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When wildcard said the weren’t going to delay the full release of ark


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13 hours ago, Ulta said:

You do know that the delay is happening because Sony didn't certify the PS4 version of the game in time to make all the versions get released at the same time right?

It's frustrating to have to deal with delays, but can't you look at the positives in this? You get 3 more weeks of WC not only bug fixing some more but also 3 more weeks for the rag team to develop more of the map. So instead of getting the buggy, half-done map now, you get probably MORE of the map AND a much better running version to boot cause they took a little more time to fix it up.

If you REALLY loved this game, you'd have some patience and understanding that a game dev team as tiny as WC, with a game as popular and HUGE as ARK kinda needs some slack since they don't have the manpower to do it as quickly as you want. All your original post did OP is to make it seem like you are just impatient and that you want things NOW, and if you don't' get it, you'll spout hate about them under the claims that they 'don't care' because they delayed it...which is a very childish mindset to have.

Lemme quote you something that Jat said in a much larger thread with generally the same complaint (a console player who was fed up with waiting and blaming WC as an incompetent company because thy can't keep their game fixed on a specific subject). Firstly, he was trying to explain to someone why the delay happened and why PS4 cert delayed them.

" It comes down to contracts with retailers, other companies can probably get away with agreeing to terms which are more favourable to them but when you're an indie/small studio shipping your first game on retail, you don't have the same sort of presence in the room as a company such as GTA. "

Then when the person continued to complain about a more specific problem (dedicated server hosting on Xbox), Jat said this.

" I certainly understand your frustrations, the current issue with Player Dedicated servers make it one of the most frustrating bugs we're dealing with, not only because the solution isn't easily remediable, but also because of the fact it renders Player Dedi servers for the most part unusable for the player base. As for when it'll get fixed, I cannot say, we don't have a magic wand we can just tap to resolve an issue. It's being worked on, and when I know a patch is going out for certification, I will let you know as mentioned in that thread until you see that post, assume the updates are the same, that it is something we're dealing with and will fix (we are not going to stop supporting player dedicated servers), but the patch will not be available tomorrow or soon-after until it has been confirmed fixed and entered cert, which will be communicated."

So read that and tell me that that doesn't sound like someone who cares about their game, their community, and how the game functions. Just because he didn't say all this to you specifically doesn't mean he nay holds the same concerns for everyone else's issue with their game. So sit back, relax, and try to have a more open-mind for the company that took 2 years and counting out of their LIVES to make you a game that you've admitted you like...otherwise, silence your mouth and quietly wait. you'll get your Rag map, since now Aug. 29th is the ACTUAL release date and with every version ready now, I don't see that delaying for any reason now.

Thank you. Glad you got around and taking the time to post this. I honestly hope it gets around so players have a better understanding instead of shooting in the dark about the game.

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2 hours ago, GP said:

They've met several deadlines for both PC and console. Don't know why people act like they haven't, I guess it's easier that way.

Mod or not, way to sound like a "YES" man. 

I might be new to Ark, 2-3 months, but WC's signature so far is Always late, Always broken.  Your a Mod, been around for a while, why did they release the PS patch, that had 4 weeks extra dev time, with a critical dedi breaking bug?

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1 minute ago, ArkaelDren said:

Mod or not, way to sound like a "YES" man. 

I might be new to Ark, 2-3 months, but WC's signature so far is Always late, Always broken.  Your a Mod, been around for a while, why did they release the PS patch, that had 4 weeks extra dev time, with a critical dedi breaking bug?

I'm not a YES man. Wildcard have done lots of things wrong in my opinion, things that could have been handled better, but I don't dwell on the past. Just because I stated they met at least 2 ETA's doesn't mean i'm a YES man. That's foolish.

I don't know why they released the PS Patch, it's not my place to know stuff like that. I'm a Mod of the forum.

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14 hours ago, Lancelot said:

Why do console players want ragnarok so soon? It doesn't even play right on PC right now.

