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Animals where they dont belong.


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14 hours ago, MMaas said:

On some places the map is still broken. Like all the places you find youself walking in or even under the grass, at some parts the water extends there as well. Can make hilarious screenshots ;)

Yea I have been on the island for almost 7 years and that has never happened so it surprised the crap outta me!

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Haha. I myself have never actually seen it myself, cuz (funny story) this is my first time playing ARK, and I'm level 92-but the most powerful tame I have is a Moschops. To be fair, the thing is a beast. It's got upwards of 9,000 health, and does ~250 DMG, I think. I kill Brontos for meat and XP on Herb Island on a regular basis. I've only now started to explore the other places. I mean, I have circumnavigated the Island on a raft...that counts for something, right? XD.

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37 minutes ago, Griffin998 said:

Haha. I myself have never actually seen it myself, cuz (funny story) this is my first time playing ARK, and I'm level 92-but the most powerful tame I have is a Moschops. To be fair, the thing is a beast. It's got upwards of 9,000 health, and does ~250 DMG, I think. I kill Brontos for meat and XP on Herb Island on a regular basis. I've only now started to explore the other places. I mean, I have circumnavigated the Island on a raft...that counts for something, right? XD.

Ohhh watch out for leeds lol

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2 hours ago, Griffin998 said:

Haha. I myself have never actually seen it myself, cuz (funny story) this is my first time playing ARK, and I'm level 92-but the most powerful tame I have is a Moschops. To be fair, the thing is a beast. It's got upwards of 9,000 health, and does ~250 DMG, I think. I kill Brontos for meat and XP on Herb Island on a regular basis. I've only now started to explore the other places. I mean, I have circumnavigated the Island on a raft...that counts for something, right? XD.

Do yourself a favor......get an argentavis. ;) Big vulture looking birdo, sometimes has pretty colors.

May be an image of 1 person, parrot, outdoors and text



I use them for everything except cave runs. I use a thylocoleo for that {murder tree kitties}

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3 hours ago, wizard03 said:

Do yourself a favor......get an argentavis. ;) Big vulture looking birdo, sometimes has pretty colors.

I use them for everything except cave runs. I use a thylocoleo for that {murder tree kitties}

You stole my parot! ;)

If you are on solo, you can allow argies in caves. Realy fun!
When I just started I loved them for meat runs. The only thing I failed eating then was a Titanosaur. So frustrating, that level 5 just would not die! 🤔

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Actually, I'm thinking of transferring to Crystal Isles and getting myself a ember wyvern and a tropical wyvern. Also thinking of starting a mutation line with them. I don't really like Argies, apart from their weight reduction. Their damage is pretty subpar, and they're pretty slow. After getting the wyverns, thinking of then going for some lightning wyverns and doing some crazy mutations on them too. All in all, pretty big plans for the future.

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21 hours ago, MMaas said:

You stole my parot! ;)

If you are on solo, you can allow argies in caves. Realy fun!
When I just started I loved them for meat runs. The only thing I failed eating then was a Titanosaur. So frustrating, that level 5 just would not die! 🤔

well, when it comes to the caves, a bird is EXTREAMLY op in most case's, however certain caves can pose a bit more of a challenge to fliers. Especially when their is water involved. A thylo however can be a much better option as it not only is about as tanky as a bear, just as dangerous as the murder parrot, but has a decent amount of oxygen for the longer treks through the depths. Granted, a sarco and bary don't need to worry about that, but then again the thylo can climb vertical surfaces. To me, the thylo is a very good all rounder when it comes to dealing with cave runs. It doesn't excel at a single specific thing, but can deal with multiple tasks  that a lot of caves can throw at you.

As for the titano, you either need to fully mutate and max out one bird specifically with melee, or just tag, then heal and repeat for 5 hours. x.x I did it once with what I thought was a "good" bird, but even with 1000% melee {no imprint} it took me 3 hours of trying to do it.......I think I gave up. lol

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11 hours ago, Griffin998 said:

Actually, I'm thinking of transferring to Crystal Isles and getting myself a ember wyvern and a tropical wyvern. Also thinking of starting a mutation line with them. I don't really like Argies, apart from their weight reduction. Their damage is pretty subpar, and they're pretty slow. After getting the wyverns, thinking of then going for some lightning wyverns and doing some crazy mutations on them too. All in all, pretty big plans for the future.

