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Admin / Trusted Player Tool - Game Save Visualiser


Recommended Posts now available to download:


  • Player learned engrams / emotes now parsed for ASA file format.
  • More UI work on the dark theme.
  • Added "tamedServer" property to JSON export for tames. @Vertyco


  • ASA - Content failed to load errors. Cryo'd status component objects not always matching the filter I used.  Updated filter and have a fallback in place if it can't find by new filter. @PyscoKillah & @Ninnginni
  • Generic - UI - Right click "export" from on screen grids no longer uses regional settings when exporting number format and will always output using "." as the decimal separator.  This was causing CSV export to break where a comma was used as decimal seperator. @Ninnginni
  • ASE - Tribes contain more players than are allowed.  Added filter so players are not allocated to a tribe if that player id is no longer in the .arktribe members data. @Vertyco
  • Fixed export for ASE which was broken by inclusion of separated mutation stats for ASA.

If you really want to donate anything you can at https://ko-fi.com/mirageuk

Edited by MirageUK
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thank you very much @MirageUK for the super fast fix on the issue I was having, however I have another question, my server is hosted by Nitrado and am trying to connect to it through RCON with ASV but its asking for an RCON IP ADDRESS, I input the SERVER IP ADDRESS provided by Nitrado and my admin password as the RCON password but it fails, error says "expecting RCON IP Adress" or something along the lines... any ideas on this? I have tried with both the RCON Password given by Nitrado and my server's admin password which Nitrado said I should be using

I have also heard something about a discord bot, how is that?

Edited by PyscoKillah
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Apologies guys I've not been well this week so haven't had chance to do any investigation or make any further updates.

Feeling much better today so hopefully have time to get back on ASV this weekend.

@PyscoKillah - I know FTP used the "name" but seems RCON uses IP address.  Give that a go - works for my friends server who is also hosted with Nitrado.

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20 minutes ago, Elgar said:

Hi Mirage, I hope you make a full recovery very soon ! Take care.

For your information, I noticed that sometimes the item search does not succeed to find some items, especially saddles on tames (tames live in the world, not tames in cryopods). Are you aware of this, and do you need a save ?

I'm always up for more data to investigate.

Cryo'd creatures won't show any saddle data currently as I have still to parse it but I'm pretty sure non-podded creatures should be returned in the item search.

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33 minutes ago, MirageUK said:

I'm always up for more data to investigate.

Cryo'd creatures won't show any saddle data currently as I have still to parse it but I'm pretty sure non-podded creatures should be returned in the item search.

I just sent you a private message with a link to download my dedicated server save.

You'll get an example with a Giga not in cryopod who has a saddle but this saddle is not found in the item search. I came across other instances of items not found, but I can't remember them exactly, sorry.

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Hi, I noticed I can't see bee hives anymore in ArkViewer. I know that in ASA we often see Queen Bees flying in the wilderness, but ArkViewer doesn't detect any bee in the Wild Creatures tab nor any bee hive structure in the Map View. If I remember correctly, I was able to see them in the early versions of ASA-compatible ArkViewer.

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Yeah, it seems Wildcard changed something in their last patch :) We have the same problem after patchting the servers to the latest one (v33.78) ASV got the following error:




2024-02-03 16:06:19.5798|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-03 16:06:47.4050|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:27.
2024-02-03 16:06:47.4583|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:06:47.4583|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:06:49.1724|INFO|Map structures parsed in: 00:01.
2024-02-03 16:06:49.4498|INFO|Wild creatures parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:06:50.2704|INFO|Player data parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:06:50.3384|INFO|Tames parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:07:14.6681|INFO|Player structures parsed in: 00:24.
2024-02-03 16:07:14.8164|INFO|Dropped items parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:07:14.9621|INFO|Corpses parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:07:15.0875|INFO|Drop bags parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:07:15.0894|INFO|Loaded in: 00:55.
2024-02-03 16:16:19.5937|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-03 16:16:47.7456|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:28.
2024-02-03 16:16:47.7998|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:16:47.7998|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:16:49.5290|INFO|Map structures parsed in: 00:01.
2024-02-03 16:16:49.8151|INFO|Wild creatures parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:16:50.6617|INFO|Player data parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:16:50.7277|INFO|Tames parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:17:15.1564|INFO|Player structures parsed in: 00:24.
2024-02-03 16:17:15.3028|INFO|Dropped items parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:17:15.4437|INFO|Corpses parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:17:15.5700|INFO|Drop bags parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:17:15.5700|INFO|Loaded in: 00:55.
2024-02-03 16:26:22.5706|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-03 16:26:49.8099|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:27.
2024-02-03 16:26:49.8631|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:26:49.8631|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:26:51.1536|ERROR|LoadSaveGame failedSystem.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224    at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224
2024-02-03 16:36:02.5835|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-03 16:36:27.8307|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:25.
2024-02-03 16:36:27.8845|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:36:27.8845|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:36:29.1833|ERROR|LoadSaveGame failedSystem.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224    at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224
2024-02-03 16:46:24.5917|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-03 16:46:50.2515|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:25.
2024-02-03 16:46:50.3051|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:46:50.3071|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:46:51.5716|ERROR|LoadSaveGame failedSystem.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224    at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224
2024-02-03 16:56:23.5831|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-03 16:56:56.5177|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:32.
2024-02-03 16:56:56.5710|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:56:56.5710|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-03 16:56:57.8355|ERROR|LoadSaveGame failedSystem.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224    at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowNoMatchException()
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.<>c__DisplayClass64_0.<LoadArkAscendedData>b__3(AsaGameObject s) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1982
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToList()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 1931
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224


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18 hours ago, Elgar said:

Hi, I noticed I can't see bee hives anymore in ArkViewer. I know that in ASA we often see Queen Bees flying in the wilderness, but ArkViewer doesn't detect any bee in the Wild Creatures tab nor any bee hive structure in the Map View. If I remember correctly, I was able to see them in the early versions of ASA-compatible ArkViewer.