Rather than rushing out something that will only let down the player base, why not let them fix the problems and give the players what they deserve. The game has been 'out' for years, a couple of month is nothing if they can fix what the players are suggesting.

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Ok I've been bashing the game lately, but I must come clean. After the patch the game is running and looking much better on ps4. I'm actually quite happy with it.


No issues yesterday, but I fear the duping has simply died down a bit on my server and hasnt been eradicated fully yet.


Anyway for the first time in a LONG time the game is actually looking like it could be near to a good release state.

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2 hours ago, GP said:

They've met several deadlines for both PC and console. Don't know why people act like they haven't, I guess it's easier that way.

Just want this quote here again for clear reference.

The way this is wrote is suggesting or implying that WC's track record is balanced. Several is not 2.  What does "easier that way" intended to mean? Because from where I stand, it seems to be a lot easier for the die hard supporters to keep using EA, and words like several, in an attempt to make WC appear better in just the right "light".

Calling a "spade a spade"  is not meant to be malicious, niether is telling the truth change your devotion or Love for Ark.  Why do the fan boys keep insisting on defending WC,  when it is so clear within a professional reference, that they have been incompetent with deadlines, quality and even some of the most basic decisions in regards to official release?  No this is not dwelling, nor is it unhealthy for the community to come to a general consensus,  without the need for defense from the overly devoted,  about issues that are as clear and evident,  as the ones stated by so many of us. Those of us that have been negatively affected have a right to come together, here, on these forums to express this. They should be able to do so with out the concern of being manipulated and pressured to stop.  Further I would think the community should support them, when there is this much evidence.  Were all playing this game together, just a decent percentage of us have been given broken code that has "Completely" locked us out.  Then to release this same game breaking code, WITH FULL UNDERSTANDING of what it was going to do to Playstation owners,  is clearly incompetense.  Yet so many of you still defend, claim great excuse in WC's defense.  Sorry this got so long, but if everyone would have supported its community members, this issue would have been addressed and resolved.     

I am really asking you some questions some where in here, and due to your unique perspective,  I'm interested in hearing your response.  But only like it was a PM so we could get a straight unbiased answer.   I'm not trying to troll or illicit a negative response. 


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50 minutes ago, GP said:

I'm not a YES man. Wildcard have done lots of things wrong in my opinion, things that could have been handled better, but I don't dwell on the past. Just because I stated they met at least 2 ETA's doesn't mean i'm a YES man. That's foolish.

I don't know why they released the PS Patch, it's not my place to know stuff like that. I'm a Mod of the forum.

GP I don't envy your position one bit but to say they've met two ETAs in what 2 years isn't giving much hope. As a PS4 player I can't state about anything other than what I've experienced in the last oh 6 months for me. The company that is suppose to be working Ark for wildcard I believe abstract is working this company and not for the good. Since I've been playing yes I've seen patches come out on time but on the norm broken. Every time and I mean every time they patch something they break 5 other things. Now I understand early access but the purpose of patches is to improve game performance not break what isn't broken. Do you know if anyone tests these patches before being released?? This last one was delayed for at least a month and we're told it's to make sure it was right, odd that the most basic thing (logging in) was broken. (Example: stuck on login screen) Yes they are some very salty people right now cause the have been playing and have seen delay after delay with two things fixed and 4 more broken with each and every patch. Right, wrong, or indifferent people take this company at it's word that these were hard dates for release and I don't know the story with cert. for PS4 other that what someone says but I tend to think Sony isn't going to hold up Certification on something without reason. Thinking with the time it takes to burn a disc to get it out to Sony if it was with the version prior to the patch if I were Sony I would have said no way too. Yes the patch did improve some things, although I don't agree to slowing down my land dinos but that is for another topic but Wild card couldn't even get that right with the extra month they took to work on it. Maybe in the future if this company has one don't make promises you can't keep and don't sell collector's sets for final release and than delay your release after people have started purchasing them. 

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5 minutes ago, ArkaelDren said:

Just want this quote here again for clear reference.

