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Please Add Cryopods



As a solo player that plays in PVP, I need cryopods to be added to this game, as I can't protect my tames in any possible way. I am writing this so that they would once again add those cryopods, because without them, as a solo, it's impossible to survive without my cryopods, it messes with the whole enjoyment of the PVP genre. After all, there's only the island map, with each small tribe server having max pop(70) people... It would be so amazing that they would add those cryopods soon.

And before people who are in official pvp tribes start commenting saying cryopods are not necessary, I'll keep pointing out my Solo's preference. I like playing Solo, and cryopods are a necessity…

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In B4 Joe says the game was never meant for solo play...

With that out of the way, I've been watching a lot of gameplay, namely HODs stream, and am actually coming around to the idea of no cryos. It really does substantially change player vs player fighting for the better.

I have to admit that I'll have a tribe of 4 when ps servers go online some time in 2025 though, so I do understand where OP is coming from as a solo player.

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our PvE server community would like to keep cryopods disabled in artefact caves to keep them challenging.

For example, artifact of the strong on The Island map is very hard to get without cryopods. It requires people to group and play together. Once cryopods are added to the game, people will just solo farm all artefacts without bigger issues as on the old ASE servers.

I know there is an option to completely disable cryopods on our server, but I see a lot of benefits to use cryo for a basic breeding dino management in the base, reduce lags, etc.

Our suggestion is to add a server parameter EnableCryopodCaves=True/False, which will be True by default and if set to False, it will disable the option to use cryopods in all artifact caves on the map.

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I would like to beg WC that at least on official servers the CRYOPODS do not work in any cave and it is not even possible to use them on creatures that are not yet adults, as the game is too easy and the official servers are synonymous with difficulty and overcoming, it can only allow use in caves and babies when the appropriate DLC is released at launch. This way the servers will reduce lag and the challenge will be maintained. Thanks.

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25 minutes ago, Yggdrassil said:

I think if it is that much of an issue you may need to wait until mid/late next year because cryos will come with extinction (if they stick to the original plan)

I hope they will somehow just add them sooner, as this would drastically help, but after all, it's up to wildcard.

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1 minute ago, St1ckyBandit said:

In B4 Joe says the game was never meant for solo play...

With that out of the way, I've been watching a lot of gameplay, namely HODs stream, and am actually coming around to the idea of no cryos. It really does substantially change player vs player fighting for the better.

I have to admit that I'll have a tribe of 4 when ps servers go online some time in 2025 though, so I do understand where OP is coming from as a solo player.

Thanks. You know, as someone who does not have friends to play with, and someone who likes to play alone, it sure would be nice if they would add those cryopods, it's really difficult to play without them for me. I have 2k hours in ARK of mostly playing as a solo, I was able to live in ratholes as a solo, and somehow surviving.

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Just now, Mentiondeathly said:

Thanks. You know, as someone who does not have friends to play with, and someone who likes to play alone, it sure would be nice if they would add those cryopods, it's really difficult to play without them for me. I have 2k hours in ARK of mostly playing as a solo, I was able to live in ratholes as a solo, and somehow surviving.

You might have to change your style for ASA or try to join a tribe.

Always been a small hidden base guy as well, but because of the lack of cryos, this is the first time I'll be going "loud" with an attempt to claim a pearl cave to load it up with turrets.

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Just now, St1ckyBandit said:

You might have to change your style for ASA or try to join a tribe.

Always been a small hidden base guy as well, but because of the lack of cryos, this is the first time I'll be going "loud" with an attempt to claim a pearl cave to load it up with turrets.

I agree. I guess, I will just wait for Wild card to add them, either with Extinction DLC together, or separately. Wildcard in this case, could at least make tribes of solo players access cryopods, while those in big tribes not, just a thought.

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Alot of people (includes me) would've love to see the cryopods back... At least in PVP.  It's hard to have a dino imprinted ready to war when you can't really stuck them :/ This is my N1 concern rn about the game.  Also structures limit is not enough.  Tek legs doesnt work when you fly (idk if its intentional).  Add hatchframe and let dedi floats like Ark ASE would be fantastic 🥳

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Pretty much impossible for anyone who has a job to reach anything approaching end game. Giga's or anything that takes more than 4 days to raise is just unreasonable to ask of anyone who isn't on the game 18 hours a day. I know it would break the timeline but come on, don't want to have to wait till next year to be able to raise stuff correctly, or stop my dinos from drowning/dying whenever I get off.

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The worst part of baby dinos starving to death hours in is that i'd have to log off before any more I could hatch would be juvenile so a starving baby means 24 hour delay before trying again. Didn't used to be an issue hatching whenever since if I had to log off in 5 hours I could cryo the baby halfway but now it is an issue. 

With my Aspergers it makes my short term memory bad so even sitting there staring at a baby for hours it's very easy for them to die before I know they are hungry since there's no indicator of how long the small amount they can hold will last. First indicator of them needing to be fed again is the death notification. 

I basically have no way to breed up an army to fight bosses when over 90% of my babies die within the first few hours and it takes too many hours to get them old enough to eat from troughs to be able to do any breeding most days.

