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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2024 in all areas

  1. People are moving characters into the cloud to prepare new ones for other maps. Like the upcoming center map for instance, most people make characters, get them levelled with tek unlocks complete so they can get a better start over there. Leaving another high level character on the island, to render base and stuff. Which means less need to transfer later and risk losing their characters to roll backs. The only solution is for wildcard to allow us to dupe our character on other maps, to make an exact copy of it which will mean less GM assistance in the future and less frustration for players getting zero help from those that get paid to help us. Instead we get silly excuses with cut and paste replies that are more insulting than helpful. The solutions are simple enough, but who are we to offer advice, we only test this game more than most of the devs themselves.
    2 points
  2. That was when the game first came out in December for consoles. It's February. There's not 2.1 million playing the game. Steam charts had 13k concurrent players earlier this week. That 2.1 million number means nothing for the current state of the playerbase.
    2 points
  3. They aren't talking about duping the character against terms. They are talking about them(wildcard) coming up with a system where the character is backed up into the cloud so that if they are lost on a server, they can easily just grab the last version of it from WC, not some exploit. Say you upload your character to the cloud from a server, now the cloud has that copy, you go to another server, upload again back to the cloud and the latest version overrides the last copy the cloud stored. Go to a different server, lose your character. Go back to the cloud and get your last known version. Its not that complicated. They could easily do it.
    1 point
  4. Oh look some more servers and those servers being a mode nobody assked for yet no ORP servers. Brilliant.
    1 point
  5. Actually, it was the difficulty of creating the dinos submarine saddle that prevented them from releasing it on time with the center map.
    1 point
  6. What about lost characters with server transfer???? this glitch is from old ark for 6 years you didn’t fix it with this remaster version even tho yall told us ASA is built from ground up?!!! at least open support ticket for compensate us ! 😡
    1 point
  7. available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r3pjA2LD-PD3FWfv6sJ_jWtOPZC_Zchx/view?usp=drive_link Fix Just a quick fix to read the save after latest update to Ark Ascended. Still working on why the inventories are not consistently being picked up but been busy playing again so not had much time but it is on my list.
    1 point
  8. WHY THE HELL is this thread tagged as "NOOB" are the Mods and Devs here actually Joking. I have more hours then any of the Devs in this game. More then any Mod I would put money down. The fact they call this a Noob thread. Wildcard, their Admins and Mods are some of the biggest Jokes in the history of gaming. You guys now alongside EA and Blizzard in the Hall Of Game POS Video Game Companies. I bet EA and Blizzard would probably do more about Lost Characters though. So honestly Wildcard worse then them at this point. Connected to Snail Games. Yeah FAR WORSE. At least the American Publishers run by people who actually believe in Morality and Ethics.
    0 points
  9. love to see the forum being much more chill and positive than the hellhole discord and other social media are, keep it up wc and keep improving <3
    0 points
  10. You’re only just hearing about this? It was confirmed to not be coming because people can’t raise without something similar to a maewing now without crying about it
    0 points
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