The way this is wrote is suggesting or implying that WC's track record is balanced. Several is not 2.  What does "easier that way" intended to mean? Because from where I stand, it seems to be a lot easier for the die hard supporters to keep using EA, and words like several, in an attempt to make WC appear better in just the right "light".

Calling a "spade a spade"  is not meant to be malicious, niether is telling the truth change your devotion or Love for Ark.  Why do the fan boys keep insisting on defending WC,  when it is so clear within a professional reference, that they have been incompetent with deadlines, quality and even some of the most basic decisions in regards to official release?  No this is not dwelling, nor is it unhealthy for the community to come to a general consensus,  without the need for defense from the overly devoted,  about issues that are as clear and evident,  as the ones stated by so many of us. Those of us that have been negatively affected have a right to come together, here, on these forums to express this. They should be able to do so with out the concern of being manipulated and pressured to stop.  Further I would think the community should support them, when there is this much evidence.  Were all playing this game together, just a decent percentage of us have been given broken code that has "Completely" locked us out.  Then to release this same game breaking code, WITH FULL UNDERSTANDING of what it was going to do to Playstation owners,  is clearly incompetense.  Yet so many of you still defend, claim great excuse in WC's defense.  Sorry this got so long, but if everyone would have supported its community members, this issue would have been addressed and resolved.     

I am really asking you some questions some where in here, and due to your unique perspective,  I'm interested in hearing your response.  But only like it was a PM so we could get a straight unbiased answer.   I'm not trying to troll or illicit a negative response. 


Ok so it's at least 2 from what I recall, so I apologise for using the word several instead of couple, didn't mean to offend anyone.

I never use the EA excuse. Wildcard rarely if ever uses the EA excuse, i've only ever seen mentions of that in Support ticket responses, but never in relation to updates. It's the players that always use the EA excuse, usually because they don't have a strong enough argument to come back with.

I only defend Wildcard when people make statements that are completely untrue, for example, people saying that WC have never met an ETA or deadline, well that is completely untrue for both PC and console. That is where I defend them. But of course when I do defend them by stating that they have met deadlines on at least 2 occasions people feel the need to argue my use of the word "several".

You can call me a fan boy if you want, I don't really care, but I support WC because I want to see the game reach it's end development and be successful, and I have faith in them to do just that, given time. I have disagreed publicly about decisions that Wildcard have made or done in the past, but if that also makes me a fan boy then really I don't know what the definition of a fan boy actually is.

If I didn't support Wildcard or have faith in them then I would have left ARK a long time ago and stopped wasting my time in something I have no faith in...

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Kind of getting tired of the delays honestly wouldn't be surprised if its delayed again. Took a break from the game and have been waiting to play until full release so its pretty annoying that they keep delaying it. No reason to really play since i rather play on the legacy servers and there's no reason to play dedicated for a couple weeks just to restart again. Maybe one day wildcard will get their **** together... probably not though.

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Deadlines? You guys are aware that its just a matter of respect that they even give you an ETA on a patch or map? Are they required too by some law? No.  If they set you an ETA it is exactly that an "ESITMATED time of arrival" not a deadline.  Sure its good of them to come out and say "patch due to be released on x/x/xx" but if they have to delay it by a few days/week then that's totally upto them and by no means detrimental to your gaming experience unless you chose to let it be.

Same goes with the release date, if its pushed back past the 29th Aug then again that's their choice, why you come to complain on the forum about it really does perplex me as you already have the bloody game!  The only ones who should be pissed at a delayed release is those who are waiting to buy it.

I've played this game since day 1 on xbox and to be fair I barely remember them missing a patch date, infact sometimes they would just spring one on us.  Delays haven't always been a thing for the game, infact they have only been more prevalent closer to the release fiasco dating back a few month, hell the company has only ever seem to be more stressed and prone to making mistakes since they started farting around with the PS4 port too.

Grow the hell up people and learn to have some damn patience, if your'e on the forums you love the game so give it some time, unless your'e just the kind of person who enjoys making accounts on forums for games they hate and just like being a whiny raptor.


