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  • Community Crunch 395: Love Evolved, Mod Spotlight, Bonus Rates, and More!


    In this video, a Survivor encounters a surprise User-Created Cosmetic Costume dynamically added onto any server, including official servers.... and then, journey into the brave new world of Total Conversions using the new Mod game framework, which enables nearly anything that Unreal Engine can do to be released as a cross-platform Mod. We've a created a quick example to show one way to use it.

    And then next up, the Mod Spotlight features basic examples of player-created Custom Structures which as of next week can be dynamically added onto any server, including Official Servers, allowing infinite functionality and visual variety. Finally, onto the Cross-Platform Mods released this week!

    This video features:





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    Can you feel the love in the air? Love Ascended is set to sweep ARK survivors off their feet with an array of enchanting new treats and delights. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine's Day, kicks off on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, and will continue to spread joy and affection until Tuesday, February 20, 2024, on Official Servers.  We'll have the full event details in the Community Crunch next week!



    Garuga lets build.png


    Are you interested in modding for ARK? Here's your chance to dive in! Our seasoned modding expert, Garuga123will guide you through the creative process of making a new character - from animations to physics. This three part series will start on Saturday, February 3rd, at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific and continue every other week at the same time.

    Bring your questions, enthusiasm, and a thirst for knowledge as we embark on this modding journey together. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from one of our most popular modding members.

    • Session 1
      • February 3rd, 10 AM - 12PM Pacific
      • Visual elements - starting a new character, setting up the animations, mesh, physics, etc.
    • Session 2
      • February 17th, 10 AM - 12 PM Pacific
      • Blueprinting - setting up the actual character BPs
    • Session 3
      • March 2nd, 10 AM - 12 PM Pacific
      • Going Live - getting the mod prepped, testing issues, uploading, etc.

    Watch on Garuga or on SurvivetheArk's Twitch channels!







    This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, February 5th.

    • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, Experience, and Breeding
    • Small Tribes: 4x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 3.5x Breeding
    • ARKpocalypse: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience + 4.5x Breeding




    Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

    Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKFanart on social media!



    Creator: I BARDEN I

    Visit The Island's own Minas Tirith. This build by Barden Builds is an absolute must-see!


    Creator: TekARK_01

    Check out the stunning evolution of TekARK_01's artwork over the years!



    Pair of Drakes by Rackiera



    A curious visitor by Umbra-Daiwrfol



    Fan Art by bluntscissors147



    In the tree tops by EchidnaQuills



    Ark 2, desmodus encounter! by @StudiosGoji



    Hey, everyone, you're still using me, right? by @falco_luna



    A little parasaur by @Hinna_Otter




    Sunset by soittoday



    Something is out there! by scotty73



    Pego in the wild by nemesisstar



    Good night with a little fantastic photo by @enjoy_toubyou



    Level up Argentavis! by @hamubarg



    Enjoy your weekend!
    Studio Wildcard

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    Anyone has the old ASE love evolved 3 (2022) ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems for PrimalInventoryBP_GenericFishing_C ?
    Yes I know some mechanics (chocolate/candies drops at mates and hearts fishes) aren't working anymore but the fishing can be still restored with some ini works...



    EDIT: I got something similar with Beacon, time to test it...

    Edited by darkradeon
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    Only 1 week for the Valentines event? That gives us only 1 weekend to farm colors and chibis.......that's a hard grind.....

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    I hope this stream will be archived and available for viewing on your channel. Because according to my time it will be all night :), I won't be able to watch it.

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    How are you going to announce Love Evolved without a confirmation on a real fix for winter wonderland???

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    So... can we turn off winter wonderland in single player yet? 

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    What's with this major obsession for mods?

    I get it, people love them and they perhaps give you less work to do on the game yourself... But the direction of the game and marketing seems to be relying on them A LOT.

    I've personally never been a fan of mods, that's why I choose to play on console in the first place. Having to rely on them for everything is bogus and largely time/space consuming.

    Plus to me it always feels like cheating when I use them (unless they are Officially released or are considered Official by the devs themselves, much like Fallout 4 did).

    Are you still gonna make Official additions for the game itself that don't rely on mods? Like in the last Community Crunch for example, I asked if you are going to release Tek Greenhouse Walls that can function the same way (as the mod you previewed with transparency on/off and one-way usage option) for the folks who still like to play and enjoy the game vanilla-only?

