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flyer nerf


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9 minutes ago, Griffin1984 said:

Glad i could help B|, you are completely right except for one thing, flying slowly is perfectly possible for a bird by flapping it's wings faster to create an upward  force to counter gravity, draining it's stamina faster. (which is the opposite in ark lol)

A quetz on the other hand isn't capable of this "flapping" due to it's weight and wingspan getting to much air-friction to do this. It should in fact be impossible for a quetz to hover a long time before falling to the ground.

(hey i believe i just proved that this fantasy game defies the laws of physics O.o)

Good description, now if they have to throw physics out we might as well throw aeronautics out as well ?

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5 minutes ago, Volcano637 said:

Good description, now if they have to throw physics out we might as well throw aeronautics out as well ?

lol yes, and let the jerboa become the most terrific crit in ark, and the giga a lapdog.

can hear the fun story's already. aww this is a cute mouse.... o holy.... aaaarghhhh..

and... a giga run... wait... is this one hugging me O.o :D

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17 minutes ago, Griffin1984 said:

lol yes, and let the jerboa become the most terrific crit in ark, and the giga a lapdog.

can hear the fun story's already. aww this is a cute mouse.... o holy.... aaaarghhhh..

and... a giga run... wait... is this one hugging me O.o :D

I hate jerboas. The sounds they make drive me crazy! 

In that aspect they are very scary/annoying. Sometimes I spent extra time away from my base so I don't have to hear them ?

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18 minutes ago, Volcano637 said:

I hate jerboas. The sounds they make drive me crazy! 

In that aspect they are very scary/annoying. Sometimes I spent extra time away from my base so I don't have to hear them ?

i only have one and haven't really been annoyed about it yet.

my base did get dodo-bombed once by the admin of our server. (just a prank like many before). now i can tell you that sound was annoying, the purring and quacking from a 100's of dodo's ....

after gathering about 100 eggs, my sabertooth ate himself an indigestion :dod-xmas:

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13 hours ago, ciabattaroll said:

Now to be fair, the example you gave could easily be sidestepped by having a bed and a storage box on that quetz, where all you need to do to go "leave in 5-10 minutes" would be to take your quetz high up in the air away from the grasp of any predators, then move your belongings onto the storage box, fast travel back to your base using your bed, then logging off the game.

This is actually great. Didn't know this was a thing. Thank you very much you just made my married life easier.

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11 hours ago, Griffin1984 said:

As for the argent, that is not a vulture, it looks like a cross-breed of an eagle and a falcon :). The argent is a battle mount, vultures are scavengers, big difference between the two ;).

It's dossier literally states that it is an ancient vulture.

Quite apart from what I would have guessed, Argentavis does not have the stooped neck typical of modern buzzards and vultures. It is unknown if it adapted this stronger neck to deal with predators on the island, or if its lineage comes from before the stooped neck became common in carrion-eating birds.

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23 hours ago, ciabattaroll said:

Now to be fair, the example you gave could easily be sidestepped by having a bed and a storage box on that quetz, where all you need to do to go "leave in 5-10 minutes" would be to take your quetz high up in the air away from the grasp of any predators, then move your belongings onto the storage box, fast travel back to your base using your bed, then logging off the game.

Accept the quetz can no longer hover in air indefinitely, i used 2 dismount and stand on my quetz mid air 2 let stam regen, after all they nvr hav 2 land in the wild, ya it continued 2 drain.  So ur idea wont work unless uv pumped a lot of points into stam or ur gone 4 only 5 mins.

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Just now, Onimusha759 said:

Accept the quetz can no longer hover in air indefinitely, i used 2 dismount and stand on my quetz mid air 2 let stam regen, after all they nvr hav 2 land in the wild, ya it continued 2 drain.  So ur idea wont work unless uv pumped a lot of points into stam or ur gone 4 only 5 mins.

Flyers only have continuous stamina drain if they have someone on top of them. Fast travelling off of them removes that particular concern.

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12 hours ago, Volcano637 said:

Ok you actually did help me understand what he was trying to say.

the thing is I see that speed of the ball being thrown as the stamina of the bird. Once the stamina runs out aka speed of the ball then the bird must go down which would be completely right. 