Fair enough, I agree completely on the speed. However melee on these guys is actually very decent. Got to get em over 500% first and then if you can add an imprint to a strong line, oh yeah.....ive used argies to kill alpha rex's before.....and I ment multiple, giving each other the buff, but that was my bad az argie. Had 900% melee with imprint and ascendent saddle.

But if wyverns is your thing, you are going to want to get their stamina up pretty high. I always aim for 2000 stam just to start with.

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15 hours ago, Griffin998 said:

Actually, I'm thinking of transferring to Crystal Isles and getting myself a ember wyvern and a tropical wyvern.

Would recommend to go for the Bloods. Not as cool as Tropicals but very effective killers.
Indeed, if no need to carry much over 2K, the speed makes them better on large maps. Their biggest downside is their size and maneuvrebillity but the option to take passengers does kind of compensate for that.


4 hours ago, wizard03 said:

well, when it comes to the caves, a bird is EXTREAMLY op in most case's, however certain caves can pose a bit more of a challenge to fliers. Especially when their is water involved. A thylo however can be a much better option as it not only is about as tanky as a bear, just as dangerous as the murder parrot, but has a decent amount of oxygen for the longer treks through the depths. Granted, a sarco and bary don't need to worry about that, but then again the thylo can climb vertical surfaces. To me, the thylo is a very good all rounder when it comes to dealing with cave runs. It doesn't excel at a single specific thing, but can deal with multiple tasks  that a lot of caves can throw at you.

Thyla's are cute killer kitties ;)

Owls are pretty fun as well and better to manouvre in confined spaces. Not as lethal but the healing option is quite handy, certainly in combination with others. Another I love to use in caves in the Anky, his tail sweep is fun when attacked from all sides. The only downside is it's habit to float when you dismount under water.

By the way, have you already compared the new baboons with the Thyla?

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Thylas are super cool. By the way, I'm not saying Argies are bad-I'm just saying wyverns are better. Plus, when you have the resources and know-how to tame a wyvern, why would you go for an argy? Also, to join the discussion on cave creatures, I like the direwolf. I haven't done any caves with them, but they seem like excellent mounts. They're pretty dang small, and they have decent health. They also hit quite hard. Not as hard as Thylas, mind you, but still pretty hard for such a small creature. Their jump also gets them quite far, so for all those caves with huge gaps, direwolves are great. Back to the topic of wyverns. I personally like the ember wyverns more than the blood ones. I do think that you can passively tame them, and their attack is also quite cool. I think it's sort of cone of attack spreads farther and is narrowerthan the fire wyverns, and they do progressively more damage as they use their breath (sort of like the phase pistol). The blood wyvern is great if you just want to kill something fast, but the attack is a little like it's throwing up blood and spewing it at an enemy, so...sorta odd. I'm probably gonna get all three though, cuz the tropical wyvern has it's hydration buff, making it the fastest wyvern in the game. The ember wyvern looks cool, and the blood wyvern can be used for all those heavy duty killing stuff. Also, as for the baboon. They get a pack buff, and they have that ranged attack. Their climbing is buggy though, so you can end up falling from a wall randomly. Thylas aren't that buggy, but they can't climb on Ziplines. Both do the bleed, and the dinopithecus Base damage is 48. I'm not sure what the thyla's Base damage is, so I can't really comment on that. I also think the Dinopithecus is taller than the Thyla. Honestly, I'd probably prefer a Thyla over a Dinopithecus in a cave. Thylas look better (in my opinion), and they are somewhat smaller. If anyone can verify some of these sort of facts, that would be great.

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20 hours ago, MMaas said:

Owls are pretty fun as well and better to manouvre in confined spaces. Not as lethal but the healing option is quite handy, certainly in combination with others. Another I love to use in caves in the Anky, his tail sweep is fun when attacked from all sides. The only downside is it's habit to float when you dismount under water.

By the way, have you already compared the new baboons with the Thyla?

I absolutely agree, but they are quite a bit slower. That and no wall climbing......typically however, I will use an anky for the first cave run as I usually need him to help me harvest while in the cave. Cave of the hunter is an easy crystal farm for the beach bobs if you can haul some of it back out. And you can prevent the surfacing problem by whistling the anky to follow you. Then when you dismount, he stays right there with you. Same with thylo however. If he isn't following, its a submarine breaking for the surface. lol.