    Please consider this, thank you!

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    Witam. Dajcie sobie spokój z jakimiś animowymi skórkami. Ta gra jest o prehistori chcemy nowe mapy i stworzenia. A nie kreskowkowe skorki

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    Guess I'm the only one cracking up that the devs showcased a Steamboat Willie fan game that used their engine. Afaik they made that intro animation themselves, which makes it funnier to me.

    Edited by XanderFloyd

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    Love the Love evolved art, amazing 2x but how about updates coming to consoles?

    fixing keybinds, FOV not saving,

    A fix from having to re-enter commands on command gui every crash, game close.

    Fix map and waypoints being off-centered

    A option to remove console command GUI commands that have been incorrectly typed and unable to remove them from list.

    Tree’s not loading properly, showing blurry and distorted, 

    Base rendering not loading large bases faster as promised. 

    rhynio crashes when flying and landing. 

    Fix switching tabs in inventory because it makes sort preference reset

    Looking bald when you actually have full set of hair, reminds me of darktide ‘s hair visual bugs in the beginning when it launched. 

    Terrible path finding for creatures on whistle follow. Because of the distance it often will walk backwards to go around things causing it to un render and stop moving forward. ( very annoying ) Have a bronto follow you and you’ll know what i mean. 

    + in addition, Babies on whistle follow are a disaster following you unless you have following preset set to the lowest, this should be fixed. Babies walk in circles if a door way is blocked just by a tamed animal, it could still have room to fit through but doesn’t want to go through,

    Wild creatures easy to dodge, Going in circles or side by side motion can miss getting hit by raptor, or Piranha  

    Fix dragon boss not landing, being invisible. so many tribes have lost full sets of boss dinos, ascendant flak gear that was a big farm to get crafted and was treated like if their hard work meant nothing. This is a bug that happened back on Valg a lot on ASE, and really hoped with the “better animal pathfinding” and such would eliminate issues like this 

    Fix sensor chat in Xbox, cannot type lol, and many more things that don’t even make sense to be censored. As this game especially on official server , communication is needed for trades, working together on bosses and etc, unable to communicate properly with people without being fully censored even without any cuss words. this should be a priority.

    Chat bugs, when pressing enter with keyboard or even with controller, sometimes the chat will flicker and not let you type, causing you to have to restart your game… every time to fix it. The bug happens so often it is really a discouragement to play, because most the time i’m resetting keyboard keybinds and FOV, console commands than actually playing the game..   

    I have played many hours of ASA, and this doesn't even begin to come close to all its bugs and issues, but i have reported most all this on bug reports and not one of these issues have been fixed. Dollie has said they are working on other boss related problems but nothing else about all the rest. 

    Edited by Snowh
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    29 minutes ago, Snowh said:

    Fix sensor chat in Xbox, cannot type lol, and many more things that don’t even make sense to be censored. As this game especially on official server , communication is needed for trades, working together on bosses and etc, unable to communicate properly with people without being fully censored even without any cuss words. this should be a priority.

    This one is out of WC reach but very easy to solve: Get Steam and a PC or PS5.

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    It's a shame I will not be able to enjoy the events. Still no word on the single player saving issue? I guess modding is more important. 

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    Minis Tirith rules but nothing much else. Points subtracted for taking forever to post.

    Crunch Rank: 3.5/10.

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    4 hours ago, Snowh said:

    Love the Love evolved art, amazing 2x but how about updates coming to consoles?

    fixing keybinds, FOV not saving,

    A fix from having to re-enter commands on command gui every crash, game close.

    Fix map and waypoints being off-centered

    A option to remove console command GUI commands that have been incorrectly typed and unable to remove them from list.

    Tree’s not loading properly, showing blurry and distorted, 

    Base rendering not loading large bases faster as promised. 

    rhynio crashes when flying and landing. 

    Fix switching tabs in inventory because it makes sort preference reset

    Looking bald when you actually have full set of hair, reminds me of darktide ‘s hair visual bugs in the beginning when it launched. 

