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I don't say this often so please don't take this lightly Wildcard.


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8 minutes ago, Shadowless28 said:

The whales don't care about the metal you surround your raft will that is all just building materials to change the appearance.  The raft is still wood and that is what the whale takes out.  I have seen them in the shallow parts on the center island which makes them really easy to kill.  When the whale came out I stopped using my raft but I understand there is a huge difference between tame and no tame servers.

Which makes it all the more reason this is one stupid addition to the game. There is no real defense against it. build a raft with plant x you say to defeat it. by the time you build a raft with enough plant x to maybe defeat it you are at you max structure limit.

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They openly admit to it they post screenshots of vaults full of C-4 they crashed the server to roll back at least 3 times a day and they offer a friend of mine duplicated items it happens there's YouTube videos on how to do it and still wild card does not care. Why do people need to be able to transfer items between servers? Why is it fair for One Tribe to go get oil from scorched-earth and bring it back to the center? Why can people from the center go and main mountains of cementing paste and take it to the island? This is more like a full-time job than a game it stopped being fun a while ago why do I still play because there's no other Survival game on Xbox. 

They even brag about duping openly in the global chat ( just what every immersive survival game needs, a CHAT BOX!) DAY Z WHERE ARE YOU?

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1 hour ago, Dragmoor said:

And no it was a parked anywhere near deep water I was moving between jungle South and Skull Island not even deep water this game is just no fun anymore I don't even want to play you can't get anywhere. It's a GIANT TROLL.

I see you are very upset hon. Do your best and keep at it. Over time you will LOL at crap like this. I will say F%^& that is some nasty BS that happened but in truth you know you love the game and just keep going at it :)

Love Mom

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33 minutes ago, xDarkSoul18x said:

like someone has said the whales are an amazing way to make it risky to use rafts/leave them out in the open and clean up abandoned rafts, which if you play on notame you can clearly see is an issue.

The game is still early access so you can still expect bugs, and the dupes have been patch from what I've heard. You agreed to it when you bought it. If you have any knowledge of the whales you know they go after rafts in deep water. You claimed to be on the center? Look at the depth of the water where you said. It's deep, just like the water from half burnt to the tropicals.

Don't attack WC because your friend has crap internet and you don't have a basic understanding on how the creatures of ark work. This is a survival game, not hello kitty dinosaur adventure. But of course you're in a rage so logic is going in one ear out the other.

I have Comcast broadband internet and last night's 22 GIG patch took at least 7 hours to update. That's 7 hours on a Sunday afternoon. Guess how long that took my friend who lives in a less fortunate internet area? All for what WC??? A RUINED DEATH MAP WITH HALF THE CONTINENTS MIASING AND A DING NOISE WHEN YOYR GRAB THE STEERING WHEEL OF A RAFT? I can't wait to see how long the Ragnarok update on the 19th comes out. IF it even comes out by then, I swear your deadlines arnt even worth hearing anymore. If this game was a paper in college you would have failed the course a year ago. You never finish anything by the time you say you will. And to the guy quoted relax and try again? Oh yeah let me just spend another 7 hours getting all the metal picked all the cementing paste together all the foundations sunk all the things built on the raft and furnished and let me fill it up with all the loot that I was transporting and I'll just try again just to get wrecked by another Alpha whale again it's a joke this whole game is a joke

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1 hour ago, Dragmoor said:

Oh really so it's my fault that wild card allows constant cheating? Do you know how many no taming servers there are? 2 for each map that's six total guess which servers the duper's are on... ALL OF THEM.

Ironically enough, sunken foundations are also exploits A.K.A. cheating.

On another note, doesn't honey stop Leeds from attacking?

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I'm torn on the whole Leds thing. On the one hand, I think it is WAY OP to have the Invulnerable Moving Base at level 15(talking PvE here). But, the ubiquitous Leds make those things a death trap. Even so, I am on hyper alert when I do use it... and I kinda like that thrill... particularly when moving dinos. 

I dunno what the best compromise is. Perhaps tiers of armored rafts that can take more hits before dropping down? 

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I don't care if I'm even banned from these boards I'm tired of this time sink game and a company who likes to update only to break things and do it on a Friday night. Stealing my time from me right under me with ridiculous stuff like an alpha whale on a notaming server. And using the game being in preview mode as an excuse for bad service and bad delivery. Rampany duping... An immersion ruining chat box and things like handcuffs implemented to encourage Griefers who threaten to cage people for days on a Time. Games a joke and giant time sink. At the end of the day you're all playing oldtimey bang big rock into smaller rocks prison camp simulator. FIN.

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So OP is making a strong valid complaint,  that many agree with,  and so far 3-4 of you have made absolutely no contribution just trolled him?  I'm not bitter Poli, I just dont like people like you, and say what I really mean.

