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HELP!!! Baby imprints and mature speed:


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I'm working on this right now too for my private server. The Cuddle Interval Multiplier is linked to the Baby Mature Speed. It's a bit of guesswork to try and find the sweet spot -- most small dinos are going to have a harder time reaching 100% before maturing, whereas larger dinos will be easier. Here's what I'm using on my server:


The Cuddle Interval as a fraction is 1/8. When we were raising direwolves, it took about 6 hours for them to grow from baby to adult, and we had to imprint every hour (and be *very* punctual) to get them up to 100%. We couldn't be late on imprints or we'd miss the timer. We enjoyed that challenge; you might not.

Hopefully someone has a more definitive answer about how this works :D

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If you want 100% on everything, just do a little testing yourself. Find the creature with the fastest mature time on your settings and set the imprint interval to just below that mature time.

To make sense of the following, we have to convert everything into minutes, so 8 hrs = 480 mins. The formula I use for working out an imprint interval is <chosen interval min> / 480 = <input value> e.g. 11/480 = 0.02291. This is what I use on my server that has 60x mature rate and 11 min imprint intervals.

If I was to devide the imprint interval by 60 (to match my baby mature rate) it would give me 8 min imprint intervals even though 11 min intervals still nets me 100%, so it should only be used as a guide.

The 3 extra mins may not seem a lot, but it makes a difference when you’re breeding Giga’s/Mosa’s/Tuso’s.

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On 12/23/2018 at 9:43 AM, celswick87 said:

I know with a fast mature rate it isnt possible to get 100% imprint on some dinos.. I started a Nitrado server and we are trying to get a fast mature rate but still get 100% imprint on gigas and rexes.. Can anyone tell me what mature multiplyers to use????

If you enable single player settings it’ll speed everything up a bit. I have it enabled with these multipliers:

LayEggInterval: 3.0

EggHatchSpeed: 6.0

BabyMatureSpeed: 10.0

BabyCuddleInterval: 0.04


With these settings it takes about 16mins to fully raise a Rex 100% Imprinted, and about 50mins to raise a giga (not including hatch speed) though the giga would be pretty hard to 100% Imprint. I managed to fully imprint a giga on my test run of these settings but it was asking for mostly cuddles along with me pre-walking it. These settings don’t cover everything it does get most though.

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7 hours ago, SaltyMonkey said:

If you want 100% on everything, just do a little testing yourself. Find the creature with the fastest mature time on your settings and set the imprint interval to just below that mature time.

To make sense of the following, we have to convert everything into minutes, so 8 hrs = 480 mins. The formula I use for working out an imprint interval is <chosen interval min> / 480 = <input value> e.g. 11/480 = 0.02291. This is what I use on my server that has 60x mature rate and 11 min imprint intervals.

If I was to devide the imprint interval by 60 (to match my baby mature rate) it would give me 8 min imprint intervals even though 11 min intervals still nets me 100%, so it should only be used as a guide.

The 3 extra mins may not seem a lot, but it makes a difference when you’re breeding Giga’s/Mosa’s/Tuso’s.

I can vouch for this advice as an avid player on said server. Ive raised dimorphodons to Gigas and most inbetween and have never had an imprint issue besides my own user error not making imprints. 


The 10-11 min intervals actually make the 6h giga a challenge because you cant just leave it if you want imprints

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