    Terrible path finding for creatures on whistle follow. Because of the distance it often will walk backwards to go around things causing it to un render and stop moving forward. ( very annoying ) Have a bronto follow you and you’ll know what i mean. 

    + in addition, Babies on whistle follow are a disaster following you unless you have following preset set to the lowest, this should be fixed. Babies walk in circles if a door way is blocked just by a tamed animal, it could still have room to fit through but doesn’t want to go through,

    Wild creatures easy to dodge, Going in circles or side by side motion can miss getting hit by raptor, or Piranha  

    Fix dragon boss not landing, being invisible. so many tribes have lost full sets of boss dinos, ascendant flak gear that was a big farm to get crafted and was treated like if their hard work meant nothing. This is a bug that happened back on Valg a lot on ASE, and really hoped with the “better animal pathfinding” and such would eliminate issues like this 

    Fix sensor chat in Xbox, cannot type lol, and many more things that don’t even make sense to be censored. As this game especially on official server , communication is needed for trades, working together on bosses and etc, unable to communicate properly with people without being fully censored even without any cuss words. this should be a priority.

    Chat bugs, when pressing enter with keyboard or even with controller, sometimes the chat will flicker and not let you type, causing you to have to restart your game… every time to fix it. The bug happens so often it is really a discouragement to play, because most the time i’m resetting keyboard keybinds and FOV, console commands than actually playing the game..   

    I have played many hours of ASA, and this doesn't even begin to come close to all its bugs and issues, but i have reported all this on bug reports and not one of these issues have been fixed. Dollie has said they are working on other boss related problems but nothing else about all the rest. 

    Everything in this post is 100% facts. These are all major bugs. The map one with coordinates is annoying. Quick map and inventory map do not match. Animal pathfinding is atrocious. Wild dino AI is nothing compared to what it used to be when being ambushed by raptors and stuff. Even argies were accurate.


    Base rendering...1000% this. This instanced render thing is not even a real thing. Instead I'm seeing bases SO FAR away...I'd rather see a dino far away, not a base.

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    Transfers get delayed FOUR TIMES and there's no mention of a new date in this CC or the last.

    I have to do the leg work and go on twitter searching for information that should be front and center on the official website. 

    Nothing to see here, typical WC backwards upside down public relations. 

    Would love an update or any look at all at The Center, which is supposed to be coming in 3 short weeks. I suppose we all know whats going to happen with that release date.

    I'd love to be positive but as Eminem once said 

    tellin me to be positive, how am i supposed to be positive
    when i don't see s*** positive,
    you know what i'm sayin?
    i rapp about s*** around me, s*** i see, 

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    The mickey mouse thing is cringe as hell.

    These custom mods being a mandatory and forced part of the game right down to official servers is a huge drawback imo.

    It reminds me of Ready Player 1 (love the movie btw) where The Oasis had all these different random characters that people used as Avatars.

    It was a free-for-all with cosmetics so to speak, which worked in the movie because that universe was an amalgamation of all things internet. 

    Ark is not. Ark has a central theme. Ark has a central art style, a certain ook to the game's armor, weapons, tames, map etc.

    Seeing Mickey, Doom guy, Dr Disrespect, Mary Poppins, Left Shark, Colonel Sanders, or any number of infinite outside skins imported into the game just completely takes away from the look and feel of Ark, the game we actually paid to play.

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    Hey can you guys do something about xbox (or other console players) not being able to log into our singleplayer worlds. I have spend countless hours on my builds and cannot log in before it crashes IN the loading screen. It is getting ridiculous and I want to be able to enjoy the game without these problems. Before I get suggestions, I have tried every possible solution short of deleting and reinstalling the game. Please update or patch it very soon. 

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    So you’re gonna drop Valentine’s Day updates but meanwhile so many players including myself have spent their money on a game that crashes constantly and you continue to ignore as if it’s not within your ability to fix or at least say something about?

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    Look, I try to remain positive, I try to give you guys the benefit of the doubt. Games are hard to make, after all.

    I've told myself for quite a while that I love Ark. But I think the truth is that I love what Ark could be, if you guys would just knuckle down and work on fixing it.

    I've seen the negativity that abounds within the community. I think that some of it is deserved, especially for things like not fixing game-breaking bugs, relying on mods and modded content to fix/expand the game you should be developing, not being open and transparent with your community, and not realistically managing expectations in regards to release dates (seriously, just double whatever time you think it'll take and give that date; if you release content "early," that can only be a good thing)....