To the OP, your right, and it does suck.  But it only took me 2 months to realize WC has no idea how to build, maintain, support a triple A game.

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3 minutes ago, ArkaelDren said:

So OP is making a strong valid complaint,  that many agree with,  and so far 3-4 of you have made absolutely no contribution just trolled him?

I actualy think OP is trolling. It's so easy to avoid leeds. One plant X is enough to slow them down to easily escape them, even if it's alpha. If you dont have plant x just stay at the shallows. I don't get what the problem is.

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45 minutes ago, Dragmoor said:

I don't care if I'm even banned from these boards I'm tired of this time sink game and a company who likes to update only to break things and do it on a Friday night. Stealing my time from me right under me with ridiculous stuff like an alpha whale on a notaming server. And using the game being in preview mode as an excuse for bad service and bad delivery. Rampany duping... An immersion ruining chat box and things like handcuffs implemented to encourage Griefers who threaten to cage people for days on a Time. Games a joke and giant time sink. At the end of the day you're all playing oldtimey bang big rock into smaller rocks prison camp simulator. FIN.

Edgy. Look you know the game has problems right now if you can't deal with it just be patient and wait for the fixes to come. It's your choice to put up with the bull that goes on in official servers, nobody is forcing you to play the game. Also don't leave metal rafts where a leeds can chow down on it, common sense man

I feel for you that you gathered all those resources by hand just to have them wasted, but it's your choice to handicap yourself by playing on a no tame server. 

25 minutes ago, Thorium said:

I actualy think OP is trolling. It's so easy to avoid leeds. One plant X is enough to slow them down to easily escape them, even if it's alpha. If you dont have plant x just stay at the shallows. I don't get what the problem is.

Yeah. It's like trying to avoid a steamroller. Apparently there are still bright individuals who get run over by them though

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I get what the problem is.  On the official servers it's so hard for noobs to establish themselves in any way, without being at severe risk from higher-leveled trolls, jerks, and griefers coming across their new base and just smashing it.  One way for a newcomer to get themselves a little peace was to build a little base on the raft, and then take the raft to the deep ocean when going offline.  That way only those riding fliers over the ocean, or a raft of their own, could find the base, and you weren't nearly as vulnerable to every troll in the server out to destroy your buildings and take your stuff.   The Leeds has effectively demolished one of the scant few safe havens for new, small tribes.
Park in shallow water?  That completely goes against the whole point of building a moving base on a raft to hide out on the deep ocean.  Any troll can find your base when it's parked in shallow water just by roaming the beaches, and any troll can likely demolish it too after a short swim - no water mount needed.  And there doesn't seem to be anything that can really effectively defend your base against Leeds if you're offline.  So now all the small, ocean-going tribes and noobs are sunk - literally and figuratively.

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Gotta put my two cents here because the OP is being veeery irrational. Time to help a nooblet out.

First off, Notame server. Go bee hive hunting for that tasty Honey. This is the least efficient but still effective way to make Leeds avoid your boat. Toss some in the water and the Leed will ignore you in favor of the snack you just tossed it.

Second, a wood raft will not outrun nor last against a Leed. A legit motorboat though (the REAL metal raft and not a wooden raft covered in metal) is fast enough to outrun a Leed though. Upgrade it when you can and watch how much more survivable you become from the whales.

Can't upgrade soon enough? Put Plant X species plants on your helpless wooden raft and watch them slow the Leed down enough to allow you to escape.

WC just put a patch up that made Leeds not spawn in shallow water (on the Center though, dunno what map you are playing on but if it's the Center then it should be fixed).

Lastly, it's not WC's fault that people are doochy enough to be dupers and take the non-fun easy way to the top. Your anger should be towards them, not WC. And it's been proven very recently that they ARE working on getting rid of those dupers with time...

So anymore hate and rage from you now will prove to us that you are only spouting hot air and have no intention of playing ARK right with the tools it's given you. If you continue still to complain and use caps like a child, then just leave and quit the game and take your negativity with you.


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Everyone here has been too nice to OP so far, when it seems to me hes just a very angry child thats gotten angry at the government that his lolipop got taken away, when in reality he dropped his lolipop, and despite numerous attempts to show this little kid that it was in fact his own fault and all the things he couldve done to avoid said lolipop dropping fact, the kid still blames the government...


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You are all missing the point it's not the fact that it was just a leed it was an alpha lead have you ever come across an alpha leed!!!! Have you ever encountered one of these if not please sit down and shut your mouth. This isn't a normal whale that gives you five to ten chances to get away this thing will two shot your entire life. How was anyone on any type of servers supposed to combat this? And for the record for the 100th time in this thread I did not just leave my boat I was physically driving my boat through shallow water between jungle and Skull Rock I have the video it's ridiculous it's pathetic and it's a joke and it needs to be corrected. No I don't have honey on me sorry God just shut up

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