real estate, we are not actually the character in the game, we dont know what he/she feels so we need those icons/numbers to relate.

Now we can see egg stats in incubator, but its very funny we cannot see the parent stats to compare to, so while it is appreciated the game acts as if Ark Smart Breeder is part of the game, that everyone already knew that app exists.

So I hope Ark 2 will provide all that and keep in mind that giving infos like that is important esp for backing up the breeding feature that is one of the main feature of the game.


I just realized Ark has the WORST character customization, esp in the outfit/fashion department. I was curious and checked on youtube how to obtain different skins in Ark, and after seeing them all, I'm not really interested anymore. Look at character fashion in other games esp MMO, a lot of choices, and beautiful, they're overpriced tho. People really dig character customization, it can even be monetized and ppl still buy them like crazy, it would be nice if in Ark 2 we have better choices of outfits. That alone will attract people's interests. I like mix and matching pieces from different fashion set and not just wear a set, also change the color, it really boosts the mood.


Tedium and annoyance are not difficulties. Please get rid of them in Ark2, dinoes have random mating interval is one of the most annoying things in Ark. Done for the day, come new day, want to mate dinoes, seeing those random timers on some of them is very annoying, cant have schedule and do all mating in one session. Have to visit later. 


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