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  2. You could use Wireshark to check that the port numbers you've specified are actually being used.
  3. Today
  4. It's two real-world weeks when you're playing on a server. I'm not sure how single player handles it -- you might have to leave the game running for the equivalent of two weeks. The ini changes might be just for servers as well. I'm not sure how the game handles that in single player.
  5. Hadn't though of doing that. Yeah the wild dinos not in a cave usually spawn anywhere from level 1 to 35ish. Thanks for the tip!
  6. Well, everything always has got to get bigger, stronger and scarier, as I have suggested before, they need to add the Lighting Brontoskirazal... Its like a flying cargotrain shooting powerfull lazers out of its... everything and if you touch it, you die... But jokes aside, the game could use more underwater content, maybe something to counter the upcomming underwater beast. Look for older posts here, Steam or Reddit about ideas... Or check out this topic, from some time ago that went on and on... practically tossing in every possible idea out there...
  7. Hey man, have you managed to fix this? I'm having the same issue after trying literally every other fix for the crashes. The game still crashes but it mostly just locks up (still unplayable) and I'm getting the same jittery camera nonsense.
  8. Maybe raise the difficulty of ur game because lvl 70 dinos are very bad . The max lvl wild dino suppose to spawn is 150 so if u never seen one ur difficulty setting migh be on 1.
  9. for me personally these two aren't worth my time .... so im hoping they gonna do better on some of the other maps...
  10. Devs should add an option on ASA to disable the "mouse smoothing" or whatever that is when you are in third person. This make the gameplay really laggy feeling and unusable to aim when pvp.
  11. not to mention that people cheat and or offline anyways and you have people teaming and all that other crap.... im hoping it gets better as the other maps come out and better base spots arise but to be honest there is no competition against people who cheat or bigger tribes who offline or any tribe thats bigger than another obviously. or just offlining in general
  12. Please come back with beginners servers max lvl 44 max wild dino lvl 30 and please call PRIMITIVE not beginners Was the most enjoyable pvp in all ark! the early game pvp
  13. 4 and 5 are perfect 9 can be worked and be a alternative more interesting from cave defenses (consume food like daedon) to shot. my opinion
  14. Thats a good suggestion. We have Oceania! We need SA!!!
  15. The answer is in the Crunch if you read through all of it.
  16. Guys I most importantly want is tether distance gone... because I ain't paying for a server...
  17. Hey, thanks for your response. When you say a couple weeks, what are we talking about here? In game weeks? As in like ~21 in game hours or..? Also is the cryofridge the best way to level up dinos? I've been keeping all my water creatures in my fridge and I do notice whenever I let them out they have leveled up. Also another random question. I saw another post about removing some of the restrictions on cryopods. I tried inserting these changes into the .ini file and yeah.. when I load the game it just changes the .ini file back to the way it was. I'm on PC gamepass. Kind of annoying having to carry a generator and cryofridge with me everywhere lol. Thanks again!
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