This is just with egg dinos too not even mentioning the 8 hour Gestation of a Megatherium that with the lag atm is over 10 hours followed by 9 hours 15 mins which is more like 12 hours to go from baby to juvenile. There's no way I can do anything like 22 hours to breed just one of those which I need for the first boss without cryopods for when I need to log off. Even without the lag that'd still be 17 hours. I play games alot but even so I can't be on for 17 hours in one sitting. I'd have to log off within the first 2 to 4 hours of a Megatherium baby being born at which point by the time I can log in again 8 or 9 hours later they'd of died before reaching juvenile. This also assumes I started that 17 hour gestation and baby period the moment I wake up in the morning and play all day non stop doing nothing but staring at them.

Without lag Megatherium would be ok assuming my memory doesn't make them starve early on but only if I can cryopod them within a few hours after they are born which on official isn't a thing until they add cryopods.

Might not be a problem for tribes with multiple players but alone i'm finding it impossible to breed.

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14 hours ago, Hurebhsdyrgsg said:

Let's be honest ur not forced to breed and raise dinos. We all know some need to be raised because u can't tame some creatures. But u know there aren't cryopods available right now so don't breed if u can't comment to the time it takes to raise the babies. Simple as

I can commit to the time for some that have shorter baby periods just not the long ones.

On 11/5/2023 at 6:38 AM, Yggdrassil said:

I think if it is that much of an issue you may need to wait until mid/late next year because cryos will come with extinction (if they stick to the original plan)

That doesn't get around 90% of them dying without me even realizing until it's too late. There's no timer for how long the 60 berries in the Theri will last when it can only hold 60 or the like and outside their inventory there's no visual indication of it until they keel over dead. If I knew how long the number of berries they could hold would last I could set alarms/timers to remind me to refill them but without that I basically leave it up to chance every time and 9/10 babies I mess up once which kills them wasting hours.

The babies starving was the main reason for the thread I made and now it's been merged into this "please add cryopods" thread making it harder for me to get help on the main issue I was posting to ask about since the whole threads about cryopods instead of about how to stop babies starving. Theri I could raise if I could get past baby stage without them starving because their baby stage can at least be done in a day.

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On 11/27/2023 at 9:16 AM, Peteed1 said:

I can commit to the time for some that have shorter baby periods just not the long ones.

That doesn't get around 90% of them dying without me even realizing until it's too late. There's no timer for how long the 60 berries in the Theri will last when it can only hold 60 or the like and outside their inventory there's no visual indication of it until they keel over dead. If I knew how long the number of berries they could hold would last I could set alarms/timers to remind me to refill them but without that I basically leave it up to chance every time and 9/10 babies I mess up once which kills them wasting hours.

The babies starving was the main reason for the thread I made and now it's been merged into this "please add cryopods" thread making it harder for me to get help on the main issue I was posting to ask about since the whole threads about cryopods instead of about how to stop babies starving. Theri I could raise if I could get past baby stage without them starving because their baby stage can at least be done in a day.

That is the way ark is, you can however calculate this yourself

  1. See how long it takes the dino to eat 1 food by watching its inventory.
  2. Calculate how long the food on its inventory will last (if it takes 1 minute to eat 1 berry and you 50 berries in its inventory then you have 50 minutes until it begins to starve)
  3. Allow for spoilage https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Spoilage and also server lagg is an issue also.
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On 11/27/2023 at 9:16 AM, Peteed1 said:

I can commit to the time for some that have shorter baby periods just not the long ones.

That doesn't get around 90% of them dying without me even realizing until it's too late. There's no timer for how long the 60 berries in the Theri will last when it can only hold 60 or the like and outside their inventory there's no visual indication of it until they keel over dead. If I knew how long the number of berries they could hold would last I could set alarms/timers to remind me to refill them but without that I basically leave it up to chance every time and 9/10 babies I mess up once which kills them wasting hours.

The babies starving was the main reason for the thread I made and now it's been merged into this "please add cryopods" thread making it harder for me to get help on the main issue I was posting to ask about since the whole threads about cryopods instead of about how to stop babies starving. Theri I could raise if I could get past baby stage without them starving because their baby stage can at least be done in a day.

The only way ur gonna raise any creature that needs best part of a week to fully raise any quicker would be during events and the current rates being 1.5 aren't gonna do much to help. The event this weekend extra life will have very high boosted servers for potentially 24 hrs so that's ur chance to do it any time soon. Assuming ur available to play Saturday night and Sunday morning 

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Warning! (This is bitter sweet, I enjoy the game but sometimes we need to speak up and its not always going to be nice.)

We all knew this was going to be a show in a half from day one. So, I'm going to try and not so much "Complain" but inform you of the things that need to be SERIOUSLY taken into consideration.

Servers ARE TRASH, absolute garbage, premium filth if you will. When its not crashing, I'm instead faced with numerous differed failed messages just trying to login, varied between server full - full on error codes - connections timeouts. 

BEYOND FRUSTRATED, I work all day and all I wanna do is sit back and relax, playing a game with the friends.

SPOILER ALERT: Cant do that with ARK.

Now, the biggest reason why I'm so frustrated with this is because at this time I'm also in the midst of raising babies. Guess they are going to die or I'm going to miss the imprints now because I cant log online. Even more frustrating when I've already successfully logged in EVERY 8 HOURS between and during sleep and work! If I can commit to your game, then WHY CANT YOU COMMIT to your PLAYERS! 

Here is some possible fixes:



Sorry if this seemed harsh but I've been with Ark Survival Evolved since its first steps and I'm starting to hit my breaking point with ascended.

This is NOT your first rodeo, KINDLY get your crap together!

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