    Some of the bluster is just that: bluster. It's toxic negativity spewed by entitled children. Right now, I don't blame them. If/When you get around to fixing things, I'd expect a bit more leeway as you would be proving you're working on things.

    But despite my usual patience, I genuinely want to play your game, and I'm frustrated to heII that you effectively won't let me. I refuse to spend time playing a game where my progress is randomly wiped by numerous hours. I personally value myself and my own time too much to put myself through that.

    At this stage, I'm about to take that age-old advice that says "write the book you want to read" and use it to go make the game that I want to play.

    Edited by Oreochema
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    Feels like this game is turning into a child’s circus.  At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘PlayStation Home’ makes a come back, they could put it in the middle of the map so we can all gather together for a good time playing ‘Tic Tac Toe’, ‘Bingo’, ‘Dancing’, shopping malls etc… and maybe Dino trading.

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    15 hours ago, Entin said:

    So... can we turn off winter wonderland in single player yet? 

    What?! And ruin the love evolved event?! Have you ever had a frozen chocolate candy bar out from the freezer? It's amazing! wc just wants to help their players get the most out of the love evolved event by merging it into the already active winter wonderland event so that their boxes of chocolate hearts can be nice and frosty! 🙃

    4 hours ago, St1ckyBandit said:

    These custom mods being a mandatory and forced part of the game right down to official servers is a huge drawback imo.

    It reminds me of Ready Player 1 (love the movie btw) where The Oasis had all these different random characters that people used as Avatars.

    It was a free-for-all with cosmetics so to speak, which worked in the movie because that universe was an amalgamation of all things internet. 

    Ark is not. Ark has a central theme. Ark has a central art style, a certain look to the game's armor, weapons, tames, map etc.

    Seeing Mickey, Doom guy, Dr Disrespect, Mary Poppins, Left Shark, Colonel Sanders, or any number of infinite outside skins imported into the game just completely takes away from the look and feel of Ark, the game we actually paid to play.

    This is exactly!

    Ever since almost the very beginning of A.S.E. wc has made it very clear that they do not care about their players' opinions about the game and that they want to turn the game into whatever they want the game to be.

    They don't care what their game was originally marketed as. They don't care about what games their customers want to play and buy. With the ability to completely overwrite something that someone has already paid for in this new world of digital based gaming, wc only wants the power to do whatever they want whenever they want with their game cause end of the day they've made an online game for them personally to play; and everyone else just gets the "privilege" to play it if they fork over some money.

    I've felt this way ever since they released the "Extinction Map", actually. Maybe even since "Aberration". Cause those maps fundamentally changed what the game was. Still, in relation to those maps, I didn't mind cause they created a really cool and interesting progression of the story that; while they did change up a lot of things; still felt connected enough to Ark's original vision that it fit what the game was.

    Once they released Genesis 1 and 2 as expansions to A.S.E. rather than making them their own separate game as Ark 2 as they should have been; and as I thought they would be after the ending of Extinction's ending cinematic; I began to see the destructive trend that wc was going to have going forward.

    A.S.E. in many ways is no longer the game I originally bought, but A.S.A. is more and more becoming a game that I never want to buy. 

    1 hour ago, Oreochema said:

    At this stage, I'm about to take that age-old advice that says "write the book you want to read" and use it to go make the game that I want to play.

    If you have the means to do so and would actually seriously create a well-crafted pure dinosaur island open world survival game then I would definitely buy it on Steam!🙂 So I say; go for it!:D

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    1 hour ago, FlorianWind9 said:

    If you have the means to do so and would actually seriously create a well-crafted pure dinosaur island open world survival game then I would definitely buy it on Steam!🙂 So I say; go for it!:D

    I'll be honest, mine would probably lean more toward fantasy creatures. (I've always wanted to build a sanctuary for griffons, drakes, phoenixes, etc.) And while I would certainly like to nod to Ark with some things, I'd definitely want to put my own spin on it. Something like a half-and-half critter-care and survival. I've got a bunch of notes on mechanics I'd like to include. The part I'm missing is the most important: The actual coding and game-making. lol

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