Even though I get what he was trying to say now, a bird that still has stamina will still fly regardless of how slow it is

U still need a certain amount of spd 2 b airborne, even the examples batman dude gave 4 bird spds r pretty fast.  22mph is nearly double the sprint spd of an Olympic runner.  And bringing the paragrim into it, its coast is 40mph its sprint attack being a dive bomb is over 80mph.  The ball falling isnt running out of stam, stam only applys 2 living things.  There has 2 b a certain amount of spd 4 lift of and movement, otherwise gravity wins.  Then if ur muscles give out u lose spd, outcome gravity wins.  As 4 a helicopter it does use break neck spds 2 stay in the air, those props r going faster then the eye could hope 2 track.  They going so fast they look like they going backwards.  Ever watch the props start?  They start going 1 way then once they go so fast theres an optical illusion of the props goin the other direction.

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Exactly how fast is 2 fast?  I used a 200% argy b4 the update and i didnt feel like a jet pilot.  It went fast 4 it 2 b comfy but still took some time 2 go cross map.  U also need 180-200 to outrun a wyvern safely 4 scar runs, even more so now since tamed wyvern spds r lower then wild 1s, a evil joke by the devs.  Same thing with giga melee, we fought it at 100%, we earned a 100% not a 50.  Lets go back 2 the original beast tamer, its still around even after bout 2 decades, pokemon, dont laugh lol.  Imagine battling mewtwo, with its like 250 special attack and wasting ur 99 ultra balls, then reseting 2 rebattle. U do this a few times(like having 2 find a giga and complications repeatedly forcing u 2 start from scratch), and finally u get him, and wen u go 2 ur pc it says his S.Atk is 150...Broken gameboy.  Obviously game freak doing something right 2 b around as long as they hav.  We payed $40 for ark, u no wat else is $40, the brand new pkmn with basically no bugs and and no wilds 2 tame rip offs.  If u need 2 nerf it then nerf the wild 1s 2 so we arnt ripped off.

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2 hours ago, Onimusha759 said:

Exactly how fast is 2 fast?  I used a 200% argy b4 the update and i didnt feel like a jet pilot.  It went fast 4 it 2 b comfy but still took some time 2 go cross map.  U also need 180-200 to outrun a wyvern safely 4 scar runs, even more so now since tamed wyvern spds r lower then wild 1s, a evil joke by the devs.  Same thing with giga melee, we fought it at 100%, we earned a 100% not a 50.  Lets go back 2 the original beast tamer, its still around even after bout 2 decades, pokemon, dont laugh lol.  Imagine battling mewtwo, with its like 250 special attack and wasting ur 99 ultra balls, then reseting 2 rebattle. U do this a few times(like having 2 find a giga and complications repeatedly forcing u 2 start from scratch), and finally u get him, and wen u go 2 ur pc it says his S.Atk is 150...Broken gameboy.  Obviously game freak doing something right 2 b around as long as they hav.  We payed $40 for ark, u no wat else is $40, the brand new pkmn with basically no bugs and and no wilds 2 tame rip offs.  If u need 2 nerf it then nerf the wild 1s 2 so we arnt ripped off.

Scar runs shouldn't be safe at all. Getting wyvern eggs should be extremely difficult and shouldn't be something that should be farmed. Some flyers should die before an egg is even stolen. Survival game not zoo tycoon. 

Its also an endgame Dino so another reason to be hard to get

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2 hours ago, LEDminer said:

Right. Considering the power a wyvern can offer, getting an egg shouldn't be free. Previously, people just went in with their high speed flyers and took all the eggs. Now, taking an egg is more dangerous, and sometimes, you have to think if you want to trade a flyer or two for a high level wyvern egg, which, in most cases, is worth it.