Hivs / Wild bees - still been unable to find them in the save game data so not sure if/how they persist between restarts if they do.


Oddly they do seem to appear on mod maps - ie. Svartalfheim

Edited by MirageUK
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  • DinoId was incorrectly parsed for ASA. Now matches in-game ID displayed on screen.
  • Added "tamedServer" and "uploadedServer" to tames json export. @Vertyco
  • Added "maturation" to tames json export. @pleinx
  • Fixes for content failed to load. @Elgar & @pleinx
  • Saddles were not listed in tame inventory when that tame did not have anything else in the inventory too. @Elgar

@PyscoKillah - ASVBot.exe. Very basic.  I'll try put together a "how to" at some point.

Edited by MirageUK
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Thank you Mirage ! 😃👍

About bee hives / giant bees, would the informations given by the admin rifle in green mode help you ? I mean when you target something in game with the admin rifle, to get ID.

Also, I noticed a bug : when you load a new save for the first time in ArkViewer (by refreshing it with the FTP feature, or by loading manually a new save), several species in the Tamed tab don't appear. I have to exit ArkViewer, then launch it again in order to see every species in the Tamed tab. Not a big deal since the workaround is easy of course. I already noticed it with previous version, but I totally forgot to report it, sorry.

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8 hours ago, Elgar said:

Thank you Mirage ! 😃👍

About bee hives / giant bees, would the informations given by the admin rifle in green mode help you ? I mean when you target something in game with the admin rifle, to get ID.

Also, I noticed a bug : when you load a new save for the first time in ArkViewer (by refreshing it with the FTP feature, or by loading manually a new save), several species in the Tamed tab don't appear. I have to exit ArkViewer, then launch it again in order to see every species in the Tamed tab. Not a big deal since the workaround is easy of course. I already noticed it with previous version, but I totally forgot to report it, sorry.

Interstingly when I put your server save into single player - hunt for a bee hive in game visually then save - ASV actually then shows both wild Giant Queen Bee and the Bee Hives.  They must not persist on multiplayer saves or it would seem ASV does pick them up?

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  • Volunteer Moderator
44 minutes ago, MirageUK said:

They must not persist on multiplayer saves

I'm pretty sure the ones that are in stasis are no longer saved to disk since the following update:

On 11/30/2018 at 12:02 AM, StudioWildcard said:

v321.14 - 01/26/2021

  • Fixed a bug that caused wild beehive spawns to over spawn

And this was done to fix empty hives stacked on top of each others after server reboots.

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  • Just a quick fix to read the save after latest update to Ark Ascended.

Still working on why the inventories are not consistently being picked up but been busy playing again so not had much time but it is on my list.

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On 1/3/2024 at 9:49 PM, pleinx said:

Okay damn. Something i did wrong in the past 😄 I'm using ASV on a Windows VM. But with linux would be great to save some ressources. I'll try it again. Can you DM you if i have troubles at some point?

Did you ever get this working? I'm also interested in using ASVExport in linux in conjunction with ArkView plugin if possible.

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Seems the changed the co-ords in the latest patch too.

To fix it for now edit your maps.json file - altering to use 6850 instead of 8000 for Lat/LonDiv 

      "MapName": "The Island (Ascended)",
      "Filename": "theisland_wp.ark",
      "ImageFile": "map_theisland_wp.jpg",
      "LatShift": 50.0,
      "LatDiv": 6850.0,
      "LonShift": 50.0,
      "LonDiv": 6850.0

I will update it in the next release.

Edited by MirageUK
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On 2/9/2024 at 11:52 PM, Sloanstar said:

Did you ever get this working? I'm also interested in using ASVExport in linux in conjunction with ArkView plugin if possible.

Didn't checked it out for now. Will do if i have more time :)



@MirageUK I'm getting now this error:

2024-02-11 01:23:12.9839|INFO|Reading game save data...
2024-02-11 01:23:46.5820|INFO|Game data loaded in: 00:33.
2024-02-11 01:23:46.5820|INFO|Profile data loaded in: 00:00.
2024-02-11 01:23:46.5820|INFO|Allocated player tribes in: 00:00.
2024-02-11 01:23:48.1665|INFO|Map structures parsed in: 00:01.
2024-02-11 01:23:48.2414|INFO|Wild creatures parsed in: 00:00.
2024-02-11 01:23:49.0205|ERROR|LoadSaveGame failedSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 2250
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224    at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadArkAscendedData(String saveFilename) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 2250
   at ASVPack.Models.ContentContainer.LoadSaveGame(String saveFilename, String localProfileFilename, String clusterFolder, Int32 profileDayCountLimit) in C:\Dev\ASV_New\ASVPack\ASVPack\Models\ContentContainer.cs:line 224

Let me know, if you need a savegame 🙂


And only two reminders:

  • add status if the dino is currently a baby or juvenile
  • add inventory for some structures (e.g. tree sap collector) also for export (JSON)


like always: no pressure

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