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5 minutes ago, YUSHOETMI said:

Deadlines? You guys are aware that its just a matter of respect that they even give you an ETA on a patch or map? Are they required too by some law? No.  If they set you an ETA it is exactly that an "ESITMATED time of arrival" not a deadline.  Sure its good of them to come out and say "patch due to be released on x/x/xx" but if they have to delay it by a few days/week then that's totally upto them and by no means detrimental to your gaming experience unless you chose to let it be.

Same goes with the release date, if its pushed back past the 29th Aug then again that's their choice, why you come to complain on the forum about it really does perplex me as you already have the bloody game!  The only ones who should be pissed at a delayed release is those who are waiting to buy it.

I've played this game since day 1 on xbox and to be fair I barely remember them missing a patch date, infact sometimes they would just spring one on us.  Delays haven't always been a thing for the game, infact they have only been more prevalent closer to the release fiasco dating back a few month, hell the company has only ever seem to be more stressed and prone to making mistakes since they started farting around with the PS4 port too.

Grow the hell up people and learn to have some damn patience, if your'e on the forums you love the game so give it some time, unless your'e just the kind of person who enjoys making accounts on forums for games they hate and just like being a whiny raptor.


This.. and I personally us the EA excuse because this is their first big project, they are coding from scratch, this isn't a yearly title that's just copy paste and touch up here and there with some improved graphics,  not to mention the scope of everything you can do in Ark, poop, I've played since xbox1 ea release and it's gotten better by leaps and bounds,  so I'll defend WC because I've experienced the improvements and I understand what players are getting.. 

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What I am curious about regarding the delay is some of the language I'm seeing describing the result of the 'official release'...


I've been seeing phrases like, "final version," "full version"...  and language like in Ulta's post, "You get 3 more weeks of WC not only bug fixing some more but also 3 more weeks for the rag team to develop more of the map."


The message I'm receiving which others seem not to be receiving is that somehow when the game is "released" (an amusing word to use, because as far as I can tell, the game is basically released already), it will be "complete."  That is, it will not receive further changes.  Can anyone tell me if this true?  Because, if it is, I think I'm out.  I don't believe that three weeks is not enough time to work out all the bugs that remain, so unless there is some wondrous, fantastical, bugless version of the game they have for reasons unknown decided not to implement in the servers, I'm certain that the "full version" will retain its dysfunctional qualities indefinitely.


For PC, anyway, the game is patched seemingly every other day with several small fixes, some creating problems as they attempt to solve them, and some not working entirely.  They call the current version "early access."  This is just a name.  To me, it was released ~two years ago, and much too early in its development, and survives now because the developer still tries to improve it.  It has been evolving steadily over time since then, but it feels like the expectation of this "full release" is to have some sudden, immediate wave of improvement, contrary to its history.  It seems to me that whatever the game is now is what it very likely will be upon this apparently asinine day when the game is "fully" released, correct?  Now, obviously, it is better to take one's time.  Think purposefully, work carefully, take your time to be sure that the work you put out is your best...  Anyone should agree with this.  And, much can change if one works efficiently for three weeks.  But, I have trouble believing there will be truly that much improvement in such a short span, when it seems that the pace thus far has been quite slow, and again, if this "full release" is the "last" release, as language seems to suggest, then this game may well have reached the end before it even started (officially).


Of course, I could be interpreting these words incorrectly.  If it were my game, I would want to put out a polished, highly functioning version on release, preferably with no bugs, so that consumers would have little else to ask for, except to periodically add more content and attempt balance adjustments.  Maybe that's what they intend to do in the "extra time", or maybe they fully intend to keep working on the game after the game is "official."  Maybe someone can shed light on this.


In any case, I don't think it's necessary to feel upset about the delay, mostly because it will very likely have an imperceptible effect on the game, except for the consoles having not received Ragnarok.

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1 hour ago, RYN371 said:

That is, it will not receive further changes.  Can anyone tell me if this true?

That is definitely not true. Even games that aren't even in EA still make changes after release, like Starbound and Terraria.

