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  4. Devs obviously don't read it anyway. Here's some of the top voted suggestions (none of which have even been addressed publicly by any dev) -Hardcore servers -ORP servers -Fix spam -Microsoft chat censor sucking -Disable cave building -etc. Beside the fact that they aren't read by the devs, no one uses that section anyway. Everything has very little views/engagement compared to general and could be easily astroturfed anyway. (kinda the case with ORP even though I agree with them).
  5. Adjust sandstorms so the visual effects do not go through walls. We should not see the effects of the sandstorm when we are protected from it, unless you opened the door of course.
  6. Specifically in PvP, but also applies in PvE. ASA servers are fully spammed already with like 600+ ping. It's so awful that spam is used as a balancing tool for pvp/raiding. They really need to change something. I feel like it's not that hard to address, would shake up the meta a bit, save them huge headaches I'm sure with massive server issues and costs, etc. Example that comes to mind would be to just make a certain radius around the base where you can spam all you want but anything outside the radius only last for 12-24 hours (that doesn't get refreshed on rendering). That allows for building traps and getting into fights where you can spam an area quickly to defend but it would be impossible to keep a map fully spammed at all times. Plenty of other options could be explored. Spam is like the first deterrent to people playing this game. "hey friend come play this cool game". They buy it, log on, and see foundations and pillars as far as the eye can see lmao. It's so bad.
  7. Hi, im interested got over 2k play hours, all bosses done on smalls. Don’t talk Spanish but very good English.
  8. Look for an amphibian creature, maybe a flyer that can get into the water.
  9. Before adding new dinos, update the old ones...
  10. Just commenting becuase I want to get the additional features, ignore, thanks for the help
  11. they can but from the inside only. So in PvP gotta be an open window or something. Pretty niche use
  12. While the old and current wikis say they can damage stone: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Chalicotherium https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Chalicotherium I believe this is only with the bolder attack, though double checking is needed. I have no clue if this was changed in ASA.
  13. for giga it says it can not destroy tek but that should be false due to it just destroying metal foundation unless element is like sea prison stone for one piece it should at least do half damage same for chailco
  14. allow mus to pick the song from original ark that was played be fore so we have custom music
  15. hope wild card admins and friends stay off I got globally banned for running at them with a club in evolved I knocked them out and killed them
  16. The worst is when you are prompted to enter a password for a server and then the default movement in the UI is to cancel instead of accepting the entry. Maybe it's just an Xbox thing but it's really annoying.
  17. Currently, the biggest pet peeve I have for this game is just the menu in general. The first thing to see when the game starts up. It's clunky with unnecessary things added to it. The menu music got old very fast. To simplify, Ark Survival Evolved menu is far superior. ASE menu has that mysterious adventure vibe that feels as though you're about to be dropped in a strange land with the need to survive. ASA's menu however... It just feels like you're about to play a cheap arcade game. The music, the UI, the theme in general. Survival Evolved was obviously created with Heart and Soul. Survival Ascended feels lesser. The gameplay in ASA is a step up and looks great. But, the menu... No thanks. There's nothing wrong with a simplistic feel for a title screen. A simple list to navigate vs clunky images. I mean, this is supposed to be a remaster, not a remake. You don't have to change this much. My suggestion: Keep the background or revert to the old one. Bring back the OG "A" logos. Bring back the OG Music. Simplify the navigation altogether. The Music and "A" logo was basically the heart of Survival Evolved's menu. Everything else just blended in well with it. Does anyone else feel the same or is it just me?
  18. Hey everyone, I'm trying to join my friend's Survival Evolved server and every time I join, I get kicked every few minutes with this message: "You have been kicked by BattlEye. Reason 'Query Timeout'". My internet connection is good on every other app. I'm struggling to find a solution online so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it! Thanks.
  19. Are you sure? Ofcourse its not suited for PvE. You could get into somones base and... turn of his/hers generators -.- No really... It could do serious harm in PvE ofcourse. But I remember the Baryonix beeing able to stun non-tribemembers, even on PvE. Back then, before it was patched, I played Hardcore mode. Some guys there told me about it and wanted to "show" me. But for logical reasons I never really saw it happen
  20. That may be one of the PVP PVE differences, I am not sure if they removed the ability but it used to be a PVP thing but not a PVE thing.
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