Completely true and right on the money. People were starting to have more wyverns they they did gigas, and gigas have been tamable a lot longer. It was just getting ridiculous.

when someone says hey we have 40 wyverns, you know something is wrong with end game. People should be lucky to have 10 and that would be huge tribes. It was way too easy to get wyverns 

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4 minutes ago, LEDminer said:

Back before the flyer nerf, when my friend actually played the game actively, we had a total of 5 wyverns. We tried hatching multiple of them, but lost them due to some bug where they die if they stay in stasis for more than an hour or so. We were glad to have the ones we managed to raise. He quit the game after hearing the nerfs being announced, even though he didn't even know what they were going to do to the flyers.

That decision seemed a little premature. They already got a buff and they will probably get another. It's sad when one little aspect can make someone stop playing. But that also kind of means that they were playing for only that one reason.

ark has a lot to offer but some people just don't see that

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7 minutes ago, LEDminer said:

When I ask him to come play ARK, he just replies "The quetz is too slow for travelling it's resident sleeper", or "The game isn't fun anymore it's garbage and so are the devs".

That's what he says every time.

Wow. Sorry to hear that man. Were you guys a two man tribe? If so that must really suck for you. If not and you as more people just try to connect with them a little more.

my buddy that I play with have been part of huge tribes and also just the two of us when the big tribe things gets boring. Which it really does sometimes.

i don't see how people can do the same thing all the time. Ok guys time to raise a giga. Time to go get dragon eggs lol

anuways, I hope you the best of luck

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On 5/12/2017 at 10:55 PM, ciabattaroll said:

It's dossier literally states that it is an ancient vulture.

Quite apart from what I would have guessed, Argentavis does not have the stooped neck typical of modern buzzards and vultures. It is unknown if it adapted this stronger neck to deal with predators on the island, or if its lineage comes from before the stooped neck became common in carrion-eating birds.

It doesn't have the neck, beak and body of a vulture + most importantly it doesn't act like a vulture in any way. The dossier may say what it wants, it can say it's a dodo for all i care :dod-xmas: . When you see how it looks and acts, it's a predator bird like an eagle or hawk, not a scavenger like a vulture.

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Just now, Griffin1984 said:

It doesn't have the neck, beak and body of a vulture + most importantly it doesn't act like a vulture in any way. The dossier may say what it wants, it can say it's a dodo for all i care :dod-xmas: . When you see how it looks and acts, it's a predator bird like an eagle or hawk, not a scavenger like a vulture.

The dossier makes a point to say it's lacking the physical features of a vulture/buzzard, despite the actual argentavis being a prehistoric vulture. Furthermore, it's behavior is only retaliatory to other predators, but aggressive towards corpses (and players). Barring the part in parenthesis, it sounds much like a carrion crawler to me.

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I tamed a Pteranodon yesterday on Official Server, Level 59. 200 of stamina (10/15 seconds flying, or do a barrel roll or one grab). 
140KG of weight, so can't farm anything. it is LV59, so it is not low level, I don't have so much time but I like official. 
Now I can't go to my base, that is near the beach, and go to another islands.
I don't think pteranodons was so useless.
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2 minutes ago, SergioF1 said:

I tamed a Pteranodon yesterday on Official Server, Level 59. 200 of stamina (10/15 seconds flying, or do a barrel roll or one grab). 
140KG of weight, so can't farm anything. it is LV59, so it is not low level, I don't have so much time but I like official. 
Now I can't go to my base, that is near the beach, and go to another islands.
I don't think pteranodons was so useless.

Pteras aren't meant to be used for farming, they are scouts.

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16 minutes ago, SergioF1 said:

I tamed a Pteranodon yesterday on Official Server, Level 59. 200 of stamina (10/15 seconds flying, or do a barrel roll or one grab). 
140KG of weight, so can't farm anything. it is LV59, so it is not low level, I don't have so much time but I like official. 
Now I can't go to my base, that is near the beach, and go to another islands.
I don't think pteranodons was so useless.

Hate to say it, but it sounds like you may have tamed a ptera with some bad stats in general. (At least where stamina is concerned.) My low level ptera that I aquired pre-nerf still had better stamina than that post-nerf, and it was a level 10 when I tamed it.

Your birds stats probably just didn't allocate many wild levels to stamina. If you check stats when you knock them out, it should give you an idea what stats will come out stronger post-tame.

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