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ARK at TwitchCon 2017!


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On 10/26/2017 at 6:31 PM, Shadow7770 said:

Im actually glad they decided to push it back, while i love ark and all, this game is infamous at least on console, for  gamebreaking bugs and glitches. ive had well over 10 friends return their copy to gamestop and its sad really, because it has such potential and the devs seem like they try really hard. 

exactly, such potential. but with a different company.

Edited by gploveulongtime
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So will Aberration have the same dino cap as other servers (5500) and are dino's transferable to the Aberration servers from Island, SE, Ranarok ? if so the players that actually buy this will get around 4-5 weeks before the dino cap is reached and that will be your own faults for buying into a new Dlc before they sort out the problems they have STILL on the base game that was launched 2 months ago. If WC are not willing to sort out the servers then don't support WC by buying there new Dlc products.


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2 hours ago, MegaZ1 said:

So will Aberration have the same dino cap as other servers (5500) and are dino's transferable to the Aberration servers from Island, SE, Ranarok ? if so the players that actually buy this will get around 4-5 weeks before the dino cap is reached and that will be your own faults for buying into a new Dlc before they sort out the problems they have STILL on the base game that was launched 2 months ago. If WC are not willing to sort out the servers then don't support WC by buying there new Dlc products.


Survivors will not be able to transfer creatures from the Center, Island, Ragnarok, or Scorched Earth to Aberration. However, players will be able to transfer creatures from Aberration to those other ARKs.

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What about items or people? Can i transfer my char over? Building materials taming help things, like narcotics and stuff?

On 29/10/2017 at 9:48 PM, Eli said:

Survivors will not be able to transfer creatures from the Center, Island, Ragnarok, or Scorched Earth to Aberration. However, players will be able to transfer creatures from Aberration to those other ARKs.


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2 hours ago, HighDBoom said:

How long till you can transfer creatures off ? Aberation -> Island for example

And when will be able to transfer stuff to both sides.

You should be able to transfer creatures from aberration to the island/scorched etc. the first chance you can.

As for your second sentence, it's only a one way street at this point in time, for obvious reasons (that of aberration being a no-flyer map)

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12 minutes ago, Eli said:

As for your second sentence, it's only a one way street at this point in time, for obvious reasons (that of aberration being a no-flyer map)

That means we will be never able to transfer gigas (non flyers) to aberration? Its a valid question cause of PvP Reasons.

When Scorched Earth was release. there was the same. We couldnt transfer Island -> Scorched Earth but we could Scorched Earth -> Island. After a couple months we could do in both sides now.

Will Aberration be 4 ever a one way street ?

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On 10/25/2017 at 1:33 PM, Eli said:

The build that was available to play at Twitchcon is still under development. The map is a fraction of what the entire expansion will be, not all the creatures were present, and the balance for the taming mechanics haven't been finalized yet.

ohhh ok I see. it takes a really long time to make these things.. maybe they need more people working on stuff.  .w.;

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Just now, Eli said:

Wildcard IS hiring ;)

If I new how to make 3d models and put games together Id apply but I dont.. Im only good at drawing. lol when I was in high school I took a computer art class and I learned photoshop.. flash and did some work on the maya program to make a hammer but mind only looked like a hammer on one side.. lol X__X;  I tried self-teaching my self how to use blender but I could not figure it out on my own. 

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