I wouldn't expect MAJOR changes unless WC actually listens to the community and makes changes that make the mechanics or gameplay change drastically (heaven knows breeding and taming could probably done a bit differently to be more fun). But they already have two Scorched Earth-sized DLC's planned. Not only that, but I'm near 99% positive that after release, patches and fixes will still be happening. The 1% is from me not working for WC so I can't speak for them =P

Plus let's not forget the mod sponsor program is still gonna be running, which means possible fun mods becoming official and more maps.

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20 hours ago, GP said:

They've met several deadlines for both PC and console. Don't know why people act like they haven't, I guess it's easier that way.

i remember when i was trying to prove to my friend that wildcard wasnt the worst developer i showed him the updates list and there was an update for every month with major content such as dinos

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17 hours ago, ArkaelDren said:

Were all playing this game together, just a decent percentage of us have been given broken code that has "Completely" locked us out.  Then to release this same game breaking code, WITH FULL UNDERSTANDING of what it was going to do to Playstation owners,  is clearly incompetense

"Decent percentage" "completely locked us out"? No offense, I don't play player dedicated but to refer to the percentage that play PD on console as 'decent' may be reaching a bit you think? My official is running better than ever, never missed a beat. Besides, you can always spawn in your 12x rate players a lvl 500 giga for their troubles. I apologize that's ugly of me, but was joking of course. Let's hope they get it fixed so y'all can get back to grinding hard.

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3 hours ago, RYN371 said:

The message I'm receiving which others seem not to be receiving is that somehow when the game is "released" (an amusing word to use, because as far as I can tell, the game is basically released already), it will be "complete."  That is, it will not receive further changes.  Can anyone tell me if this true?  Because, if it is, I think I'm out.  I don't believe that three weeks is not enough time to work out all the bugs that remain, so unless there is some wondrous, fantastical, bugless version of the game they have for reasons unknown decided not to implement in the servers, I'm certain that the "full version" will retain its dysfunctional qualities indefinitely.

It's the Official Release 1.0 (out of Early Access). The game will still receive fixes and updates, including future DLC's.

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On 8/1/2017 at 10:57 PM, Ulta said:

That is definitely not true. Even games that aren't even in EA still make changes after release, like Starbound and Terraria.

I wouldn't expect MAJOR changes unless WC actually listens to the community and makes changes that make the mechanics or gameplay change drastically (heaven knows breeding and taming could probably done a bit differently to be more fun). But they already have two Scorched Earth-sized DLC's planned. Not only that, but I'm near 99% positive that after release, patches and fixes will still be happening. The 1% is from me not working for WC so I can't speak for them =P

Plus let's not forget the mod sponsor program is still gonna be running, which means possible fun mods becoming official and more maps.


On 8/2/2017 at 1:49 AM, GP said:

It's the Official Release 1.0 (out of Early Access). The game will still receive fixes and updates, including future DLC's.

Oh, good.  Reassuring...  then, it should just be business as usual, which circles back to being upset about the "official release" is not necessary, for the event is mostly asinine.

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1 hour ago, RYN371 said:


Oh, good.  Reassuring...  then, it should just be business as usual, which circles back to being upset about the "official release" is not necessary, for the event is mostly asinine.

I don't know why you feel like you need to be upset over something you're already deeming as 'trivial'. It's still an important event for most players, and even moreso for WC. 'Official release' marks the end of them being behind the 'EA' excuse first off. Second, well...would you reeeeally want ARK to be called 'officially released' on the first day it went into EA? The game was TERRIBLY broken and would have hurt sales for some HARD if they went by an official release for that mess. Officially released going out of EA basically means 'hey this game finally got all the content in it we were aiming for and is 'good enough' for us to consider it complete.' , NOT 'Hey this game is done 100%. Buy me.'