I have indeed compared them a bit but am lightly disappointed with the new baboons......they are roughly the same size, roughly a bit more DPS, however the thylo has more advantages.....Only one thylo is required for the bleed damage to take effect. You need 3 other baboons to get the pack bonus that will allow you to utilize the bleed damage which is useful for out in the open, but you will have to worry about their pathing to work correctly for them to stay within range for that effect to still be in effect. In a cave, thats not going to work too well. Lastly the thylo can equip a saddle, and depending on your RNG, holds a massive advantage over the dinopithicus. This single fact alone is where I gave up on the baboon and went back to the murder kitty. Besides, if you couldn't tell by my avatar, I am a bit more of a cat person to begin with. ;) 

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6 hours ago, Griffin998 said:

Thylas are super cool. By the way, I'm not saying Argies are bad-I'm just saying wyverns are better. Plus, when you have the resources and know-how to tame a wyvern, why would you go for an argy? Also, to join the discussion on cave creatures, I like the direwolf. I haven't done any caves with them, but they seem like excellent mounts. They're pretty dang small, and they have decent health. They also hit quite hard. Not as hard as Thylas, mind you, but still pretty hard for such a small creature. Their jump also gets them quite far, so for all those caves with huge gaps, direwolves are great. Back to the topic of wyverns. I personally like the ember wyverns more than the blood ones. I do think that you can passively tame them, and their attack is also quite cool. I think it's sort of cone of attack spreads farther and is narrowerthan the fire wyverns, and they do progressively more damage as they use their breath (sort of like the phase pistol). The blood wyvern is great if you just want to kill something fast, but the attack is a little like it's throwing up blood and spewing it at an enemy, so...sorta odd. I'm probably gonna get all three though, cuz the tropical wyvern has it's hydration buff, making it the fastest wyvern in the game. The ember wyvern looks cool, and the blood wyvern can be used for all those heavy duty killing stuff. Also, as for the baboon. They get a pack buff, and they have that ranged attack. Their climbing is buggy though, so you can end up falling from a wall randomly. Thylas aren't that buggy, but they can't climb on Ziplines. Both do the bleed, and the dinopithecus Base damage is 48. I'm not sure what the thyla's Base damage is, so I can't really comment on that. I also think the Dinopithecus is taller than the Thyla. Honestly, I'd probably prefer a Thyla over a Dinopithecus in a cave. Thylas look better (in my opinion), and they are somewhat smaller. If anyone can verify some of these sort of facts, that would be great.

Can't argue, but I do kill wyverns from time to time with my argies, but only on the ones that I have also allowed flyer speed leveling on.....Yeah, compared to the wyverns, they slow. Can't do any sort of ranged attacks, but in a scrap, a single dragon had better hit all its shots or else its lunch meat to my imprint line. Not even mutations, just simple bred imprint and lvling. With that said tho, if a bunch of them all got together or I was on official speed fliers, ehhhh.....Id not gamble it if I didn't need to. Still, I do have a imprinted ice wyvern and its got a ton of points into speed. Its my wannabe taprajero. :P

As for the dire wolves, its got the same problems as the megapithicus with only one stand out ability...Its smaller than the thylo. Good for really tight caves such as cave of the skylord on the island. However no climb, needs a pack for its buff, and no saddles.....they can be good, and in fact I will sometimes tame one on SE before anything else, but they are really easy to get crunched as they don't have any armor.

and yeah, the dinopithicus is more like a megapithicus ib height. Thylos are a bit more low profile.

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1 hour ago, wizard03 said:

Lastly the thylo can equip a saddle, and depending on your RNG, holds a massive advantage over the dinopithicus. This single fact alone is where I gave up on the baboon and went back to the murder kitty. Besides, if you couldn't tell by my avatar, I am a bit more of a cat person to begin with. ;) 

Baboons can wear helmets and use the holy poop grenade 🤢
But yes, killing cuteness wins.

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Ice wyvern? I'd take a tropical wyvern over an ice any day. They are faster, after all. And, if you level pts into speed...I don't play with flyer speed levelling enabled, but to each his/her own I guess. I think I'd choose the baboon over the Thyla if the grenade was made to explode on contact with a creature or the ground. RN, that attack is only useful for pvp I'd say. For PVE...not so much. Also, about your comment on the direwolf. They actually have extra health (or some kind of resistance, dunno) for a creature their size to make up for lack of saddle. I would appreciate it if there was a saddle tho. And since they're pretty small as well, they're much easier to breed than, say, Thylas. You could probably stack a ton of mutations into a few, and they'd be just as good as any tamed Thyla (except for the bleed, naturally).

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