The game being under an EA blanket is just another way to develop a game. Whether the official release is something HUGE or not isn't something you should be upsetting yourself over...sure nothing major will change on release (supposedly. there's still that secret surprise they mentioned about it at E3), but it's still a significant moment in Ark's life as a game. It's like a birthday party. It's only a big deal if you make it, and frankly, a LOT of people make your 1st birthday a big deal. It's a celebration, something that people who love the game still can enjoy. If you don't want to consider it a major event then fine go ahead and don't bother celebrating. No one's forcing you to go to the party.

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On 7/31/2017 at 3:31 PM, BurntFlameZ said:

It’s been almost 2 months since it got released on Xbox and wildcard just poops on console players every time they never release anything on time for console these but by the time it gets release if by some miracle it does it will have been 3 months and I’m betting you play on PCs So you’ve had this poop

How are we getting pooped on? Delayed but still coming, it's not like we can't keep playing ark..

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On 01/08/2017 at 8:41 AM, YUSHOETMI said:

Deadlines? You guys are aware that its just a matter of respect that they even give you an ETA on a patch or map? Are they required too by some law? No.  If they set you an ETA it is exactly that an "ESITMATED time of arrival" not a deadline.  Sure its good of them to come out and say "patch due to be released on x/x/xx" but if they have to delay it by a few days/week then that's totally upto them and by no means detrimental to your gaming experience unless you chose to let it be.

Same goes with the release date, if its pushed back past the 29th Aug then again that's their choice, why you come to complain on the forum about it really does perplex me as you already have the bloody game!  The only ones who should be pissed at a delayed release is those who are waiting to buy it.

I've played this game since day 1 on xbox and to be fair I barely remember them missing a patch date, infact sometimes they would just spring one on us.  Delays haven't always been a thing for the game, infact they have only been more prevalent closer to the release fiasco dating back a few month, hell the company has only ever seem to be more stressed and prone to making mistakes since they started farting around with the PS4 port too.

Grow the hell up people and learn to have some damn patience, if your'e on the forums you love the game so give it some time, unless your'e just the kind of person who enjoys making accounts on forums for games they hate and just like being a whiny raptor.


No, they aren't required by law to give an ETA. They can do whatever they want. I think the most frustration with their ETAs is the fact they are so far out to lunch on them that they shouldn't even bother giving an ETA. The worst one was releasing Ragnarok for console. That was an E3 announcement (more than likely to garner more interest in the game) that PC would immediately be getting Ragnarok as a DLC and that it would be released on console on July 4th (They never once said it was an ETA, they said it WOULD be released on July 4th). Then a couple days before it was set to be released, they did post that it wouldn't be available as they had said at E3 and instead would be released July 12th (although that ETA only lasted a day before being changed to July 19th). Then, low and behold they once again came out and said it would be delayed further until August 8th to coincide with Ark's official release, but hey, because of this delay console players will be better off because more of the map will be finished. Lastly the most recent delay is until August 29th to coincide with the new official release date, but hey that means that it will be even more of a finished map that console will be getting. If you can't understand why people are frustrated with a company that announced a DLC would be coming onto console for July 4th and then delay it almost two months, you have a fairly narrow viewpoint of the world. I find it very frustrating when someone tells me one thing and then does another. A small delay would be reasonable, but a two month delay, that is just ridiculous.


As for the release date, although it doesn't bother me that the official release date has been pushed back, it does look bad for WC from a business perspective, and I can see why some players would be upset with that. Some of them may be planning to switch to the new servers to get a new start on ark away from the dupers and OP items that the legacy servers are rife with. Why you choose to come on the forum and complain about the people complaining really does perplex me. Why does it matter so much to you what other people complain about?


I think most people on the forums here are airing valid concerns. Yes, there is a matter of patience, but patience wears thin when ETAs are consistently wrong and pushed back. If WC hadn't announced Ragnarok for console at E3 and then not delivered on their announcement, there would be a lot less griping. To me, it seems that they have been biting off a lot more than they can chew lately, and should probably avoid making promises and ETAs that they can't deliver. 


As for anyone using the EA excuse for WC that boat has sailed. With the game having been certified Gold, it means that we are currently playing on the finished release (As the games are already being made for distribution) Although the game is still technically in EA, we are on the official release version.

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